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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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Lightning thought about two other alicorns, the princesses. [colour=#a52a2a]"Do you think Pincess Celestia or Princess Luna know about me, being an alicorn? Does my birth mean something important?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]He asked.[/colour]

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"This child is an Alicorn. Which means there is a chance that he is related to the Princesses." He shuddered at the thought of the mares he hates. "There must be somepony looking for this colt...the Princesses themselves even!" He frowned at the next part. "I am clearly wanted for my crimes. If seen here I will be taken in and you may be as well for my presence here." He caresses her cheek with his hoof. "I cannot allow that."

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David carries the mare in his back and gently lands on the ground. He sees a house not to far from him, so he runs and bursts the door open. He sees a small colt sleeping on a couch ( MorningDawn). He ignores the colt and carries the mare upstairs. He sees a changeling and a mare talking, " Quick help....I know i got here out of the building and all, but i think she has some smoke in her lungs!" He sets her down and checks her heart rate. He was pretty worried about this mare and he didn't even know her. Or did he? David forgot what he was wearing and he looked at a burnt tuxedo that once had beauty in it. He was confused at first, but then he noticed the mare was wearing a wedding gown. Was he her best Stallion? He didn't know.


Catching some z's.

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Lightning heard a door slam open and walked to see who it is. He sees a stallion with a mare who looks in need of help. He walks over to the mare. [colour=#a52a2a]"Oh my, is she alright?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lightning asked out of worry for somepony he doesn't know.[/colour]

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Dopple looked at the situation and burst into action. Beside being a soldier his position in the hive would be one of much importance now. Combat Medic. "Everypony give her room. Lightning open all the windows and doors in this room we need as much fresh air as we can get! Honey i need you to get blankets, ice, and water, also take Morning upstairs were gonna need the couch." After finishing his orders he turned to David while feeling the mares neck. "Ok pulse...good! How long was she in the smoke?." He didn't care if the pony was gonna freak that he was a changeling he'd deal with that later.

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" Uh....I dont know!" I was knocked out by something and i lost all my memory! I think.....30 minutes..I dont care if you're a changeling, just please help!" He was panicking and freaking out. He noticed a little colt walk into the room with a stuffed octopus, " Does she need Mr.Squiggles?" He set the stuffed octopus on top of the mare and patted its head. The little colt then said, " Good night.." He walked out of the room and disappeared. The colt was adorable, much appreciated what he did. David sat down and started crying, " She has to make it......If she doesn't then who will get married?" She was wearing a wedding gown and he was wearing a tux. He looked nice, and she did to. What did it mean?

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