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A Nature Expedition (QueenChrysalis747 and TheInvisiblePony)


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Fantasy watched intently as the pegasus stepped into the water. As he smiled, she gave an inwards sigh of relief that it was not apparently that cold. As she needed no convincing beyond that, it was a few seconds before she dipped into the water, although hers was less of a headstrong dive and more happy trot into the water. Perhaps not that terribly exciting to look at, but that was not her chief concern.

First thing she noticed - the water was actually surprisingly warm. Not that warm, more like a few degrees above an average temperature, but definitely warm compared to what she had expected. [colour=#800080]"And this place just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?"[/colour] She said, half jokingly, half serious. Swimming over towards his area, she stopped upon getting close. It was at this point when she realized that they were currently in a body of water, and so with the resources at hand, she playfully splashed him.

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Fantasy winced from surprise as she caught the brunt of Darkness' retaliation splash, chuckling as she wiped a little water from her eye. Quickly getting the nuances of what she had started, she blinked a few times and spoke in a light-hearted . [colour=#800080]"So its on, is it? Very well, I'd hate to disappoint!"[/colour] She continued chuckling as splashed back. After a quick-hoofed response, Fantasy looked around the circular pond in an attempt to make a quick movement, but she was unable to think of a next move.

Mainly because she was laughing a bit to hard too think tactically, really.

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Fantasy, in her mirth, neglected to pay a terrible amount of attention towards Darkness, which would very quickly become something she regarded as a mistake. As she looked to her side, she felt a large downpour of solid water dumping on her head, altogether throughout soaking both her coat and her mane, even more so given that, besides the few splashes she received earlier, they weren't actually that wet. Despite this, she was not terribly shocked by the sudden pouring. Rather, as the water quickly slid down back into the pond, her mouth formed into a slightly crooked grin, giving a knowing look and implying a sly plan.

The truth was much less elegant.

Figuring that having water pretty much placed on her was the current extent of the splash war, her natural adventurer (as she would later justify it) desired to explore the boundaries. Essentially, she just figured escalation of water warfare was necessary. Regretfully, she lacked wings or unicorn magic, so the obvious revenge was out of the picture. With the grin still on her face, she allowed herself to slowly submerge beneath the water, not unlike an airship descending beneath the cloud line. Upon going completely underwater, she made a quick dart forward and made a quick grab for one of Darkness's hooves, and made another quick motion downwards, hoping to completely dunk him in the water for a brief. Nothing sinister, as she immediately let go after this, just a brief, one-second forced immersion would do.

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Darkness smiled as he felt his hoof grabbed and flung his wings around his body as he went down. Upon release of his leg he surfaced and went up into the air a bit and spread his wings wide. This rained droplets everywhere, not that he was actually trying to hit her, more as a dry off and smiled as he slowly glided back down into the water

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Fantasy smiled as she watched Darkness burst from the water, before quickly shielding her face with her hoof. The droplets from the flight burst pretty much everywhere, including in her direction. Not that shielding herself helped her in any way, given that she was thoroughly covered from head to hoof in water already. It was really more of an instinct thing, and while up she reasoned that she probably deserved that one, but she was still fairly happy with the deed that caused the small explosion of water. He didn't seem to be upset at all, so that was just a bonus.

As she realized the droplets had stopped, she lowered her hoof and looked up only to see Darkness gliding back into the water. Smiling broadly and suppressing a playful laugh, she started to speak [colour=#4B0082]"You know, you looked quite in place up there. Probably goes hand in hand with the wings. Take it as an Earth Pony's admiration."[/colour] Letting the chuckle slip out a little, she followed a brief laughter by adding [colour=#800080]"And a touch of jealousy, might I add. I can only imagine what flight is like, really."[/colour]

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"We could always ask Moonlite, she might be able to find a way to give you temporary wings," he said to her as he went to shore and stretched out and shook of lightly this time as smiled back at her, "she is pretty good at magic ya know,"

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Fantasy paused to think that one through for a few seconds. Her... with wings? She had expressed slight jealousy seconds before, but she wasn't quite sure if she could actually see herself with wings, even temporary ones. Also, she was mildly surprised to hear this Moonlite's name again. The more Fantasy learned of her, the higher Darkness' opinion seemed to grow of her. She had to be awfully nice, but that was a meeting that would probably take place at a later date.

Then she went back to mulling over the wings. She was aware of the spell, having read many a magic tome over her life, but she wasn't quite keen on the details, or anything besides the spell giving you wings. Still floating around in the water, she spoke [colour=#800080]"I've half a mind to agree with that proposition. The other half is firmly rooted to the ground."[/colour] She paused and gave a small smile, [colour=#800080]"Of course, being firmly rooted anywhere only works so long, so consider it a deal."[/colour] She looked around at the water, and the wonderful scenery one last time, before concluding with [colour=#800080]"But of course, we really don't have to leave now. Whenever you're ready, I'd be inclined to, but otherwise staying works fine with me as well."[/colour]

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"I actually usually don't see her until near sunrise," he said as he stretched and laid down happily and smile at her, "She works at library till late then sleeps then when she wakes I go and stop by, breakfast as what not," he explained as he smiled at her and yawned.

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[colour=#800080]"Fair enough. Sunrise is an excellent time of day."[/colour] She nodded, as she decided to step out of the pool. Upon reaching the shore - deliberately a distance away from Darkness - she planted her four hooves firmly on the ground and shook the water off, not thinking much of it. Besides, she hardly had a towel or somesuch thing, so she excused the shaking (she always considered it slightly impolite, and did it only when necessary).

Looking at him yawn, she inquired [colour=#800080]"Are you a bit tired?"[/colour] She tilted her head slightly, asking mainly out of curiosity. Now that she was fairly dry, she walked over to the spot where he was sitting, but seeing as how she was still rather wet she stayed put a few hoofsteps away.

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Fantasy paused again at the kiss, still finding it new, and so she followed his gaze up towards the stars. As she did so, she was instantly reminded why she preferred night to day. Somehow, the sky always seemed more... spacious. There was more room in the sky itself. How else could it get so many stars in? Regardless, she always felt at home in the night. She herself was not terribly tired as of yet, but she understood why Darkness would be. She didn't think he would be terribly accustomed to the night life, seeing as how he had places to be even by sun rise.

Smiling as she looked up, she stood there for a moment stargazing, as well as getting distracted with her own thoughts, but eventually she looked back towards Darkness. Not wanting to seem impolite, she decided to feign being tired herself. [colour=#800080]"I guess I can see your point."[/colour] Stressing the point, she put her hoof up to stifle a yawn.

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[colour=#800080]"Fair enough, although I may be a while before I sleep myself."[/colour] She smiled at him, and then looked around the clearing. Spotting her hat and cloak, she figured an offer was in order.[colour=#800080] "If you think you'll pass out, you're welcome to borrow my cape. It makes quite a nice makeshift blanket."[/colour] She smiled kindly at Darkness, before looking back up to the sky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(OOC: Sorry 'bout the lack of activity. I've been slightly out of it)

[colour=#800080]"As you wish"[/colour] Fantasy continued smiling, and stretched happily for a brief moment before slowly walking over to where her cape was draped across the clearing's floor. She moved slowly so as to avoid making a ruckus of herself, and thus disturb Darkness, which she didn't want to do in the slightest. Upon reaching the nostalgic piece of fabric, she picked it up by one of the corners and turned back towards the now curled up Pegasus.

Continuing the relaxed pace, it took her a good few seconds to get back towards Darkness, despite there being little actual distance there. She would have said something at that moment, but she was using her mouth to hold the blanket, so even had she had something important to say, it would have muffled. Trying to match the pace and temperament she had but a moment earlier, Fantasy gently draped the blanket over the pegasus, then took a step back to admire her handiwork, as well as the stallion currently resting underneath it.

Satisfied, she whispered out [colour=#800080]"I hope that'll do. Its not much, but it doesn't look like you have much in the shape of blankets around her anyways." [/colour]With that, she turned back around and through the darkness located her hat, which rested in the same spot her cape was in. Although it matched the night around her, she never had any trouble spotting it, mainly though experience. Again, she walked the brief distance across the clearing, and picked up the hat. Putting it on with a slight tilt, she stood in the spot for a minute, frowning thoughtfully. With a realization, she realized the hat was backwards, and she addressed the problem with a slight chuckle.

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He slept soundly, curling up a bit into the cape, delicately though and began to snore so quietly it was more of a heavy breathing, and his chest rose and fell calmly. He was out cold, he was exhausted, he hadn't been this active in such a long time, but it was fun anyhow. As he slept he had weird dreams, most not making sense, but they all shared one thing, Fantasy was there, whether it was an adventure in Stalliongrad, or him graduated from the Wonderbolt academy, she was there.

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Fantasy stood there for a moment, and watched. Of course, simply watching something, even somepony you love, can be difficult to do without thinking as well, be it about the somepony in question or something completely different. In this set of circumstances Fantasy was thinking about the somepony in question, this somepony of course being Darkness. Watching the sort-of-snore was enough to put her at ease, and keep her thoughts from being unpleasant after all ease can be quite contagious. So, as she stood there, she decided to think of how content she was. Well, mayhaps content was a bit of an understatement, but she found it to be a good word.

One thing she did notice, was that he was taking to the cape quite well, which probably meant he was at least slightly serious about asking her to fetch it, as well as being playful. Not wanting to disturb the sleeping pegasus, she looked back up towards the sky, specifically towards the moon. She could remember a time when there was a mare on the moon, and only one princess on the throne, even though it was a while back. She could also remember when she would go into tombs, and have adventures and such by her self. The two were comparable only in that having a second pony join you was decidedly better than being alone.

With that in mind, she felt better having given those thoughts time to think themselves out, and looking down, she concluded he was probably too heavy of a sleeper to mind herself. Laying down, she nuzzled up next to him, and began to rest her eyes herself.

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[sorry for not posting sooner]

Darkness slept quite soundly as the night went on, he had, inadvertently, cuddle closely to Fantasy as the night went on. Soon the sun began to rise already and a small bird began to whistle as Darkness awoke he was face to face with Fantasy, he blushed heavy and scooted away a bit, slowly yawning and sitting up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still sound asleep as the sun rose, Fantasy was more or less unresponsive to the light. Over the years, she decided she never liked waking up because of sunlight, because that's just one victory the night had over the day. Waking up in the light never seemed to be better than falling asleep in relaxation. So, in a small victory against the day that some might consider silly and a little petty, Fantasy managed to figure out how to be a light sleeper to anything but light. She figured if anything should wake her up, it wouldn't be the sun.

So that's why she woke up to Darkness scooting back rather than the rise of the sun. Of course, still sleep deprived, she didn't really do much at first. Just kind of blinked, and registered that Darkness was a few hoof-steps away. Well, she was sleep deprived until that thought hit her. The promise of social activity, for better or for worse, always woke her up. Fantasy sat upright, figuring it would be rude to remain lying down, and stifled a yawn with her hoof. Blinking her eyes open for good measure, she spoke "Good morning." Mentally, she was already working out a few different things he might say, and a few different ways she could respond.

While she waited for a reply, she also glanced down at her coat and noticed the side she had been lying on was ever so slightly decorated with what she could only assume was crushed moss. Well, she couldn't have that, so she took her hoof and started trying to remove it from her coat. Awake or not, it was early enough to divert most of her attention.

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Darkness smiled warmly, "Oh I'm sorry did i wake you?" he asked her, "Didn't mean to..its just...we ended up cuddling in our sleep.." he looked down, "Didn't want to upset you that we were that close...not that it was bad..just.." he was beat red now, unsure what to say anymore so he kept quite, counting the pebbles around his hooves.

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Maybe it was because she was still a little tired, but at this point Fantasy was hardly fazed by Darkness' comment. However, her ears did perk up at the cuddling bit. Mainly, because that was definitely a first. Well, another first. Unsure of just what to say, and not wanting to stumble over her words, Fantasy fixed her gaze on the pegasus as she gathered her thoughts. Well, he had said multiple things, best answer in order. Hay, she reasoned that she could even buy enough time to try and not say anything particularly awkward.

[colour=#800080]"Please, don't feel bad about waking me. I'm a bit of a light sleeper" [/colour]She gave a small smile, hoping to calm him down even a little bit, before moving on with the conversation.

[colour=#800080]"As for the cuddling, well, if its any consolation, I don't mind. I mean to say, I was asleep so I guess I didn't even know about it..." [/colour]She facehooved after trailing off. Yup, that was more or less exactly what she wanted to avoid: an awkward turn of events. Trying to salvage the situation, she quickly removed her hand from her face and hastily added [colour=#800080]"I mean, I imagine it would be nice... but well. Yeah. I'm certainly not upset about it."[/colour] And... with that she figured she should stop talking.

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He lookeed at her, "It..its always so cute when your nervous," he grinned a bit as he kissed her cheek, "Its so cute to hear you stumble for words," he giggled a little and smiled, "So, now that we have that out of the way.." he looked at the sky, "What shall we do today?"

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