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The Great and Powerful 'Thank you' thread

Conor Colton

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A year and 19 days ago, I never thought I'd be doing something like this, but, here goes nothing...

Post number[colour=#ff0000] [/colour][colour=#FF0000] :Pinkie:[/colour][colour=#FF0000]2000! :Pinkie:[/colour]

Now I know what you may be thinking, and no, this thread isn't dedicated to my 2000th post, that would be both silly and self-centered of me considering people would see it as nothing all that special. However, I do consider it a big milestone for myself, it took me long enough and through more drama than I'd be willing to admit but I'm now at a Wonderbolt's level, which just puts a big old smile on my face :)

But now that that's out of the way, I'll give the reason I made this thread in the first place.

Canterlot is a magnificent place, it really is. I know my opinion isn't the most credible given this is my first forum but I'm sure most of you reading this can agree that this site is more than worth your time and your membership. I have way too many thanks I can give to this place that I can even remember them in one sitting, so I figured, hey, I'm sure other people have nice things to say about Canterlot...why not give them a place to do it.

So, bronies and or pegasisters alike, I give you all for your posting:

[colour=#ff0000]THE[/colour] [colour=#ffd700]GREAT[/colour] [colour=#00ff00]AND[/colour] [colour=#0000cd]POWERFUL[/colour] [colour=#800080]CANTERLOT[/colour] '[colour=#ff8c00]THANK YOU[/colour]' [colour=#ee82ee]THREAD! :D[/colour]

Rolls right off the tongue, I know :razz:

More to the point and past all the bright colours and large text, this thread is being made for the express purpose of thanking Canterlot and all the people in it.

Somebody did a request for you and you wanna make your gratitude known and give them a nice little shout-out? Post here.

Somebody on Canterlot brighten up your day a lot and you want them to be known as a truly awesome person? Post here.

Or just anything you're thankful for here on Canterlot, go nuts! :mad:


I'll start off with my thanks to get it out of the way.

I have no one individual person I can thank for my enjoyment on Canterlot, that just wouldn't be fair. Canterlot and it's 4000+ beautiful people have made this place memorable and enjoyable simply by being here. Way back when I first came on here I had 1)No knowledge of how the internet worked 2)No sense whatsoever (Still not sure on that last one though :blah: ) and Canterlot was a wonderful place for me to amend those issues, all the people I met (With some exceptions, you know who you are :mad: ) helped me along that road, and I don't regret any of it, even for a second.

For a more specific list of thanks though I'll give some names of some users so you can admire their awesomeness.

Tenkan. IRockZ28. Angie Cakes. Appoline Allura. Applicance. Armony. Ashton SSG. Asthmatic Pegasus. GingerMint. Haserman. BrainedBySaucepans. Brony-Vas-Normandy. Browneh. CrescentBlaze. CrimsonNova. CrossStitch. Deathsongx3. Dusty. The entire LPW crew from way back in the day, including: Fawkes, Davroth, Imagination, Crystalheart, Microchip, NastyMann, NoedigJk471, Penumbra, Tywin, SilverSwirl and of course, Sulvuss. Neoniie. Broniesforlife. LordBrony9. Gerrard. ThunderFlash. Philthetimewizard. The-Jaded-Bug. Greed. daftBLUE. Frenzyhero. Hobbes574. Kunio18. And how could I forget, SkyMunki.

Over the past year these people have been the most friendly, awesome and creative individuals I've ever met, no joke. Some I've fallen out of contact with but I wish them every good fortune in the future.

My thanks go out to all of Canterlot's amazing staff who help make the site what it is and one big old hug goes out to our two awesome admins, Artax and Mane. Seriously guys, you rock, big time.

And I suppose that's about it really, I'm all thanked out :)

Thanks for your time, Canterlot. Feel free to post or not to post a reply stating your thanks.

And as always, this is Conor Colton, signing off, see y'all around the forums, and have a good pony day <3


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d'awwwwww conor! *hugs*

id like to thank canterlot for all the wonderful friends, yall know who ya are, exepting my stupidity and extremely random outbursts of "createtiveness" :P and just thanks, id like to thank all the ponies that keep canterlot running smoothly the mod and admin team, canterlot voice, creative peeps of canterlot, you also know who you are :P.

ive been on a few other forums before, the total miner forums, ponychan, the dreaded 4-chan, and this place is by far the best place ive ever come into contact with, and id just like to say i love EVERYPONY HERE, so give yourself a pat on the back, hug a kitten and what are you still doing here?? mlp episode 4 is on! go watch it!

and Conor, heres to another 2000 posts and andother year and 19 days of awesome! /)

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Oh man, I've been waiting long for a thread like this to appear. *Starts formulating his response, shall appear in few days*

Will edit this post :) Will CONSTANTLY edit this post until the moment arrives in which I'll believe I haven't forgotten anybody! :mad:

Let's get on with it!

AlisonRose - for being positive and helpful. For general... niceness (I dislike this word, sounds like it didn't exist in the first place ._.) and of course for providing an excellent pieces of art in the gallery.

Angie Cakes - for her art for sure. For being ridiculously confused about many matters and approaching a lot of things with that insane spark of abnormal thinking in eyes. For memorizing a tiny part of me in a book (that really struck me somehow). And for being able to refer to any, even most ridiculous and pointless topic, in a friendly matter. No stone left unturned...

Aria - the greatest "Thank You" there is for giving me an initial hook for sticking with this site. I can easily say, even with Fawkes thundering me from above, that I've mainly remained on this site thanks to your effort. That remoteness and personality made me believe there are some sites filled with interesting people actually. And for entertaining my stay here for so long.

Artax - of course, for guarding the site and being strict in decisions. Iron Fist is a thing that's required and it's good to see it at some points. Plus, for the fact I wasn't condemned/warned about making a few jokes outta you (see signature for example ;D)

Appliance - for the MOST realistic approach to everything that at least a pinch of seriousness in it. For the kittens. And for giving me an endless game of "I wonder what would Appy say about..." for my head. I somehow failed to decipher her, and never wanted to continue trying, leaving the outcome as changing it would ruin the fun.

BrainedBySaucepans - for being a nice person to have a conversation with. And for the art that ever appeared in the gallery.

Conor Colton - for being nice and friendly. Also, being a universal person and creating this thread.

Davroth - for cooperation and understanding. Even though we disagree at some points, you seem to be able to forget stuff easily and continue on talking. For the art as well.

Diomedes - for his ability of cooperating while helping others. For breathing some life into forums. For helping me in understanding the show a bit better than I did initially.

Dunder - what can I say? For being an awesome mate. For being calm and stoic. For keeping his personality at bay. For throwing good images/music at me. And for being a guy who doesn't have any single objection about any topic.

Fawkes - for being irrationally rational in his madness and keeping me entertained due to his in-character approach to a lot of things.

Flutterscotch - for the will of helping the community by sparing own time directly. For ability of presenting issues and her views clearly and accurately. And for that funny feeling I get when we agree about something :D

Gerrard - for an ability to express emotions straight in one's face. For an ability of getting a grip at himself in various situations. And for having courage for expressing his doubts/being honest with his thoughts.

Imagination - for a well balanced scaling between being serious and being insanely ridiculous. For his sense of humor. For an ability of providing constructive advices wrapped with jokes and funny references.

LovinMoonlight - for having a proper sense of humor. For creating all those amazing OC's depictions (and not only). And I guess for credibility as well.

Manestream - river topic. For the forums in the first place. For being generally nice and friendly. For logical, reasonable, realistic approach to the issues. For an ability of presenting truly accurate arguments and, at once, accepting and understanding the arguments of others. For patience in handling any kind of issues. For the carefulness in approach to any problem. And for being able to appreciate the community even more than we appreciate her.

Me - for being here and still having patience. For trying to help the site. For enjoying the community and trying to enforce the rules for our, and their, own good.

MyLittlePonyTales - for taking good care of the forums! For being a sensible and insanely helpful person. For her sense of humor and utter devotion to the site. The notifications are like... endless!

NastyMann - for his insane and ultimately (even though irrationally) entertaining YT vids. For randomness and silliness. And for actually being somewhat rational.

Needlemouse - for patience, niceness and an ability of speaking what's on his mind. Also for giving me a chance to RP Rarity and not condemning me for my inactivity there :) (Of course I won't stop blaming myself silly)

NoedigJk741 - for active, or even hyperactive domination of CT spam stables area, what for sure pushed a lot of topics there forward. (I can't count how many he necroed?) For all the fun he provided with his *Art of Trolling* On a related note Noe:


Yes my friend, that's the shape of my country. It can appreciate good trolling, because it's just a one big troll itself. But seriously now, for all the fun you've provided me during my stay on CT forums. Thanks mate, jokes aside ;)

Octavia - for creating the LPW thread. Let's face it, if not Octavia, I wouldn't be hooked to the site initially and would never end up staying here.

Penumbra - for in-character comments about everything basically. For pushing some funny darkness into the LPW. For writing all those... poems? Unfortunately, I forgot a lot already...

Phil the time Wizard - For helping me out in all my RP questions. Generally for being a dependable and stoic person. And for patience in handling my persona ;D I sometimes felt like abusing his time.

PopcornPuffs - never exchanged a word. So why I place Popcorn here? Simple answer: Best art in gallery. There is undoubtedly not a SINGLE art coming from Popcorn I wouldn't admire. Keep up the good work, MLP Art is one of things that I appreciate the most on this site.

Robikku Pegasus - Thought I left him out again? Never! Of course for being a helpful hand in certain situation. For his sense of humor and friendly personality.

Rosewind - 2nd greatest "Thank You" here I guess. For the insane amounts of patience connected with intelligent and realistic approach to any issue. For helping me out in my inquiries and being available to have a decent conversation about basically every topic, while maintaining an ability to express her attitude to issues straight and honestly. And for always maintaining positive attitude, no matter what.

Sleeps - for striving in improving. For RPing one of my first RP's on this site (if not the first one). For being a nice and understanding person.

StarSwirlTheBearded - for being reasonable. For knowledge in various areas of science and will of defending it by correcting others. For smashing arguments and ability of admitting to being wrong. Besides that, for being a friendly person and for helping others the way he can.

Sulvuss - for being honest in speech and thoughts. Also for the ability of presenting valid arguments and ability to reject their credibility in case they were proven to be wrong.

Tenkan - for CanterlotVoice! Of course! Also for having a sense of humor and general randomness at some points ;D

The Canterlot - that includes ALL of users not mentioned here. Keep this site up, it exists thanks to you after all.

The LPW Crew - to any single of them for forming a strong team. I didn't know some of you close enough, so I can't say much. But I'm grateful nevertheless.

I've grown tired of writing for now... Need a break.

If you've been missed out, don't worry. Perhaps I'll remember you and then I'll edit the topic to write something more. If you think it's a crime I forgot about you, PM me. I will add you if I consider this is a crime actually, but I won't explain why you weren't there in the first place/won't be there at all.

If I messed up somebody's gender, feel free to correct me via PM. I'm not a deity, I don't know everything :twisted: Or could have just mistyped it in rush of writing all those words...

Also, please keep in mind these are my personal depictions/views of others. They don't have to describe them perfectly.

Keep tight Canterlot.

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This is a cool thread I see here. :D

I guess I should thank some people... And mention a few things... I guess...

First off, I think Canterlot is amazing. The members, the simplicity of the forum's layout (One thing I personally really liked), and everything else about it. I'm glad I joined this place last year. Haven't regretted it once.

There are some members in particular I would like to thank, though all members here are just awesome. Conor, being one of them, has been my bestest friend for ever and such. No words can explain the awesomeness protruding from the atmosphere around him. (Well, more or less, you get the idea :razz:). Angie Cakes has been my friend since before Conor. She is an incredible artist, to say the least. She's very friendly, and it is a shame she is no longer on Canterlot... (Skype to the rescue)

The LPW gang has been really awesome. Everyone in it. They were some of the reason why I never left.

Canterlot is the coolest ever, and the members are really awesome, too. so... just Canterlot in general is awesome. There. :razz:

I'd say that pretty much covers it. I wish I had more to say, but this is all. :/

Also, Congrats on 2000 posts, Conor. :3

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