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Battlezone Equestria OOC

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It's been 20 years since Changelings have taken over the once beautiful land of Equestria, enslaving half of the population, and taking over their positions in the community to feed.

But they are at the end of the free availability of love that Equestria once held, and food is becoming harder and harder to come by, so the Changelings hoards have enacted draconian laws, and, not fully understanding love other than its taste, often force ponies into unions in an attempt to farm the emotion.

In the intervening 20 years, many ponies have also started to be born of Changeling and Pony union (to try to breed hybrids who could feed off love, but could also create the emotion), and there is a large population of dark-coated ponies with slightly glowing green scleras. These abominations are considered outcasts, and there are extreme penalties in the collapsing pony society for attempting to integrate them. Because of this, whole makeshift villages of the orphaned dark-coated ponies exist, and they all have their own agendas. because of these half breeds, most full-breed ponies born with dark coats are also shunned or dyed to try to hide their true coat colour. There are however, some ponies who kept their hybrid foals and go through great lengths to protect them, despite the consequences.

The changelings, not being able to make music of their own (because, like love, the emotion that goes into creating art is lost to them), tend to enjoy the music of the ponies, so they encouraging the playing of it. Because of this, early on, a secret society of like-minded creatures came up with a way of communicating by assigning certain meanings to certain songs, and using that as a code to communicate messages. As a result the occupation of DJ has boomed across the land, and almost every "pure" pony, along with some of the Changeling hybrid ponies (despite its illegality), are brought up by their parents to know this code, and have DJ skills.

This story concerns a small enclave of Changeling generals, trying to enforce the new laws of the land, a rebel group seeking to oust the changelings and their progeny and a group of (illegally) integrated ponies and changelings caught in the middle of two warring factions who just want to live in peace and rebuild. Who will come out victorius?

Any takers?

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