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I was hoping to make myself a ponysona and even turn him into an OC for roleplays. This would require the same working status but...I've got a part time job in a brewery...

I remember a while back someone told me that alcohol was allowed in the mane RP, I think it was Mylittleponytales, but I'd like to ask again just to make sure, incase anythings changed :)


Hmm, from what I recall of RP policy, alcohol is allowed to an extent; Berry Punch, after all, makes her way producing largely alcoholic beverages in the RP. What we have a problem with is when more serious related topics like alcoholism are brought into the RP. That sort of thing isn't what we want to dea with directly in our World of Equestria.


Ah! That makes alot of sense. Well im pretty sure im no alcoholic so what I plan to do should be fine :) Thanks for the help XD

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