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Steam Gauge [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Steam Gauge

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Spring Green

Coat colour: Coffee Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: he has a somewhat messy mane with a tail to match which gives him a “studious” type look, both of which are a raven purple.

Physique: He has an average build but slightly smaller than most stallions

Cutie Mark: his cutie mark is a wrench with a lightning bolt going down the middle of it.


Origin/Residence: Steam used to live in the center of Trottingham. The nature of his inventions caused him to relocate to the outskirts of town, many ponies complaining of very distracting and disturbing noises. He now lives on the opposite side of the lake near Tottingham.

Occupation: He works in Trottingham’s train yard as a steam engineer, keeping the trains that come into Trottingham in good condition whenever he comes into town. He is also an inventor in his spare time.

Motivation: He always believed in his parents words " a pony is capable of doing anything if they put their minds to it" so he tries to his best to bring ponies into a new age where ponies are able to do anything with the help of his invention.

Character Summary:

History - From a very early age Steam gauge has been surrounded inventors off all walks of life. Most of his family were very talented inventors, most notably, his mother who was an architect and his father who was a train conductor. Naturally, their talents would rub off on him as he quickly became interested in the endeavors of his parents.

When he was older, he went into training under his mother as an architect but after trying it for a month he thought the trade was too strict for him. Later that month he started working with his father as train conductor and just like before, he quitted shortly after.

Cutie mark story - He discovered his love for engineering as he grew up on the train as his parents were contently on the trains. He always wondered how the train worked. He kept hearing from the workers on the train that it was ran by “magical black stones” that they put into the trains engine to keep it going but later only to find out that it was just ordinary coal. One night he snuck out of his parents’ house and went into the train yard since they lived so close to it when he was little. He went directly into the operator’s car and began snooping around for a way that could make the train start. While he was doing this he made a lot of noise, alerting the night shift workers that were working on the train. Before he could find out what made the train work, he was caught by an engineer that was close by who was a little surprised that it was a little colt causing the entire ruckus. He told the engineer what he was trying to do and the engineer chuckled giving him the response, “Sure I’ll show you how the train works.” Right after he said that he told him to hide as he heard more workers come towards where they were. Steam hid and heard the engineer lie to keep him out of trouble.

Then as the workers left he asked the little colt to come out and told steam that he would show him how the train works. So the two went off to the engine car and since it was the engineers turn to work on the engine he showed him how to work on the engine and how everything worked in engine room to keep the train running. The engineer was also kind enough to let steam work on a pipe that lead to the engine by tightening up a loose bolt that had one of the pipes shaking when the train was moving during the day.

After he found out how the train was ran and after helping with some of the repairs he realized that he wanted to know how everything else worked. As steam was leaving the train the engineer smiled and told him that he earned his cutie mark. Steam was so happy that he started jumping around with joy and ran back to the engineer telling him thanks for all the information and the help and gave him a hug. As he was pulling away from the hug the engineer put his hat on to the little colts head and told him that he earned that too, and that he is now an official junior engineer.

Likes - his parents, his inventions, and the family dog, traveling (by train), his job, an engineer hat that he received the night he earned his cutie mark.

Dislikes - when his ideas don’t come together, snobby ponies, the ocean, being seasick.

Personality – Steam Gauge is a very outgoing person despite him being in his workshop/lab for long amounts of time. He can be a nerd about things when he gets overexcited. Other than him being outgoing he tries to get along with every pony he meets including the snobby ponies he doesn’t like so much.

Flaws - he tends to think out loud when everything is quiet. He also tends to care for his inventions or his job more than himself. He is often seasick when on long trips on the ocean.


Parents – Steam Gauge’s parents, who he looked up to for moral support and as role models, made him who he is today. He got his interest of trains from his father and got his designing skills from his mother.

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