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[Sweet Apple Acres] Never A Day Off (PM)

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The orchard was mercifully silent. The apple trees were bucked, the field tilled and seeds planted. No cider was to be sold and the storage was empty due to the recent Apple Kiss. Nothing was to be sold and it was going to be a rare off day at Sweet Apple Acres. Whatever Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Mac were up doing, Apple Bloom could only say she had not seen them since the morning. She loved her family but they spent such an excessive amount of time working and living together that on off-days, they swiftly sought as much time as possible for their private lives. For Apple Bloom, this ended up with her doing the best impression she could of her big sister, sitting against the tree with a single wheat stalk jutting out of her mouth as she gazed lazily across the orchard.

Of course, she did not plan on this for long. It wasn't just an off-day at the orchard, there wasn't any school either. All the fillies and colts were bound to be tearing up town in their adorable ways, and she expected a few rather specific ones to eventually make their way to the clubhouse which rested stoicly nearby. Her eyes flickered to it once or twice, the sheer volume of delicious ideas and activities contained inside being far too inviting to deny for long. Once her friends got here, chances were she'd be quickly shedding this relaxed veneer.

Because there were days you had off from school, but worked. There were days you had off from school, but not work. The best days you had off from both.

But there was never a day off from Crusading.

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