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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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Flashbomb noticed the look on duskfade's face. " oh what's happened?" Flash bomb was conerned. he looked over at the crater in the ground. " must have had to have been with that hole in the ground" thought flashbomb. he looked back to duskfade.

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" oh yea... sure" stammered Flashbomb as he looked back the crater. he walked into the house and looked around. " nice place you have here" he commented. He found a couch to sit on and relaxed a bit. he rubbed his head for it was still alittle sore. "wish i could afford a place like this." he chuckled "but since im on the weather team i don't earn enough." He sighed and leaned back and looked up at the celing. *everyone in ponyville are much more kind than the pegesai in cloudsdale* he thought. Flashbmb leaned forward and streched his wings and sit back again."thanks for the hospitallity." examined the room a little bit more and saw a stuffed octapus on the floor. He picked it uo and examined it. then something caught his eye. it was on the floor. Flashbomb placed the octopus on the couch and leaned forward a little bit and picked it up with his hoof. it was a scaily (cant spell) piece of something. He pondered what it was. A part of something, a wing maybe? He tried to remember where he had seen something like it before. he then remembered where he had seen something similar. " Is this a changling wing piece?" he muttered in a soft tone. " But i thought the mane 6 got rid of them all. That cant be right." He sat back looking at the wing piece and then looked at Dusk Fade. He shrugged it off, there was no way in equestria a changling could be wondering around in ponyville.

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Dusk was distracted picking up the blankets that had been arranged on the bed on the floor, so she didnt hear Flashbombs pondering over the wing piece. The blankets had been arranged like a bed, but nopony was laying there now. She picked up the blankets and put them in a basket to be washed. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked, then looked towards the kitchen, an odd expression on her face. Was it... Fear? No. Sorrow maybe?

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Flashbomb snapped back to reality. "oh.... sure, do you have green tea?" he asked Duskfade. he then turned his attention to a book left open on the table. he browsed through it, how to create stars it read. "Hey, you create stars?" he asked her with a quizical look on his face.

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"Oh the alicorn? That would make sense." said flashbomb as he put the book down. he walked into the Kichen And smelled something. " were you making cookies? I Love cookies! could i have one?" he asked with a gleefull smile.

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Flashbomb thanked Dusk for the snacks an took a seat at the table. He nibbled on the cookie an sipped on the tea with delight. "excelent tea, i cant brew tea this good." He smiled and continued to eat and drink. " so i was still wondering what was tha crater out there? its not everyday you see a big gaping hole right in the road."

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"Oh, thank you. I'm surprised you like it so much. It's rare that I make tea at all. I'm more of a coffee pony myself." Dusk came and joined him at the table. She was staring at a spot on the floor when he asked about the crater. She almost didnt realise he had said something. "Oh, um, what?"

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"Oh, um..." SHould she tell him? She thought for a long moment. She wanted to tell somepony. But it had only been a couple hours since he had just disappeared taking the wounded mare, her colt friend, and her heart with him...

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Flashbomb Raised a eyebrow and pondered if she did in fact know something. " this might have a connection to the changeling wing piece." He thought. He sipped his tea and finnished his cookie. Could a changeling have been here? He felt like he shouldnt be nosy but if there was a changeling something is wrong. he smiled at duskfade and sipped at the tea.

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Flashbomb noticed that there was a tear in the corner of Dusk's eye. He wondered how he couldnt have noticed the signs earlier. "whats wrong?" "I know something is up and i hate to see a pony cry." "if you tell me i wont tell anyone else i swear." He tried to comfort her and figure it all out. He smiled a warm smile.

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Flashbomb Was taken aback by the sudden outburst of tears. He held a hoof up to his mouth and gasped. "What happened to her?" he thought. His eyes moistened with sympathy and he placed a hoof on dusk. He tried to comfort her to try to make her stop crying. "what did i do?" he thought.

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"Wha? Who? Who left you?" What hapened?" Dusk you can tell me. i wont tell anypony else." Flashbomb was concerned for dusk. she was so nice and he hated seeing ponies cry. "What happened dusk? please tell me." " i want to help. please stop crying."

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She dried her eyes as best she could, sobs still shaking her from time to time. She then proceeded to explain what happened, the crater, Doppleganger, all up until they were making cookies. "Then, as I was watching them, he just... Disappeared!" She burst into tears again.

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