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Dusk's Dawn (First 20 minute fanimation)


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So a group of people just released their first episode, almost coming up toe-to-toe length wise with an actual FiM episode.

The cast is all OCs, complete with original animation.


The group had no experience animating before this and it shows. It's difficult to tell what is going on at times due to the lack of detail in scenes, it's only when it's mostly speech that I can understand stuff, but the voice acting could use some work as well.

Some accents dilute the voices to the point of incomprehension.

The backgrounds also are terrible all around, with them either being nearly empty, or filled with copy-paste out-of-place images of in-show buildings. :roll:

Also, the animation rarely respects the horizon line. You gotta respect the horizon line. :evil:

It might have helped for them to focus on a much smaller project instead first, so they could build the talent to properly tackle such a large scale project.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I give the crew credit for being valiant in undertaking such a huge project, unfortunately though the weight of the project seems to have taken its toll. You've pretty much covered what needs improving with the animation White, but the one thing that's been bugging me is the colour composition for some scenes and characters in the episodes. Colors either clash with one another or just DO NOT fit, creating a lackluster environment. The lack of depth is also what's killing it for me as well. Scenes which can easily be given more depth via simple gradients aren't given that treatment, thus a majority of the user made backgrounds just look flat and boring.

I just hope that they aren't discouraged to the point where they drop the project all together. It has the potential to be something great, it just needs more refinement and polishing. So long as they listen to the comments and suggestions from those whom have viewed their animation, they can easily improve their next episode to the point where it outshines this one.

All things in due time

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For a first time fanimation project, this is very, very good (concerning animation). Perhaps they built up the hype too much to get such a negative response, but I wasn't really aware this thing was in the making anyway and maybe that's why my judgement of it is a little different compared to many that have thumbed down the video.

Doing such a big project takes guts, and they deserve respect for that at least.

On the other hand, I think this team should have brought the proper manager to sort out voice acting and sound effects.

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