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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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MorningDawn sat in the cold trashcan he called his home. His was left to survive on his own, out in ManeHatten. He huddled up in fear wondering why his parents had done this. He popped his head out of the trashcan and found a hoodie lying on the ground. He grabbed the hoodie and put it on. At least now his little body can be warm in this freezing weather. After lying in the corner for hours thinking what he would do, he walked out of the alley and started walking in the direction of a beautiful rainbow. He thought that it would lead him to his destiny, so after a while of walking he reached a small town call PonyVille. MorningDawn was looking at the rainbow and walked into a cave. He walked out of the cave confused and when he walked back into town he found a small farmhouse. He decided to hop into the barn and take a small nap, just for a little bit. He closed his eyes and dreamed of a better day.

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Dusk Fade had been having a horrible day. It was her first day in Ponyville after her job in Fillydelphia fired her. She had gotten a job on the delivery team despite being a unicorn. She could thank her friend Derpy for that... Anyway, she resettled her saddlebags on her deep purple coat and approached Apple Acres, her first delivery. She walked up to what might have been a house, or a barn, she couldnt tell. It was big and red. She knocked on the unusually large front door.

[colour=#4B0082]"Um, hello? Anypony?!"[/colour]

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Dusk took a step back. This was sudden. She looked at him, shocked. Then her face resolved. She was not going to be like those ponies in Fillydelphia. She threw her forelegs around him. [colour=#4b0082]"Hey there... It's gonna be fine. What happened?"[/colour]

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MorningDawn did not expect a hug coming but he embraced it, " M-M-My Parents left Me" When MorningDawn cried he stuttered. MorningDawn held on tight out of fear, " What are we going to do?"

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[colour=#4b0082]"They left you? Why"[/colour] Dusk Shine was amazed at how quickly she was becoming attached to this colt. [colour=#4b0082]"I just need to make this delivery, then we can figure something out."[/colour]

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Dusk Shine was really surprised at herself. She had pretty much committed to taking care of this colt, and she didnt even know his name... [colour=#4b0082]"I'm Dusk Fade"[/colour] She told him as they looked for the main house.

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Lightning avoided eye contacted with the other ponies of the town as he walked along. His parents said that by moving here, they hope for him to make great friends. Being an alicorn, many more ponies are just going to come and be amazed. He doesn't want to drraw too much attention, he's very very shy.

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Lightning decided to fly in the air. He extend his wings and took off into the sky. He felt much better now that he wasn't around so many ponies. He flew slowly through the air, examining the town from below.

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( if you want to type more than just a sentence you can... You don't have to wait for my response. In fact we are missing one of our rpers, I can't type until the person responds. When you come up to me, then i can reply. Kk? )

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