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Your Imaginary Anime BF/GF One Upsmanship

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This is how it works: Poster A leaves a noun and Poster B has to write up a short bio about their imaginary anime BF/GF using that noun as a theme, then gets to leave a noun for the next poster.

A suggested format is one paragraph describing your said character's amazing skills, and a shorter one with something offhand and outlandish (or why you love him/her so much)

For example:

Poster A: Ninjas

Poster B: My gf is a ninja from the to-ta-li kik-assu clan. She has mastered the art of the hi-reu jumpeu. Which allows her to leap the tallest mountains in a single bound. She usually combines this with her unerring accuracy with throwing kunai, which allows her to conduct 'air raids' on her enemies. They may look up at 45 degree angles to check the trees for normal ninjas, but nobody looks straight up!

Oh yea, despite her being 1000 years old (900 of which she spent mastering ninjitsu arts alone) she's totally hot, doesn't look a day over 20 and has the naivety and innocence of a 15 year old

get it?

The word is: Robot

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