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[Ponyville] Good Advice [OPEN]


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Cranky looked at his new companion with a confused grin. She was odd, but he quite liked the way she presented herself. She obviously had a very good heart and cared deeply about her work, which was a great thing to find in such young ponies. Cranky had lived a long time and it was hard to find work ethic in the young ones anymore, in his personal opinion.

[colour=#696969]"No no, it's fine, come join in on the conversation!"[/colour]

Cranky invited Harvest to speak with them, thinking she might offer some good insight.

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Razor groaned, this was getting to be another headache day.

"Great....can we move on now. I do have things to do." He said, a bit annoyed.

He moved a bit from Harvest, taking to just floating a bit in the air. He wasn't in the mood now to be social, but he still wanted advice on what he should do about the wedding invitation. He was still set on just saying no, but who knows maybe the old donkey might say something to change his mind.

"So where were we again?"

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Cranky rolled his eyes at the young griffin who was clearly being a bit arrogant. Sure, maybe he was just frustrated, but Cranky was not in the spirit to deal with ugly bad moods. He'd promised not to lose his temper!

[colour=#696969]"Not sure, kid. Where where we exactly?"[/colour]

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Razor sighed, rubbing his head. He had such a headache right now. He took a deep breath, there was no sense it getting aggitated anymore, besides it seemed to be making his head hurt more. Maybe he should get that checked.

"Uh....you were talking about Matilda or something..." Razor said.

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Razor seemed annoyed, but Cranky suddenly felt a rush of happiness. His darling Matilda was at home reading a book- she was so sweet, funny, and so beautiful. Even in her old age she still took his breath away. What was it Razor really needed though?

[colour=#696969]"Oh, that's of no importance. What do you really need from me? Wedding advice?"[/colour]

Razor needed true advice about this wedding.

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Razor sighed and rubbed his head, "I don't know. A big part of me just wants to say no and not go even if my mother wants me to. My brothers just made my life a pain in the rear, but a small part says I should go, if just to make my mum happy."

Razor sighed, he didn't want to go. But at the same time it was his family, and to a griffon family was important. Heck it was as important as breathing.

"I don't really know what to do." He said.

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Harvest had to pipe in with her two cents on the matter! "I think you should swallow your pride and not be selfish and GO to make your momma happy! Despite any issues you have with your brother you should support your family! If MY brother got married I'd want to be there for him!" She said putting both hooves on the ground, ignoring the Griffons earlier rudeness "But ofcourse me and my brother get along like two piggies in a mud wallow! So hehe we've got a different dynamic going on entirely ! "

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Cranky chuckled at Harvest's words- she had said exactly what he had wanted to in a very outspoken manner. Cranky did wish he had family to see and watching Razor waste his chance to go to a wedding- even for family he didn't like- was heartbreaking.

[colour=#696969]"Harvest is right, you know. Go to this wedding. If I had a family other than Matilda I'd spend every second with them before they passed away..."[/colour]

Cranky felt a sudden wave of emotions wash through him, remembering his dearest mother and father. He'd left home and never even spoken to them after he met Matilda, never returned home until it was too late. Cranky's family was already gone...if he'd have had the chance to speak to them or see them once more he might change things...Cranky felt a rush of tears exit his eyes. Everything hurt.

[colour=#696969]"Razor, I never got to say goodbye to my parents and I never had siblings. Please, do this for me."[/colour]

Cranky wiped a tear away and sniffled, dragging Razor near for a tight hug. He really needed it now.

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Razor blinked as he was pulled into a hug. He seemed to get that alot when he was in this town. Was there something on his back? A hug me sign maybe?

'Oh geez, sounds like something Pinkie might do.' He thought.

"Uh...." Razor said, patting Cranky's back lightly.

He thought really hard on it. In fact his brain had a intergalatic, civil world war in doing so on this subject. They had a point, and among griffons family was THE, THE most important thing they could have. Even Razor would admit that if push came to shove, he would risk his life to save his brothers.....and maybe they would do the same.

He bit his tongue, thinking and then finally decided, "Oh...oh okay. I guess you do have a point. Can you....let me go now....please." He said the last part as nicely as he could. He was not much of a hugger...especially in public where somegriffon or pony could see him. It made him a bit uncomfortable.

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[colour=#0099ff]"Sorry for ease dropping, but I take it somepony... or should I say somepony and somedonkey are offering some relationship advice?"[/colour] Willow Wisp had been secretly listening for quite sometime and finally decided to speak up. The spooky Unicorn was good at blending into the shadows, even in the light of day, and that's just where she had been, in the shade of a tree. Though it seemed the Griffon present was looking for a way to get away from the conversation. Perhaps he'd had enough of the free advice about his family troubles.

"If you don't mind, I could use a little advice of my own." She plopped down, sitting on the ground near the bench and let out a yawn. [colour=#0099ff]"Sorry, I'm usually not a day-pony... but anyway..."[/colour] she looked between those gathered. [colour=#0099ff]"Care to hear a spook out?"[/colour]

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Harvest stared at the strange pony that just sorta plopped in "..Well maybe you could wait? I mean it would be aweful aweful rude if you cut in front of me!" Harvest said and frowned lightly "I'v been here waiting for my turn..." Though she knew she shouldn't be selfish "..Aw nevermind go on right ahead..."

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Cranky let go of Razor and wiped his final tears away, awkwardly.

[colour=#696969]"Sorry...you can go now. Er, nice to meet you Razor. Hopefully this isn't our last encounter...?" [/colour]

Cranky said, feeling sorry for himself and the griffin he'd just met. Suddenly, a black unicorn he hadn't even seen spoke up, and Cranky jumped slightly in startled surprise. He watched silently as Harvest asked if this new pony, who hadn't really identified herself, could please wait her turn for advice. That certainly did seem fair, after all Harvest had waited a while for advice by this point.

[colour=#696969]"Uh, yes, I'd be the advice giver here, I'm Cranky. Yes, as Harvest said you'll need to wait your turn. And you are?"[/colour]

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[colour=#0099ff]"Oh, sorry I wasn't trying to cut in line. But since I heard her giving advice or pitching in I thought she was part of gig."[/colour] Willow Wisp gave an apologetic shrug then waved her right front hoof dismissively.[colour=#0099ff] "Go ahead, you were here first. I actually had been dozing under the trees and woke up when I heard the three of you talking."[/colour]

She looked between both Cranky and Harvest and with another yawn offered an introduction, [colour=#0099ff]"I'm Willow Wisp. I live in that house just outside of town here that is "haunted". Course, only spook in there is the one on my flank. But I've been away on a research project for a few months and I'm just settling back in. Then again even when I'm home most ponies never see me, I'm usually sleeping all day."[/colour]

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Razor was glad the hug was over, "Yeah...thanks. Maybe we will see each other around, and if you ever need anything delivered just let me know or drop a letter at the post office. I find it easier to collect my mail here. Less lines and its a very prominet stopping area for me."

Razor got off the bench and stretched his wings, if he was going to that wedding he had alot to do. He would skip the suit, he had some pride, but if he wanted to be there on time then he better get flying.

"Anyway...thanks for the advice. See you around." Razor said, running off before jumping into a take off and flying off into the distance.

((Exit Razor.))

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Cranky waved goodbye to Razor, hoping truthfully to see the griffin again. Despite his original intention of not making friends in this new town he was quite happy to have met the griffin. But there was no time to waste on that, he'd talk it out with Matilda later anyways. It was time to turn his attention to the other mares looking for advice.

[colour=#696969]"Nice to meet you, Miss Wisp. Do take a seat, join in on the conversation!"[/colour]

Cranky turned his attention back to Harvest Moon, nodding at her. She seemed relieved to finally have a chance to speak up, she'd waited long enough after all!

[colour=#696969]"What can I help you with?"[/colour]

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She nodded quietly and blushed at the others comment thinking she was part of the gig... "Thanks..and well you see Mr Donkey the problem is this...I'm starting to feel like I don't spend time with my brother enough! We're identical twins but we're so different that we really clash at points, but he means the world to me but is always off adventuring, and dressing up..and I'm a Tomboy at heart!" She sighed fixing her goggles a little bit .

"I want to see him more but we're both so busy, I'm sorta afraid that maybe he's forgotten me? Am I just being silly or are these feelings legit? I mean we're both sorta antisocial but He's more a recluse than I am! I mean I can't be antisocial AND do overnight deliveries ya know?"

She missed the simpler days, back when she could play and frolic in the fields with him, and carry him on her back as she flew around.

But those days were long over and it made her sad.

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Cranky smiled sympathetically at Harvest, that must be so tough. He understood those feelings of loneliness and seperation much too well, he'd felt so sad when Matilda and he were seperated for so long.

[colour=#696969]"I understand that feeling, Harvest. It can be really tough. But I'm certain your brother misses you too! Why don't you talk to him?"[/colour]

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[colour=#0099ff]"That must be hard,"[/colour] Wisp chimed in. [colour=#0099ff]"But I believe he's right, you should try to speak with him. And if you can reach him one on one, maybe write a letter. Mail corrspondence is a great way to keep in touch with those who live away from where you are. I write home often. That way mum and dad don't worry over me. And since my little cousin has been living with me, I help him write to his parents. They're always so happy to get his letters, and he's always happy to get replies."[/colour] She smiled.[colour=#0099ff] "It may not be the same as hanging out, but it's a good way to contact one another. You could even plan meet ups."[/colour]

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