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My Little Ghostbusters


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This is a humanized thread, so that certain things make sense.

Equestria usually seems like a calm, quiet place. Not much conflict, but no hostility. Things are different at night. At night, the spirits of the dead rise and wreak havoc. For a long time, this has been an issue.

Until now.

Mandaline walked down the street, towards the house broker. After a few moments, she had bout herself a house, and had started making modifications. She started building a sign, which had a ghost being crossed by a "don't" symbol. She looked at it with satisfaction, and walked inside the building, hanging a "Now hiring" Sign.

Mandaline sat behind the desk, wearing her khaki jumpsuit, and waited.

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((oh my god I LOVE GHOSTBUSTER'S i know alot about it plus i have the movie's the hotwheel ecot mobile and the jumpsuit and the video game)

a pony named applezoom was looking for a job just something to do since he got layed off at his last place he saw the for hire sign in the building he opened the door and said "hello?"

as he walked in the building he didn't know if anyone was inside "i saw your sign"

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Mandaline looked at the phone on the desk as it began to ring. She quickly picked it up, saying "This is Mandaline Freeman, you have just contacted the Ghostbusters. How may we be of assistance?"

After a few minutes on the phone, Mandaline looked at Applezoom. "Friend, get your suit and proton pack on. We have a job to do in the Town Hall."

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applezoom pulled out his p.k.e meter started to scan he got near the elavator it started to rise then h pushed the button and got in he looked up the pke bar's rised "MANDELINE! I FOUND IT BIG SPIKE'S!" he waited for mandaline in the elavator

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applezoom said that they shousld split up so they did then while they were wlking he noticed his pke started to rise higher and higher then he saw it then he picked up his radio "uhh mandaline i see it it's munhing on food?" he said he looked confused but the ghost didn't se him who would've of known a actual full moving living eating phantom "man i don't want to know what he looked like when he was alive"

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