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[Manehattan] Manehattan Musical Expo (OPEN)


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Wordplay whistled lowly, then slapped herself lightly with one hoof when she caught herself. She was thinking something along the lines of, [colour=#40e0d0]Dang girl, two and a half years?[/colour][colour=#000000], but she tried not to give any further sign of her thoughts lest she be too rude. She was frankly not sure how else to handle what was doubtlessly going to be an incredibly awkward moment, but Wordplay wasn't about to wander off and leave the two alone, though the idea did make a lot of sense. She wanted to keep talking with Heart, and Heart might need Wordplay's help anyways. It's not like Wordplay even knew whether Thespian was safe or not. So she lingered on the periphery, trying her hardest not to eavesdrop.[/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]“Easy, I’m not gonna get you fired over that its fine. You really need some relax time.”[/colour] He looked at the mare with a sincere smile. [colour=#ff0000]“That’s perfectly fine; most ponies call me that anyway,”[/colour] she seemed to be very distressed.

‘[colour=#ff0000]Doesn’t look like she’s having that good of a day,’[/colour] the stallion thought to himself as a moment of awkward started to envelope the area. The crowd behind began to grow louder and closer giving breaker an idea, [colour=#ff0000]“hey be honest with me, do you really enjoy this job?”[/colour]

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((This’ll be my last post—leaving on a family vacation—so I’ll try to wrap up my involvement. It’s been a lot of fun, guys!))

Thespian didn’t notice Wordplay—then again, with Heart Song right in front of him, he probably wouldn’t have been aware of an oncoming train. What he did notice was the look in her eye—a cornered animal would have worn a similar expression. [colour=#008080]“Heart?”[/colour] he said again, in a quieter tone, truly concerned.

Heart bit her lip. [colour=#4b0082]Why am I so stiff? It’s Thes for crying out loud![/colour]Down inside, she knew what she had to say. Taking a deep breath, she said, in a barely audible, half-choked tone: [colour=#4b0082]“I-I’m sorry, Thes; I shouldn’t have left without an explanation.”[/colour]

To her eternal surprise, he moved in closer, nuzzling her mane and saying gently, [colour=#008080]“No, I’m sorry, Heart. I should’ve been able to see you were unhappy—I shouldn’t have had to ask Moonlite Frost. I should’ve seen what that place was doing to you.”[/colour]

She closed her eyes, drinking in his familiar scent, heart and mind in turmoil as she tried, for the millionth time, to come up with a way to reconcile being with Thes and avoiding Canterlot. Slowly, bits and pieces of a new idea began falling together, but she didn’t want to interrupt this precious moment with words—there would be time enough for that later.

((Exit Heart and Thes.))

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((Aw, okay then. Have fun on your trip!))

Wordplay overheard only snippets, but she could tell from the wording involved that this was more or less way too hot for her to be anywhere near right now. She'd see Heart again when she wasn't involved in drama, surely. So Wordplay quietly made her way off, back into the crowds.


Penumbra nodded and managed a yawn when Bridge said she needed rest. [colour=#808080]"Too true, too true." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra glared at the crowd that was beginning to get rowdy around them, some of them ponies whose entry she was holding up with her conversation. With a nod of deference, she started to multitask- as much as it strained her already frayed composure- and processed the line with one eye while keeping the other on Bridge. She wasn't quite crossing her eyes, but she was getting there.[/colour]

[colour=#808080]"Eh, it's just extra vacation money. Why?"[/colour]

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A slight smirk grew across his face, [colour=#ff0000]“well… if you’re up for it I could make a few requests and maybe get you back stage as personal security. I don’t really need it, but I figure getting paid to hang back stage with musicians and walk around an expo would be more interesting than taking tickets.” [/colour]

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((Anypony not engaged yet? We've downsized quite a bit, I dunno who's still on board))

Penumbra didn't really register the offer at first, distracted as she was by an annoying colt with an entitlement complex, but when he was gone she was able to mull over the idea more thoroughly. Alright, so her job right now wasn't exactly glamorous and it was tiring as heck. Penumbra loved music as much as the next mare, but she couldn't exactly enjoy it when she was stuck on the other side of soundproofed doors from the concerts. Here was her chance to get an easier job, her chance to listen to some music. And she wouldn't even lose pay. Heck, she might get more pay as a personal security guard. The question of why Bridge was offering was up in the air, but Penumbra didn't suspect anything too sketchy was going on. This was a pretty high brow and clean expo, no stranger danger here. At least, as far as Penumbra knew.

Penumbra turned back to Bridge fully while a slow moving mare slowly made her way through the doors. She was smiling, grateful for the offer. [colour=#808080]"That would be incredibly awesome of you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Her eyes then narrowed. [/colour][colour=#808080]"What's the catch?"[/colour]

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Bridge smiled at her first comment glad that she was interested, at her second question he paused for a few seconds expressionless. He lifted his shades off to look her in the eyes, [colour=#ff0000]“from dealing with my record label, and the type of jobs I had to work before I became a musician I’d say I’ve had enough ‘catches’… I just want to spend some time with a nice mare and play some music, that’s all.”[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]‘Woah. Where’d that come from?’ [/colour]The slight change in his mood confused even himself. He had been under a lot of stress from his record label just as his fellow band members, but this was the first it had really shown for him. [colour=#ff0000]“S-sorry about that, not the best day for me either I guess.”[/colour]

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A nice mare, eh? Penumbra was surprised. Normally, when people described a nice mare it was pretty much any other mare in existence besides herself. She was temperamental, and she was often unkempt. Hardly a winning combination. Especially since he himself seemed to have no idea where that had come from, Penumbra wasn't sure what to tell Bridge. She titled her head from side to side for a moment, to try and get her thoughts flowing properly.

[colour=#808080]"Eh... trust me, I can be much worse than this on my worst days. I'll do it, Bridge." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled and with a smooth flap of her wings, closed off her line, much to the irritation of the ponies lined up, who dispersed into other lines. [/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]‘Well at least I didn’t make a total fool of myself, and she did say yes.’[/colour] He went to a door holding it open and motioning for here to go first, [colour=#ff0000]“after you then.”[/colour] Getting here job switched would be easy he just had to act stuck-up and whine a little to her boss; an old trick he learned from a fellow musician.

[colour=#ff0000]“We’ll just have to have a talk with your boss then we can go wherever you’d like,”[/colour] he said trying to be as polite as he could to make a good impression.

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[colour=#808080]"Heh. Uh, thanks." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra trotted through the door that was being held open for her, flattered and unsure how else to respond. Of course, she could hold open her own doors, but it was nice to have another pony be chivalrous to her for once in her life. He seemed to be slathering it on just a bit too much, though. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Uh, you don't need to be so stiff, dude. Not like I even warrant that sort of behavior." [/colour][colour=#000000]She waited for him to catch up. [/colour][colour=#808080]"My boss is somewhere around here..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra glanced around, looking for the stallion who had made the announcement formally opening the expo. He seemed to have left in the interim, but then again there were so many ponies milling about in the hall it was impossible to tell. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Give me a moment... uh... so what do you sing?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She was trying to make conversation while she hunted around for her boss.[/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]"Oh, uhhh… ok?”[/colour] he said a little confused. [colour=#ff0000]‘Geez, what’s up with me? I’m usually not this uptight.’[/colour]

Bridge would probably be the first to admit he didn’t have that much experience talking to mares. In fact the only knowledge he had was what his father told him, not the most useful advice as it would seem. He looked around for the person he had been introduced to a few days ago. He would be in charge of security and announcing.

Hearing her question he responded still looking for her boss, [colour=#ff0000]“mostly rock but I’ve done a few heavier songs, along with some classical training that’s about it.”[/colour] He scanned the crowds but it was near impossible to spot the pony they were looking for. [colour=#FF0000]“so do you play anything, or do just like to listen?”[/colour]

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((Want me to to play the NPC?))

[colour=#808080]"S' fine, be uptight if you need to be. I'm alright with it." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra hated to admit it to even herself, but being treated well by others was pretty nice. So this is what her life might be like if she had more normal hours and the ability to maintain a decent appearance... Celestia's wings, this crowd was impossible to search through! It was like one huge blob of extremely bright colors that melded into one another. And sung, thanks to that choir. [/colour]

[colour=#808080]"No kidding, rock?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra remembered the late nights where it had just been her, a lonely mountain pass covered in fog that had to be removed before the morning was out, and a portable record player. [/colour][colour=#808080]"I don't play anything," [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra admitted. She regretted her lack of skills: she couldn't play instruments, could only play sports passably, had no cerebral training... [/colour][colour=#808080]"I like rock, metal, heavy electronica... anything with big sounds, you know? It helps me get through the nights when nopony's around."[/colour]

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((That's fine you would no how he would act better than me in this case. P.S. the colored text in apostrophes instead of quotes was meant to be his thoughts. I've recently improved my writing style so there won't be any confusion anymore. :) ))

Bridge took a quick mental breath to get his thoughts in order, just calm down that’s all I need to do, relax and be myself. He re-focused and got back to looking for Penumbra’s boss. It seemed a bit easier to focus now and he had already scanned through half the crowd certain he wasn’t in that section. He stopped searching to take in the beautiful music of choir, [colour=#ff0000]“aahhh… reminds me of my school days.”[/colour] He turned to Penumbra as she began to speak, focusing on her words intently over the sounds of the choir.

[colour=#808080]"No kidding, rock?" [/colour]He nodded confirming his previous statement. He listened to her speak about her interests in music, it sounded like a familiar story for Bridge. He had spent many nights alone after small gig’s when he first started out. Sometimes he would have a hotel other times he would have to deal with what life gave him. It was a rough start, in fact getting in this band was his first big break. Now thing were going smoother; he still didn’t have much to do outside of practice and after-parties, but he was happier. [colour=#ff0000]“Mhhmm,”[/colour] he smiled, [colour=#ff0000]“from the sound of it you either love the night life or you’re a kindred spirit. Either way I guess I can empathize with you on that… heck, I guess you could say music saved my life.”[/colour] He was silent, deep in thought with look of serenity on his face.

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[colour=#808080]"I don't know about either of those things, actually." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra saw a promising stallion in the distance, disappearing into the bathrooms, and she gestured in his direction. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Think I saw him," [/colour][colour=#000000]she explained as she started walking. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Anyways, uh... yeah, don't know about either of those things. See, I work the night shift for the weather team in Canterlot, alone. Mostly since I'm the only mare willing, since everypony else is kind of asleep at that point, or at least partying or something. But I have weird hours, so I'm always awake at night and asleep at day..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra yawned. [/colour][colour=#808080]"I was able to get some sleep this morning, so I'm not as out of it as I usually am."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]When she reached the bathrooms, Penumbra started loitering around. [/colour][colour=#808080]"So, uh... what do you mean when you say music saved your life?"[/colour]

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Bridge nodded and followed penumbra to where she motioned. He was surprised at the fact that she was the only Pegasus working night-shifts. [colour=#ff0000]“I can’t believe you work all alone. You’d think they’d have hired other ponies for such a large city.”[/colour] Bridge shook his head, [colour=#ff0000]“well, that’s an interesting job and I guess someponies gotta do it.”[/colour]

He rested against the wall closing his eyes for a second. He heard her voice; she asked the one question bridge didn’t like answering. Not that it was upsetting for him as much as it was a downer on the people he talked to. He thought for a moment looking for the right words.[colour=#ff0000] “That’s a rather long and not really happy story. I’ll tell it later on today, I’d rather not ruin the entire expo[/colour][colour=#FF0000] for you.”[/colour] He sighed slightly.

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Penumbra shrugged her shoulders slightly. [colour=#808080]"Hard to get ponies to stay up that late. Except for me, because night's when I'm supposed to be awake." [/colour][colour=#000000]She thought about her job, about the many nights she had spent alone diverting harsh mountain winds. It was cold in more ways than one, definitely. When she had first taken the job, she had been scared by shadows, echoes. Now she barely even remembered night to night, so uninteresting was the grind. Penumbra wasn't sure which one was supposed to be worse. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Well... it's interesting, to say the least..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She trailed off, her tone a bit dour. But it seemed like Bridge also had his hangups and bad subjects, if his silence on his story was anything to go by. [/colour][colour=#808080]​"Mmm, alright. That's nice of you, considering my well being." [/colour][colour=#000000]That was a statement, not sarcastic or dry, just a blunt statement. Penumbra wasn't sure what point she was trying to make.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]At this point, the head of the expo trotted out of the bathrooms. Red coat, shaved head, cutie mark of a bass clef imposed onto a treble clef. This pony was relatively famous as a rapper and producer, but his name escaped Penumbra for the moment. Penumbra nodded her head at him. [/colour][colour=#808080]"That's him, Bridge."[/colour]

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Bridge gave a slight smile at her for what he would take as a complement. When directed to the expo director he got up from his leaning position and walked past Penumbra to the director. [colour=#ff0000]“You may want to cover your ears just in case,”[/colour] he spoke softly so that only Penumbra would be able to easily hear him. Turning his attention to the director he began to catch his attention,[colour=#ff0000] “excuse me, I was hoping I could talk to you.”[/colour]

Bridge was polite but made his self seem distressed. [colour=#ff0000]“You see, I’ve been having a bit of trouble with the crowds outside. It took a good while to get in and only after one of your employees was kind enough to escort me too you. I was hoping that I could get Miss Penumbra to stay as my escort for the rest of the expo.”[/colour]

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Penumbra was confused by the request. Why the hay would she need to cover her ears? Penumbra shrugged and took the suggestion, lightly putting her forehooves up against her ears.

The stallion, identified to most only by the title West, turned to Bridge, a slightly annoyed expression on his face. He was famous for two things, his hilariously beautiful lyricism, and his massive temper. West was hard to approach, as approaching him also put one within range of his great ego. [colour=#008000]"Go on..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He considered the request, his testy expression not relenting for a moment. [/colour][colour=#008000]"You do realize we have a VIP entrance in another area of the building?" [/colour][colour=#000000]West rolled his eyes. [/colour][colour=#008000]"But if ya'll wanna hook up with one of my employees, go ahead. I've got plenty more where that came from anyways." [/colour][colour=#000000]West considered Penumbra for a moment. The slight sneer that formed on his lip indicated that he thought she wouldn't be much of a loss. [/colour][colour=#008000]"Tell her she's now your security detail. Will that be all?" [/colour][colour=#000000]​He finished brusquely. [/colour]

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Freeflight snickered a little Timbre's comment. Such a simple phrase, yet so true. You'd be surprised by the number of ponies that try to claim that don't respect what he does "Your just writing words that rhyme" or "Your music is poisoning our foals". Sure he was writing words that rhyme most of the time, but the rhyme scheme is mostly artistic flare to make the music enjoyable to the ear. The true art was translating your feelings and experiences into the right words.

"Yeah, but Ah worked so hard to get here. Young as Ah am Ah don't think Ah'd be able tah appreciate times of reprieve like this witout lookin' back at where I came from." His face harden a little once what he said actually registered in his mind. "Sorry, Ah didn't mean tah slip intah philosophy or nothin'. Mah name's Pound Sterling, I go by the alias Freeflight when I perform." He extended his right hand for a friendly shake, It was always awkward shaking hands with ponies. They can't grip things in the traditional way, yet they can hold items with their hooves at times. Once, when Freeflight questioned how it was possible, a smart pony told him "it's magic we don't have to explain ****." And for the sake of his sanity he left it at that.

"Swing you say, don't here much of that 'round here. I look forward to gettin' some new flava' in mah ears." Freeflight had heard a few samples from swing music that other artists used to make beats or covered into rock songs but he'd never heard the pure unchanged sound of the genre. "Do good up there and a certain griffon can probably spread your name around, ya know, get some eyes on ya."

[sorry for the long delays, keep forgetting about this, I rarely RP in the Strand.]

Timbre nodded, smiling at Freeflight. "Merci, mais non merci. I like being...'ow you say...freelance?" he ventured, still not the best when it came to Equestrian. Figuring it had it right, he continued speaking.

"I 'ave my fans, and I love zem. Don't like zee idea of 'aving somepony, or griffon, telling me 'ow and where to play, you understand," he continued. "No offence," he added quickly, with a warm laugh.

"Mais oui, not a lot of swing zese days. Not many like it, but uh...I think I can get people to dance." He extended his own right hoof and placed the bottom of it against the palm of Freeflight's talons.

"It 'as been a pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Freeflight."

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Bridge was grinding his teeth. He knew it was best to hold his tongue but he was really tempted to give the stuck up stallion an earful. [colour=#ff0000]“Well there are a few things I’d like to say, but that wouldn’t be a gentlecolt of me to do so,[/colour]” the last part had a bit of venom in it. If there’s one thing he can’t stand, it’s ponies who think they have a right to treat others like dirt without even knowing them.

[colour=#ff0000]“On the matter of the VIP entrance that’s my mistake, I was unaware of it at the time,”[/colour] he gave back a similar sneer, [colour=#ff0000]“I’m sure you of all ponies know what it’s like to make mistakes.”[/colour]

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West smirked in turn, vaguely amused that somepony would actually try to hold his ground against him. [colour=#008000]"My third album was a pretty big mistake. Then again, I did make it while my mother was suffering from a terminal illness." [/colour][colour=#000000]West raised an eyebrow, wondering what Bridge would say to that.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Penumbra was watching the two with her ears covered still. Unable to hear anything besides a bunch of muffled noise, and not having the ability to read lips, she was only left to wonder what the two stallions were talking about. [/colour]

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Bridge’s face changed to a solemn expression, whether he was telling the truth or not this subject was no matter to be insulted. [colour=#ff0000]“My condolences for your loss, I too know the feeling of losing a loved one. Might I ask what she had?”[/colour]

Bridge was slightly teared-up at the thought of losing loved ones he understood how upsetting it is for most, especially since ponies tend to bottle up their emotions about these things his self included.

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West was impassive. [colour=#008000]"Complications from a routine surgery. Hey, look." [/colour][colour=#000000]The manager seemed to be half annoyed with Bridge and half repentant for his annoyance at this point. [/colour][colour=#008000]"Didn't mean anything against your girl there. She's a bit rough on the edges, but I'm sure she's fine as buck on the inside. So you two go off and enjoy yourselves, you hear? I'm sorry for my rudeness." [/colour][colour=#000000]He bowed, a stiff motion that indicated that he wasn't used to doing so often, then he began to trot away. Penumbra trotted over as the manager vanished back into the crowds.[/colour]

[colour=#808080]"So what'd he say?"[/colour]

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West was impassive. [colour=#008000]"Complications from a routine surgery. Hey, look." [/colour][colour=#000000]The manager seemed to be half annoyed with Bridge and half repentant for his annoyance at this point. [/colour][colour=#008000]"Didn't mean anything against your girl there. She's a bit rough on the edges, but I'm sure she's fine as buck on the inside. So you two go off and enjoy yourselves, you hear? I'm sorry for my rudeness." [/colour][colour=#000000]He bowed, a stiff motion that indicated that he wasn't used to doing so often, then he began to trot away. Penumbra trotted over as the manager vanished back into the crowds.[/colour]

[colour=#808080]"So what'd he say?"[/colour]

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Bridge nodded to the stallion as he trotted away. At least some things never changed; ponies always wanted music, the sun rose, and he could always annoy any manager into submission. Satisfied he watched the manager leave with a smile on his face. He turned to Penumbra as she spoke,[colour=#ff0000] “The short of it is your good to go. The long, I’ll keep that to myself.” [/colour]

He wasn’t exactly sure how she would react to what her boss said, so he felt it best to keep his mouth shut on this one.[colour=#ff0000] "So, were'd you like to go?"[/colour]

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