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Daring Doo and the quest for the silver statue (Idea, RPers needed)

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So, I thought I'd make a Daring Doo thread because there's a lack of them here. The story is your basic Indiana Jones-esque plot. Daring goes looking for the mysterious Silver Statue, a sacred artifact loated in a temple deep in a myserious land where the ancient Deer tribe lives. The Silverhoof tribe, a tribe made up of tall, red, tan or grey-coloured deer with, you guessed it, silver hooves (and antlers as well). Daring meets up with the cheif to ask if she can look in the temple for the statue, when he (or she) agrees, Daring and a small party of Silverhoofs, including the chief, enter the temple. After escaping a serise of traps and solving riddles, they reach where the statue must be -but it's gone! Somepony or somedeer must have taken it. So they all go out on a quest to find it.

I need RPers for the tribe, mostly the members who go out with Daring, one for the chief, and maybe some other ponies or deer or other equines they meet along the way. Who knows, maybe even a love interest or two.

Anyone interested?

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Oh oh can I be like a voodoo priestess, nightGhost, my all black mate with 'star' markings and ghostly white almost teansparent mane and tail. She is a unicorn for this rp and lives in a tree house just outside the Silverhoof village and that is the first place they go to ask help so she joins them?

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Name: Bumble B.

Age: Stallion

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Appearance: post-4183-0-70096900-1342076619_thumb.jp

History: Bumble grew up with a family of beekeepers and everybody thought his cutie mark meant he'd follow the family business. Nope. It just means he's got bees in the brain. And much like a bee, he travels great distances in search of nectar: in this case treasure. He's a total klutz with good intentions and will hopefully find a job he can actually do someday.

Teehee! That was fun to make!~

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Nah, I haven't RP'd as a mare before. gender flipping!

Name: Dawn Essence

Age: Mare

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus

Appearance: post-4186-0-43409300-1342109914_thumb.pn

Breif history (Just who they are and why they're there): Dawn likes traveling, as scared as she is. She likes finding 'safer paths around', and is quite good at it. Dawn is most likely going to be miss "It's a trap!"

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make sure you're in "more reply options"

at the bottom there's "attach an image"

when it's attached, on the right side of the screen there's the option to "add to post"

just put the code wherever you want the picture to show up in the post :)

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No, but I thought they could have a little magic. Like their antlers hold magic like a unicorn's horn, only it's nature magic. They make the trees and plants grow in the spring and tend to them in the summer, then in winter they shed their antlers and everything goes into hibernation while they work on tending to the tribe and building shelter.

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okay! Um... so I just... say her name and I'm up on the list? OH Wait, there was a form wasn't there...? *looks it up*

Here it is!

Name: Chief Sylva Silverhoof

Age: Adult

Gender: Doe (Female)

Species: Silverhoof Deer

Appearance: post-4205-0-27819100-1342204291_thumb.jp

Brief history: Sylva became chief not just by inheritance but because of her wisdom, strength, and many other things. Back when she was still growing as a fawn, a fire had struck their forest. Everyone was panicked except her. She merely looked at it in awe and then got an idea. She ordered everyone to calm down, using a loud voice. Soon, they began following her instructions to put out the fire and how to save the creatures in it. She oversaw all of the operation along with her father who was chieftain but he ended up getting too bold and a falling, flaming tree fell on him, killing him instantly. When everything was said and done, they realized he wasn't there. When they found him, he was dead. Her mother boldly took up the position but as soon as Sylva was old enough, she switched the position of Chief over to Sylva for her many leadership traits. Soon, her mother left the tribe without a word and it left Sylva heartbroken but she has remained a strong if somewhat silent leader for the Silverhoof tribe.

Name: Timber Silverhoof

Age: Teenager

Gender: Stag (Male)

Species: Silverhoof Deer

Appearance: post-4205-0-95066600-1342212858_thumb.pn

Brief history: Timber was born during the reign of his mother as she was pregnant with him just before the fire happened. When she left, he was left in the care of his older sister who is teaching him how to be the next chief as it's usually the stags who lead the tribe. She wants to stick to traditions.

Name: Blaze Runner

Age: Adult

Gender: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Appearance: post-4205-0-50123900-1342213531_thumb.pn

Brief history: Blaze Runner is a sucker for adventure and doesn't want to 'settle down'. He enjoys racing anything and everything but he's not called Blaze Runner for nothing! His travels, with not settling down, have led him here to a forest deer tribe. Seeing they could use some help, he has stuck around to help them, using his strength, speed, and agility to help them out where he can. He plans on leaving them soon though. His eyes are as bright yellow as stars and his cutie mark is this:


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^ If you like, that would be great. :D

Okie doke! I hope more people get interested in this. :)

I think I'll make a male equine or a younger brother for Sylva as well... unsure. What do you suggest?

Whatever you like. :) Doesn't matter to me, though we do need more tribe members to get going.

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