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The Way of the Voice (PRIVATE except for NovaArkwing.)


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Before, I begin, this is to be a private thread. anyone wanting to join WILL message me.( Not You, Nova.)

"Okay, so you want to learn more about the Thu'um? Well, friend, you're in luck! I, Allanon Freeman, shall educate you in whatever you wish to know!

But beware. The Thu'um is a very powerful thing, and is not to be taken lightly." Allanon said darkly. "I have seen wars start because of it, and whole races gone extinct because of it. Now. What is it you would like to know?"

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"Very well. I shall start with how to read a Word of Power. A Word of Power is always going to be written in the Dragon language, so you cannot grasp it's power unless you come to understand it. I'll cast out the first word of the fire Breath Shout." Allanon said calmly. He then spoke a single word: "Yol." As he spoke the word, it appeared on the ground.

"This word means 'Fire' in our language." Allanon said.

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"It can be used on it's own, but it won't be as powerful as all three words combined. The other words- Toor and Shuul- are what complete the shout." Allanon answered. As he said the other two words, they appeared next to 'Yol'.

"Toor means 'Inferno' , and 'Shuul' means 'Sun'. If you say it in order- Yol Toor Shuul - then you will be able to burn anything in your path. There are many other Destruction Shouts like this, but this one is among the most basic."

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" Go ahead. I prepared a target already." Allanon said, pointing at the scarecrow nearby. "Shout whenever you feel like you are good and ready."

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  • 2 months later...

A green pegasus, who has been hiding in the nearby forest, suddenly comes out and sprints beside Nova.

[colour=#008000]"Yol Toor Shuul!"[/colour]

He Shouts, and flames spring forth from his mouth, engulfing the scarecrow.

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(I've been waiting for you to reply Nova!!)

Allanon looks at the newcomer and says "Was I talking to you? I didn't think so." He focuses his magic glass eye on Nova as his organic eye looks the stranger over.

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The pegasus suddenly looks sheepish.

[colour=#008000]"My apologies... I've been researching the Thu'um for a long time. Well, as much research as a Nord can do. I heard about this place. I just had to check it out. And he was taking so long.. I couldnt help myself."[/colour]

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Allanon says "Can't say I blame you. You never know what that scarecrow could have been actually."

He then turns to a clear area, and Shouts "FLIIK LO SAH!", and an ethereal form of the scarecrow appears.

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Allanon replies "It is an ethereal form. They are similar to ghosts, but more docile. The ectoplasms in ghosts causes them to be more hostile. But, my ghostbusting lessons will have to wait. It is a graaf kopraan..."

He looks at the form for a second, then Shouts "STRUN BAH QO!!" A shower of lightning and rain promptly arrives, the lightning striking the summoned form.

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"To be a konahrik of the Thu'um, one must master all fields of the Thu'um. Destruction and Illusion Shouts alike." Allanon said as he observed the ethereal form, which faded after a while.

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