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Noble [Final]

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Name: Noble

Age: Teen Dragon

Sex: Dragoness

Eye Color: Indigo

Scales: Green scales over most of her body, bloodred scales for her belly, and red wings with green trim.

Horns/Claws: Gold horns curving upwards from the sides of her crown. Gold claws on her hands and feet.

Additional Appearance Notes: Noble wears a set of silver bracers on her wrists and ankles.

Physique: Average height and weight for a young teen dragon.

Origin: Dragon Mt.

Residence: Garden Gait

Occupation: Freelance Dock Worker

Motivation: Getting enough money together to build her own dream house where she can open a place to aid the needy.

Likes: Helping others, catfish, flying, being prompt and a good drink.

Dislikes: Others without a sense of humor, mean folk, poverty, milk, lateness and tap water.

History: Noble was born on Dragon Mountain to her parents, a studious couple who were setting off on her birthday to see the world outside of the usual rough-and-tumble rituals of dragonkind's day to day life to hold them back. They moved around for a few years before settling on Canterlot, and making the city their home. Noble was skilled at delivering things at a young age, and her mother saw this, and worked to get her into the EPS (Equestrian Parcel Service), where she worked after she became old enough to fly on her own. She left home at some point, and took up freelance dock work, wanting to make a living for herself at first. The more unhappy lives she saw in her time amongst many different places in Equestria, Noble decided she wanted to give them a place too. A shelter of sorts, until they can get on their feet.

Flaws: Noble can be generous to a fault, and give up much of herself to make others happy. She can overextend herself in her giving, appearing as a pushover at times. Or even just in her work. Noble knows her limits, but never goes by them, which usually ends up with her being on the receiving end of some less than favorable amounts of time to get things done, because she's usually filling up her schedule too much.

Personality: Noble is very positive toward others, refusing to see the bad in them, however glaring it can be. At the same token, she doesn't tolerate laziness. She has great hopes for the future, and her dream and maybe even a love life. Although the last one is more an abstract thought that she's much to busy to consider seriously.

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Hey Allura, it looks like you have the foundation for your dragon here, but I'm confused on a few issues.

About her parents: Are they on some kind of expedition? The sentence is kind of confusing. Where are they going that they couldn't take a flighted teenager with them? How is it relevant that they left on her birthday?

Occupation: You say she is good at 'retrieving' things. Do you mean that she's good at flying with loads, or finding things and returning them? You also mention her working for EPS, but put her occupation as dock worker. Has she changed jobs, or is the dock job the same job?

Finally, I think she needs some clarification in her goals. She wants to 'help the needy.' Do you mean helping poor creatures? How does she want to do this? Are you talking about her building like a soup kitchen? A clinic? A shelter?

If you can clear up some of these questions, we can get Noble closer to approval.

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Okay. I've retconned her bottle fairy tendencies now. At this point, I really don't want to have to add much more. Her app is short, sweet and to the point. Granted, I know that there are rules, so give me the next prompt.

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