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A Deep Silence. (Open)


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Page had only been walking for about 5 minutes before the whispers had started again, Page was filled with dread, he had assumed that the statue was the source of the shapes, this proved otherwise, but, none the less he continued to aimlessly wonder the library. As the whispers grew louder, the pitter patter of foot steps filled Page's ears. He stopped, as a cold shiver ran down his spine, but, once again, he regained his composure and pushed on. After a walking in a straight line for what seemed like hours, Page made an abrupt decision to make a left, he felt around for a bookshelf and began to turn, but as he did, he crashed head first into a tall dark figure. Page looked up, only to see yet another creature, he turned to run, but only found another one in his path, yet again, he was surrounded.

Page quickly ran through his options, well, option. He had to teleport out of there, but casting a teleportation spell would use up the remainder of his energy, resulting in utter exhaustion. But then again, what choice did he have, he didn't exactly want to find out what these creatures had install for him if he was caught. Page's horn began to glow again with the same purple light, by the point the creatures were almost legs distance, half a second later and page had dissipated in a flash of light, and reappeared on top on a nearby bookshelf. All he could do was sit and hope fantasy had seen the light.

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Fantasy was almost having a bit of fun with herself, despite the situation. The whispers were still too far off to warrant any panic, so she paid them little heed. Rather, she was more intent on locating Page, but she had a few musings that she kept her morale up with. Namely, she was happy to be amidst so many books. Sure, most of them dealt with more... odd topics, to say the least, and sure it was too dark to read. But, they were still there! She continued along the hallway, whispering to herself and imagining what some of the books would say if she could see them, until she saw a bright flash of light ahead of her, along with several dark shapes that were briefly illuminated.

Well. That was bad. First of all, she'd been to preoccupied with her thoughts to notice the increasing volume of whispers, and secondly, that bright flash was probably Page. That wouldn't seem so bad, if only he wasn't kind of in the middle of the dark shapes. That flash did look a bit like teleportation. No matter, now was the time for an intrepid plan to get in, find Page, then get out! She paused for a second, thinking of a plan.

Fantasy smiled as one came to her, and she stuck out a hoof to grab a book. She mentally apologized to it in advance, then threw it in the highest arc she could have at the moment. That is too say, rather high and fairly far. It seemed to have attracted the shapes' attention, if for a brief moment only. Not daring to speak loudly, she hissed out [colour=#800080]"Page! Are you around here? If so, I recommend running as a plan now!"[/colour]

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((This is an interesting thread. Count me in!))

Midnight was on a business trip to a writer's gathering, or perhaps convention, the meetings intent was still a bit unclear. As a matter of fact, in retrospect it seemed like everypony there had writing as the last thing on their minds. Midnight sighed out loud[colour=#0000cd] "That had to have been the most pointless, mind numbingly boring trip I have ever taken in my life. Oh hey, a library! Finally, something good came out of all this!" [/colour]

Midnight walked inside. The building was empty, and kind of dark. At first he thought maybe it was closed, but then he thought he heard voices. He shut the door, and stepped inside. He noticed a couple of books laying around.

[colour=#0000cd]"Hello? Is anypony there?" [/colour]he called out. He listened for a response. Instead he heard more whispers. He found a darkly lit section of the library, and decided to investigate. He wasn't very good with magic, but he knew a couple of spells.

[colour=#0000CD]"Let's see if I remember how to do this" [/colour]he said. [colour=#0000cd]"I know, I can use my reading light spell! That works when I need light to write, so perhaps I could get enough light to at least see where I'm going"[/colour]

He cast the spell. The light was not very bright, but he could see where he was going. He ventured into the blackness

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Page was exhausted, but when he heard Fantasy's voice he instantly got up, and jumped over to her. "I think we need to ru-" Page suddenly noticed a small, flickering light in the distance. "Some other pony is here, I think we should go and help them before the shapes get him.

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Fantasy looked around, as several things happened at once, and a few more things happened pretty much in near sequence. She both heard the new voice, not like the whispers at all, as well as being slightly surprised when Page jumped up. She turned around to see where exactly this new addition to the act was, only to see a small glimmer of light not too far off, but not that close either. Her ears perked up when she heard its- no, sounded like a his- inquiry. Deciding that running over there to explain things would be too time consuming, but shouting out RUN from a distance would serve to cause nothing but panic, Fantasy fairly calmly answered back. Well, calm considering the situation, but there was a hint of concern in her voice.

[colour=#800080]"Yes, somepony is there. And another one, and about several dozen or so shadowy... things. The seem pretty evil, so if I might make a suggestion, you may very well want to run. As in, now."[/colour]

A thought struck her, as she realized that this new pony could very well be a blessing. [colour=#800080]"Oh! Do keep your light on, if you would. It would be easy to follow."[/colour]

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(Oh my god... I really need to get better at replies!!!!)

Page began to make his way to the small, flickering light. All the while keeping note of Fantasy's position. the light seemed miles away, but within 10 minutes Page had stepped into the range of the light to greet his new found friend.

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Page cocked his head... Meet and greets, at a time like this?

[colour=#4b0082]I apologize for my rudeness, but now is not the time to be introducing yourself, My companion, Fantasy Trope should be here any minute, and then I think we should get out of here rather quickly. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Page anxiously awaited Fantasy to arrive, he had really had enough of this, and was ready to get rid of the ghouls hiding out in his library... [/colour]

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Fantasy, on one hoof, was completely overjoyed by the situation. After all, here was a new pony who very well could know the way out, and equally important, it would seem Page had seen the dim light of the new unicorn as well. She watched Page approach, and she also heard the other stallion's introduce himself as Midnight Blackhorn, which in it of itself Fantasy thought odd. Not the name, but rather the greeting itself. It was always important to be polite, but he must really not know how severe the situation was.

But, if that was one hoof, the other one would see her be very anxious indeed. After all, the whispers were starting to close in again, and with the addition of a new pony, she was beginning to feel some very familiar stage fright of sorts set in. After all, she never did well in groups, even as a foal. As she closed the last few hoofsteps, she spoke up in a somewhat nervous tone [colour=#800080]"He- hello Page, and nice to meet you, Mr. Blackhorn, was it? If Page here hasn't suggested taking flight over fight yet, might I recommend it? After all, those shadows aren't terribly nice, and I don't exactly want to find out why..." [/colour]Mentally, she chastised herself for stuttering slightly, and going into a bit of ramble. Now was not the time for that.

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Page Thought for a moment, he didn't want to leave any pony behind, but if one of them didn't distract the shadows, they might not get very far when they reached the lobby of the library... [colour=#000000]Page hesitated- [/colour][colour=#4b0082]".....Ok....." [/colour][colour=#000000]He then grabbed Fantasy's hoof and started to head towards the exit. [/colour]

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Fantasy looked back and forth between the exchange, she almost spoke up about Midnight staying back, thinking briefly about how almost every story where a character said that never really made it out of that situation. Of course, she knew that this was hardly a story, but pretty much all of her intuition strived against the thought at first. Before she could speak up, though, she noticed the whispering getting even louder, and she realized that it was perhaps too late to make a clean getaway, and besides, Page didn't seem to disagree either.[colour=#800080] "Very well. Just do try not to be reckless"[/colour]

Then Page grabbed her hoof, presumably not to lose her in the dark, and made for the direction that should be the way out with her following directly behind. Speaking of behind, she couldn't help but look in that direction, and she smiled when she saw the overabundance of light. It wasn't enough to cancel out all of the dark, but she could clearly see it, and Fantasy reasoned that at their pace they weren't that close. 'I was starting to miss how cool magic looked... wait. I should probably focus on escaping.'

As the pair of them fled, she wondered how close the entrance to the non-magical library was. Surely it couldn't be that far off. Or maybe it could. She still wasn't quite sure how big this place was, but she reasoned it wasn't much bigger than... she couldn't think of anything to compare it too, really.

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Midnight was starting to feel dizzy from his overexertion. He looked in the direction of the exit, and at that moment, his light started rapidly fading. He sprinted towards it, and with one final effort, caught up to Page and Fantasy

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