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A few friends and I are trying to create a definitive list all 52 episodes, thus far, and how they rank in five categories, and on average. The two parters are treated like they are in production, as two separate episodes. All are on a scale of 1-10, 1 does not mean it is bad, just not as good as the rest. Please, for an indication of how the episode tranks as opposed to other episodes, you need to use a one at least once in your rankings. The categories and explanations follow:

Story: Self explanatory, the story, how was it? Was it original? Funny? Did you like it?

Lesson: How was the lesson that was in this episode? If it is a part of a two parter, simply use the lesson from part 2.

Visuals: Did the visuals help or hinder the storytelling? Did it use a unique visual style? Did a new town fit in with how you imagined it would look? This is where you rate visuals

Songs: If applicable, how were the songs, on average? Did they help the story? Hinder it? Did they fit what they were meant to fit? That sort of thing.

Overall: THIS IS NOT THE AVERAGE! AVERAGES ARE TO BE HANDLED BY US! This is where YOU rank the episode overall. Regardless of what you gave as ratings above. Some people prefer story, and don't care about the lesson, so a lesson may be rated a 2, but overall, that does not effect the episode to them. We want that taken into affect.

Please, put your rating in spoilers to keep page length down. Do not worry about averaging you scores, we will take care of that. Also, go into each episode fresh. Don't say an episode has a great story because it revolves around your favorite pony, don't rate Last Roundup great just because it has Derpy, etc. Lastly, please have fun! It is ponies, after all!

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