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I just saw Rango!


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HNNNNNNNNNNNNNG SO GOOD. Not your frou-frou typical kid happy animation. All nitty-gritty, creepy, and sometimes gross. I loved it.

I thought my favorite character was going to be that crazy Armadillo guy we first meet but soon as I met Snake Jake... I swooned. What a wicked sweet bad guy. I loved almost everything about him, I could care less for the colored-on mustache they gave him. lol

But wow I wasn't expecting that movie to be as trippy as it was. I'm very interested in how they went about making it, I hope I can get my hands on the art book! I'm a sucker for these books. I love collecting them. <3

Did any of you see it yet? What did you think of it? Favorite character?

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I saw it. Wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be. And I was constantly confused as to what exactly some of those characters were suppose to be. Rango also being upset about losing his plastic toys(friends) rather than about no longer having a home made me go "hmm...".

I did like it though, despite all that. Fav characters are Rango and Jake.

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Just saw it today.

Never have I been so wrong about a movie in my life. My God, I LOVED it.

The amount of DETAIL put in and the MUSIC SCORE, it took all of my strength to keep myself from having the biggest geek out ever.

The plot was a bit lacking in certain points, but everything pulled together in the end quite nicely.

Snake Jake is definitely a favorite. The character design on him, the little things, and just his whole concept screamed AWESOME. Rango is also up there.

That being said, I really did love Beans and the little possum gal whose name I forget at the moment. Great female characters always bring a smile on my face.

Altogether awesome movie. And I second Ashi's thoughts on the art book.


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I saw this with a couple of friends last Sunday, mostly because I haven't been to the movies in forever and one of them expressed interest in the trailer a couple months ago so I convinced them to go.

We all really enjoyed it, though! And my friends have pretty refined standards (unlike myself, who basically finds something to like in everything), so that said a lot to me. Looking at the promotional screenshots and pictures and stuff I was kind of irked by the asymmetry of a lot of the designs (Rango's, for example) but it played out really well once I could see everything moving. Everything looks better when it's actually going than it does in still shots, right? The animation was just beautiful. I want to see it again! I can forgive a lot if the animation is great because I'm such a visually-oriented person, but this movie was clever and dramatic to boot.

My favorite characters had to have been Rango and Rattlesnake Jake, like you guys. I'm usually a villain fan but very rarely does the actual protagonist take one of my favorite spots- usually I latch onto a side or supporting character or something, but Rango was so well-developed for a main character in a kid's movie, I thought.

... and aaaaaaa there's an art book!? I wonder if my local Books-A-Million has it... They didn't have the How to Train Your Dragon or Avatar: The Last Airbender artbooks but they do carry stuff for things nobody cared about (like Prince of Persia) and stuff that everybody seemed to like/was cool to hate (JC's Avatar) so it's kinda hard to tell what they're going to do.

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Where I work we have TVs that play some entertainment hooey on a loop, and one of the things in this loop is a review of Rango that says, I kid you not, "It's not the best movie, but it's good enough, so... go see it!" What a rave review, eh?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw Rango a few weeks ago because all the reviews on Fandango were either raving about it or were angry mothers who were upset that it was "too scary" or "too slow" or "too adult" for Little Precious. The angry mother reviews were what convinced me to go. I'm a bad person like that.

I ended up actually loving it. The animation was beautiful, the score was fantastic, and the voice acting was seamless.

My favorite character was probably the hawk. He was wonderfully animated, and I loved that his design was very realistically done, but still had a wide range of expression. The little possum gal was my second favorite; she was so creepy-cute!

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