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[Ponyville] Cranky's Day Out [OPEN]


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Cranky Doodle Donkey was...unnerved. Not quite annoyed yet, just nervous to have his first day out in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie could be rather extravagant at times, and he almost feared what kind of crazy shenanigans the pink mare had planned. Cranky liked new things, as long as they didn't make him too uncomfortable. Matilda was sick that day, and wouldn't be spending her day with the two of them as planned. Cranky sighed as he thought about his bed-ridden love. She was beautiful even when she was sick, and he hated to think that she was feeling miserable at the very moment.

Cranky had clearly told Matilda that he would stay by her side today if she wished it of him, and he regretted not being there now. Matilda had insisted he go have a day of fun with Pinkie, make new friends and see new places. Cranky was only growing more nervous as the moments passed.

As Cranky stood in front of the doors of Sugarcube Corner at last he sighed, knowing that Pinkie was most likely waiting for him inside. Maybe she had that horrible party cannon with her, maybe a fresh batch of cupcakes prepared to be thrown at Cranky's face. He surely did like Pinkie, but her actions could be awfully unsettling!

With one last breath of fresh air, Cranky slowly opened the doors of Sugarcube Corner...

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[colour=#ED458B]"Aaah...AAAH...AAAHCHOOO!" [/colour]Pinkie sniffled. She was quite ill from a cold that seemed to be going around Ponyville. Her normally curly mane was bedraggled in every direction, her eyes were half-shut, and her pink coat seemed to be a darkened shade of her usual bright pink. She sat on a chair, two of her hooves stuffed into a wooden bucket of warm pastry cream. She couldn't find a hot water bottle for her head, and instead was using a small pumpkin she had warmed over the oven. She was wrapped in a colorful patchwork quilt, embroidered with various candies and pastries. She smiled, looking up at the Donkey. [colour=#ED458B]"C-Cranky?! I nev...AAAH...CHOO...thought I'd see you here this early...sniff...in the morning." [/colour]The pink mare grabbed a tissue, blowing her nose quite messily. She sniffed again, her nose shaded red and stuffy.

[colour=#ED458B]"How is Matilda? You've never left her side, and here you are without her! Did'ja want some...cough...doughnuts or something? We also have grass bagels with oat cheese!" [/colour]Pinkie sneezed again, and the pumpkin flew off her head and thumped to the floor. It split open, its warm pumpkin guts spilling out in a slosh of orange pumpkin juice. [colour=#ED458B]"Ha, that gourd must not be feeling good either! Heehehe!" [/colour]She giggled to herself, lapsing into a fit of coughs. [colour=#ED458B]"Sorry about that! So, what can I help ya with?"[/colour]

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Cranky was startled to see Pinkie feeling so down. Seeing how active and energetic she was, he had assumed her immune system was practically indestructible. But before his eyes lay Pinkie Pie, still cheerful but clearly as sick as Matilda. He wasn't sure exactly how to react, and firstly thought that maybe it was one of Pinkie's little jokes. She sure did love jokes! But taking a closer look, he saw that she simply couldn't be faking it. Her eyes were half-closed and runny, and that wasn't the only runny thing on her face. Guilt and slight disappointment overcame the mule.

[colour=#696969]"You look really sick!"[/colour]

The donkey exclaimed, looking her over once more. Guess this meant his plans in Ponyville were cancelled, and he sighed inwardly.

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[colour=#ED458B]"Me? Sick? Naaah, this is ...AAAAH...AAAHH...AAAAH...KACHOO...a little bug I'll shakey-wakey in a few days." [/colour]Pinkie blew her nose again, stepping out of the tub of pastry cream. She trotted over to Cranky, leaving puddles of the sweet, yellow goo on the floor, and pressed her flushed cheek to his. [colour=#ED458B]"It's great to see you, though! You brightened my day...cough cough...right up!" [/colour]Pinkie pulled her blanket around her shoulders, shivering. [colour=#ED458B]"How's Matilda doing? Are you two supposed to be getting married soon or something?" [/colour]Pinkie smiled widely, wiping snot off her snout with the edge of her blanket. Or was it pastry cream? [colour=#ED458B]"Please tell me she's not sick, too!"[/colour]

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Cranky sighed, disappointed that his day out would have to be taken over by the flu. And if Pinkie Pie didn't stop coughing on him, soon he'd catch it too. THAT would be brilliant. Cranky pushed Pinkie Pie away from his face, tired of becoming covered in Pinkie snot and spit. When would Pinkie learn to keep her hooves to herself? As much as he cared for the mare, she was very touchy-feely. Cranky had almost no patience for that.

[colour=#696969]"Yes yes, she's sick too!"[/colour]

He barked instinctively, but took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. The task was near impossible with Pinkie, but her heart was in the right place. He'd have to try not to insult her. The pink mare had quite the cold, and despite her energy she was certainly in no condition to do anything that required too much of her effort. Analyzing the situation rationally, Cranky made a decision.

[colour=#696969]"Pinkie, you're in no condition to go out today. We can reschedule for another day, and I'll stay here with you. You'll feel better that way."[/colour]

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Pinkie's large, blue eyes widened. [colour=#ED458B]"Oh no! Matilda is sick too?! I hope she doesn't have what I have. [/colour][colour=#ED458B]Actually, I'm not sure what I have either, but if it's the same, it's probably just as terrible!" [/colour]She listened intently as Cranky related his plan to stay at Sugarcube Corner to her. [colour=#ED458B]"Wha, you'd do that for me?! Really?!" [/colour]Pinkie's eyes watered. She sniffed, holding back tears. Or a sneeze. [colour=#ED458B]"That's so sweet of you! Oh my, I don't know what to say!" [/colour]She blew her nose noisily, holding back another fit of coughs. [colour=#ED458B]"I could use the extra help today! Mr. and Mrs. Cake took the Twins out, so I'm sort of stuck here in case we get any customers." [/colour]

She shook cream off her hooves, trotting past the splattered pumpkin on the floor. She grabbed a bowl and scooped up the guts of the smashed squash. [colour=#ED458B]"Do ya like pumpkin seeds?! We can roast them or make pumpkin seed pie! Also, I need to um...bake a few teensy things. Are you good at baking, Mister Cranky? How are you with six tier wedding cakes?" [/colour]She perked an ear at him quizzically, wiping her runny, red snout with the back of her hoove.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[colour=#696969]"Look what you've done now, Cranky, you've sold yourself into a day of work and baking."[/colour]

Cranky whispered to himself, frustrated with his predicament. How could he possibly have been so stupid? At least he wouldn't be babysitting those troublesome Cake twins. Kids were nice and all sometimes, but those two were just a complete hassle. He hoped he wouldn't catch cold. Pinkie once more wiped her nose with a hoof and Cranky shuddered. Didn't she know how unsanitary that was? This was a bakery! He'd bought food from here! Didn't Pinkie know that snot was germy and gross? She could get it in the food!

Becoming more and more distraught, Cranky kicked a leg and began to sway his tail back and forth in frustration. Pinkie was so...innocent! Irrelevant! As much as he admired these traits in his friend, he loathed them as well. Why couldn't she understand that safety procautions needed to be taken around food! Looking around desperately, Cranky spotted a box of tissues and shoved it into Pinkie's forelegs without hesitation.

[colour=#696969]"For Celestia's sake, Pinkie, stop wiping your nose with a hoof! That's very unsanity! Take a tissue, go on!"[/colour]

Shuddering again, Cranky wiped his hooves on the floor. He really didn't want to catch sick. Unfortunately that was beginning to appear inevitable.

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Pinkie Pie smiled as Cranky presented her with the box of tissues. The box was decorated with little cupcakes -- in fact, the tissues themselves were cupcake scented!. [colour=#ED458B]"Oh gee, thanks Cranky! My nosey wosey is runny-wunny!" [/colour]She plucked a tissue from the box and held it to her snout. She blew her nose noisily, causing the tissue to flap around, as if it was caught in a hurricane. Mare wind power! She sniffled several times, looking quite relieved.

[colour=#ED458B]"You know Cranky, I think I changed my mind. We can bake later...I mean really, does a wedding really need a wedding cake? Pfft! how about we make some soup!?" [/colour]Pinkie grinned widely, her pink cheeks flushed red. [colour=#ED458B]"Howzabout cupcake soup?! Have you ever had that?! Bet you haven't! Then we can play board games, and draw, and make sock puppets! And tell ghost stories! OH yes, this will be the best sick day EVER!"[/colour]

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Cranky knew that once Pinkie Pie had an idea there was no stopping her, but the very thought of Cupcake Soup made him feel nauseous. It sounded soggy and mushy, not the kind of thing the savory-taste loving Cranky wanted to eat. But he wasn't about to tell that to Pinkie, oh no, she would probably go on some kind of rampage, shoving frosting down his throat and screaming "BUT SWEET THINGS ARE SO GOOOD!!"

Cranky shuddered and faked a grin. He was going to stick through this, and hopefully not get sick!

[colour=#696969]"Uh, yeah Pinkie. That sounds just.....fantastic..."[/colour]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pinkie Pie put her hoof around Cranky's neck as she trotted for the kitchen. Her cheeks were flushed cherry pink, which seemed to compliment her pink coat all the better. [colour=#ED458B]"Cupcake soup is great! I discovered it on accident once by dropping a bunch of cupcakes into soup!" [/colour]She pulled a pot off the rack and set it on top of the stove, filled a pitcher with water, and filled the pot. She pulled out a cutting board next, along with a razor-sharp knife. She held the handle in her mouth. [colour=#ED458B]"Can'ph you get some'ph carrots? Oh, and chophlate!" [/colour]

Pinkie twitched her nosie, feeling a sneeze coming on. [colour=#ED458B]"Aaah! Aaaaaaaaaa! AAAAAAAA! CHOO!" [/colour]As she sneezed, the knife in her mouth flew across the room, thumping into the wooden paneling of the wall with a sharp thwack. The handle shook from the impact as it buried hilt-deep in the wall. [colour=#ED458B]"Whoops! Glad you weren't standing...there. You might've lost your toupee again, or maybe a little more than that! Did you find the carrots and chocolate?!" [/colour]She grinned widely, wiping more snot dribblets off her nose with her arm.

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Cranky Doodle Donkey had been frightened for his sanity at the beginning of the day, but he was beginning to fear much more than that. His LIFE was now at stake. As he watched the knife hit the wall with a th**** and sneezing noises, his legs shook and his heart began to pound. Pinkie Pie could have really hurt somepony! Thank goodness the little cake twins weren't around.

[colour=#696969]"Bless you!"[/colour]

Cranky squeaked, grateful to still have a head. Raising a hoof to the cupboards (he was turning his eye away from Pinkie Pie?! That wasn't safe, and the wise mule was perfectly aware...) he reached for carrots and chocolate. What a disgusting combination, how could Pinkie Pie eat those together? Cranky had a lot of questions to ask the mare.

[colour=#696969]"Uh...you dropped a cupcake into soup? What kind of soup? How did that happen?"[/colour]

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  • 2 months later...

Pinkie nodded, wiping her slightly ruddy nose with the back of her arm. [colour=#ED458B]"It's a long story, Cranky," [/colour]she said, looking up to the ceiling, recollecting in reflection. [colour=#ED458B]"I actually meant to put vegetables in the soup and cupcakes in the oven, but I reversed it by mistake, because it was reverse everything day on the reverse day of the opposite day." [/colour]She put on hoof on Cranky's shoulder, looking him squarely in the eye. [colour=#ED458B]"Does that make sense?! Of course it does. Everything on that day the opposite of the reverse is done reverse of the opposite in the reverse of the un-reverse reverse." [/colour]Pinkie nodding knowingly, and trotted into the kitchen, emerging with a pot hanging from her mouth. She expertly flipped it on top of the stove. [colour=#ED458B]"Anyway, the frosting melted into the broth, and the sprinkles turned it a neat rainbow colour! It was deeeeelicious! I've been making it ever since!" [/colour]

The pink mare dumped several cups of water into the pot and made her way to the bakery case. [colour=#ED458B]"So the big question, Cranky: rainbow crunch cupcakes, chocolate drop, hay velvet, or carrot barley?!"[/colour]

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Pinkie wasn't making one ounce of sense. If Cranky saw any REGULAR pony in this state he'd think they were delirious from sickness, but Cranky was wiser than that. Pinkie Pie, as much as he liked the pony, was CRAZY. In her curly pink head everything wild made sense, but Cranky was a very rational mule! He really wasn't into odd things that didn't make sense. For example, cupcake soup, which was apparantely discovered on Opposite Day? Er, Opposite Opposite Opposite Day or something? He shook his head in frustration and confusion, grunting.

What kind of cake? She was letting him pick? Cranky thought carefully about what would be the most gross in soup. Rainbow Crunch didn't sound good at all, you can't have crunch in soup unless it's savory. Chocolate Drop didn't sound terrible, but he really had never figured out where the DROPS came from. Hay Velvet was Cranky's favorite, but did he want it butchered by soup? Carrot Barley sounded slightly savory and that was most likely the safest option.

[colour=#696969]"Definitely Carrot Barley, Pinkie Pie!"[/colour]

He said, trotting over to her and trying to watch what she was doing. He didn't want to get poisoned, or worse sick. Despite his intense immune system, he was not a spring chicken. Every bout of sickness weakened him more. And Cranky Doodle Donkey was NOT weak!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pinkie Pie grabbed several dozen of the carrot barley cupcakes. Her arms loaded, she made her way for the pot, several of the pastries dropping out of her grasp to the wooden floorboards with little thumps. They streaked white icing along the floor as they rolled away. [colour=#ED458B]"Aaa...aaa...CHOO!"[/colour].Pinkie sneezed! The cupcakes flew into the pot neatly. She blinked, impressed with herself for pulling that off. She rubbed her red nose with the back of her hoof, cracking a smile at Cranky Doodle. She grabbed a wooden spoon and presented it to the donkey. [colour=#ED458B]"Now we have to stir, stir, stir while I fetch some veggies from the cellar! Remember to stir it once to the left, twice to the right, then six times counter-clockwise, upside down, and then tap the pot twice on the side with the spoon and sing 'trouncing turnips turning to the tippy top!', then stir it again clockwise eighteen times. Then do it all again backwards, including the song. Got all that? GREAT!" [/colour]

The sick, pink pony hopped to a wooden door that lead to the cellar, where all the veggies were stored. [colour=#ED458B]"If I'm not back in five minutes, come looking for me! I think it's haunted by a ghost bunny down there!" [/colour]Without another word, Pinkie made her way down the creaky, wooden stairs, leaving Cranky to his thoughts in the kitchen...

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Cranky was frustrated, confused, and a little bit frightened. He rolled his eyes at Pinkie's ridiculous claims about ghost bunnies. He'd never once in his life heard of a REAL ghost, and he was an old mule! Besides, a ghost bunny didn't sound too terrifying. What could it possibly do? Kick you? Cranky returned his attention to the pot of soggy cupcakes and broth. He definitely wasn't going to do all those crazy things Pinkie ordered, he'd cooked many pots of soup in his life. Heck, he'd worked at a soup kitchen in Canterlot just the year before! Just one of his many odd jobs.

He continued to stir in a calm, continuous motion, waiting patiently for Pinkie. He hoped with all his might that he wouldn't get sick, he couldn't take that. For Pinkie the sickness would pass, but he was old now and every illness could be his last. He felt fearful for Matilda, his only love, and prayed that she would make it out of the sickness alive. In his head there really was no doubt, she was so very strong. Still, he feared her eventual death more than anything.

Cranky looked down into the pot of soggy, ugly soup and sighed. What was he even doing? He should have been back at home with Matilda and tending to her every need. She'd insisted on him going to see Pinkie, but he still felt anxious. Afraid, even. What if she was suffering and he didn't know it? Luckily, Cranky was at Pinkie Pie's place. And Pinkie was very good at cheering ponies, and mules, up. Her entire goal for quite a while was making him smile, surely she could remind him of happiness for a few hours. That would be lovely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pinkie Pie trundled down the creaky wooden steps into Sugarcube Corner basement. It was a curious place, damp and seldom-visited. Stockpiles of old bake ware were cluttered about, scraps of wood, cake stands, and barrels full of who-knows-what. It was chilly, a stark transition from the warmth and sweet smells of the bakery above. This was also where the Cakes stored their vegetables and perishables. The light from the stairwell quickly faded, leaving the cheerful pink mare to the inky darkness. Several glowing eyes (possibly from mice?) blinked at her, then winked away into the deep blackness just as quickly. Pinkie gritted her teeth, the sides of her mouth flicking up into a smile. This basement was sinister! She could make out several wooden cellar boxes that kept the veggies she needed for her famous cupcake soup. A flash of ephemeral white whisked out of the corner of her eye. She flipped around to the side and started to sing softly to herself, her curly pink mane standing on end.

[colour=#ED458B]"G-giggle at the ghostie, guffaw at the grossly, c-crack up at the creepy, whoop it up wit..."[/colour] Another flash of white. A dusty old mop handle fell downward to the hard, dirt-packed floor with a thwack.

Pinkie Pie screamed!


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Cranky's ears perked up suddenly at the sound of a violent shriek. Pinkie Pie was probably just overreacting and had probably convinced herself that the basement was haunted all on her own. But still, it caught Cranky of-guard and startled him. He felt a chill and shook his head violently. He supposed it was probably a good idea to go check on Pinkie Pie and make sure that she wasn't legitimately hurt.

[colour=#696969]"Pinkie? Are you alright?"[/colour]

The donkey called, walking surely towards the cellar door.

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