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My Little Ghostbusters


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as phantom flew around town applezoom kept firing at it but stopping so he doesn't hurt anyone "man how long can these thing 's run?" he asked while chasing it down next to mandaline

as he took the last shot HE HIT IT! the proton stream wrapped around the phantom stopping "TRAP QUICKLY GET THE TRAP"

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"You have to wear it out first! It won't go into the trap just like that! Think of it as wrangling cattle!" Mandaline replies, wrapping her own stream around the phantom. She swings the wand, smashing the ghost against the walls of the buildings and the ground. She then says "NOW we can ready the trap, now that it hasl less fight to it."

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(IRL: peter: somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it?(im sorry but thats one of my favorite lines)

"wait if they don't look human then how are they ghost? that's what i want to know" applezoom asked mandaline as they zoomed through ponyville

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