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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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(Hey, sorry bout the long reply time. I've been busy the past few days.)

Dusk Fade and MorningDawn found the main house, but when they knocked, nopony answered. Dusk left the package on the porch, then turned to MorningDawn. [colour=#4b0082]"Ready to go back into town?"[/colour]

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Dusk Fade picked up the colt with her magic and put him on her back. [colour=#4b0082]"Well, my house, of course. You'll need a place to stay."[/colour]

As they pass through town, they see an alicorn at the library. Dusk Fade stops and stares.

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Lightning feels somepony staring at him and shyly turned around. He looked at the ground timidly, then back up to the mare caring a foal. [colour=#a52a2a]"U-Um h-hello"[/colour][colour=#000000] He stuttered out of his shyness.[/colour]

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[colour=#4b0082]"Um... Hi.." [/colour]Dusk managed to get that out through her shock. SHe thought alicorns were royalty? Everypony knew the 3 princesses. So who was this new alicorn? And why was he not in Canterlot?

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[colour=#4b0082]"Oh, you dont want to do that..." [/colour] She told him this, picking up on Lightnings awkwardness around new ponies. [colour=#4b0082]"Twilight would have a field day with you... How about you come with us? I have a pretty sizable library at my house."[/colour]

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Lightning nodded at the mare and walked beside her. [colour=#a52a2a]"S-Sure, by the way, my name is Lightning, what's yours?"[/colour] He asked her after introducing himself.

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[colour=#4b0082]"Dusk Fade." [/colour]She looked on her back. MorningDawn had fallen asleep. [colour=#4B0082]"This is Morning Dawn. Come on." [/colour]As they walked towards her house, she marveled at herself. Now, had she not only taken on taking care of a homeless pegasus colt, but also and alicorn colt? Wow... If somepony had told her she would be in this position even a few weeks ago, she'd have thought they were making fun of her.. Again..

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They reach Dusk Fades home. It is a quaint little home, if sparsely furnished. She lays MorningDawn on the couch, and motions for Lightning to join him. She sits on a chair across from them.

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MorningDawn's sleepy eyes had got the best of him, so he snuggled up on the mare's back and fell asleep. A few minutes later he rubs his eyes into awareness. He starts rolling around and then stops moving for a second. He pulls out a blanket he found in his pack, then he covers himself and rests for a few more seconds, but his stomach growled and he woke up. His big brown eyes looked about the world, but then he noticed a new pony. He pulled pulled his hood over his head and held onto the mare as if asking for some kind of assistance.

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Lightning nods at Dusk's motion and walks over to the couch. He sits next to the sleeping MorningDawn. [colour=#a52a2a]"S-So, what kind of books do you have?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked shyly to Dusk.[/colour]

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Out in the distance of town, what appeared to be a shooting star was on a crash course with the land. When it collided with the ground green streaks erupted from the sight. The crash and flash were loud enough for most ponies to hear. What wasn't was the small groan that came from the smouldering ground where the "comet" should be.

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Lightning heard a loud noise. Like a crash of some sort. [colour=#a52a2a]"U-Um, did you guys h-hear that?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Lightning asked, wondering what has happened outside.[/colour]

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MorningDawn hid behind his protector Dusk, " W-w-what was that?" In curiosity he ran outside and saw the smoke coming from the ground. He walked closer and saw the pony in the destruction. He shook the pony until MorningDawn was sure the pony was awake.

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Lightning followed Morning Dawn to the crash site. He walked up next to him to see a pony laying there. [colour=#a52a2a]"Um, hello?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lightning asked to the sleeping pony, hoping he'll wake up.[/colour]

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