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Rhumbullion's Introduction!


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About Myself: I play the banjo, I live in Portland, OR. Studying to be a teacher, love plants,and have green hair IRL.

How I found Canterlot.com: MLP:FiM Wiki Link

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I wanted to see what all the hype was about, so I sat down and watched it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Afternoon all! Real creative post title, eh? Yeah...I could not think of anything else. I am kind of brain dead from my accounting final that is still not done.

I found this site via a link on the MLP:FiM wiki site. I am a member of the MLP:FiM forums elsewhere at mlpforums.com, but the crowd I am meeting there seems to have too short of an attention span for me, if that makes sense. I try to start conversations to get to know people and I get one word replies and people telling me they did not even read nor do they care to read my posts because they are too long. It makes me a little sad, honestly. So I am looking for a place where people are a mite more considerate than that. :/

I am an adult, yes. In college, studying to be a teacher and I watch a child's cartoon. XP I play the banjo, I have green hair, I love my cats, my boyfriend, and my plants. I am pretty much an open book, even though most people think I do not like them when we first meet. I am just a bit rough on the edges.

My icon is my inner pony. Her name is Mud Puddle. :)

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>n< Ninja'd I just went to go get the link.

Anyway, welcome to Canterlot! I know that feeling of no-one caring to read something you posted. 3 lines is apparently TL:DR for some people :/ But those people are not here. :D Have a great time. ^^

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I will keep an eye on this thread so I can go back to it when I am done with this annoying final. That is assuming I do not just go straight to bed. I am tired and I just sneezed three times in a row and got the chills which is usually a sign that I am going to get sick. Plus the weather has been really wonky here. 80 one day, 50 the next. Gotta love the pacific north west /pinkie pie rant.

What does TL:DR mean? Pardon my ignorance.

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