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Chat-Room Issues - Banned from Chat (user should contact Staff rather than publicly moaning)


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For quite some time, roughly three weeks or more, I have been unable to connect to the Canterlot chat. I have attempted a query into the matter, but I have only received a generic and uninformative response that I was "...banned from the chat due to your conduct and/or complaints about you in there." I attempted to further inquire as to why specifically I was banned from the chat, but I received no information, or even a response for more than 2 weeks. I still haven't any idea why I was actually removed from the chat and I am incredibly confused.

Primarily I was given no warning, no notification of breaking the rules, or anything of the sort (and as far as I can tell, I have broken none of the rules.) I have been given no chance to better myself on even a personal level as I have been, I assume, deliberately denied knowledge to the fault of my personality. This is extremely vexing as this experience that I have had the last several weeks has been one that, at least in my opinion, conflicts with the values of the community and bronies in general. I am not attempting to antagonize people or exacerbate the issue; I am simply trying to find resolution, or at the very least, closure to the situation. Any and all help or information in this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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Final word here.

You have been banned from the chatroom. You asked the owners of this website if you can come back and the answer was "No".

What you're hoping to gain by asking the community why you're banned from the chat is beyond me but since you've decided to speak out publicly you'll get a frank public answer.

You broke our rules by creating multiple accounts. You've disrespected the people that have worked for YEARS, literally, to bring you this free service when you accepted our Terms of Service when creating new accounts. You lied to us.

When people create new accounts and assumes a different name it grossly disrespects our Donators who, as a way of thanks, are given the privilege of name changes.

You then ask people to not tell staff that you've created a new account. Deceitful.

So yes... you've had privileges revoked.

If you can manage to gain our trust we'd consider allowing someone who previously deceives and lies to us back into our chatroom.

(note you have 2 warning points on your account out of a possible 3, so you're on a last chance now anyway, why provoke us further?)

[colour=#4B0082]-- Everyone else.[/colour]

Mane and I don't remove people for 'fun'. :sleep:

We've spent a lot of time, effort and money on this website so you'll have to understand that when we say we feel disrespected when people abuse the privileges we give to you.

Yeah we feel "butt hurt" or whatever when a user annoys us or ignores our requests to respect the rules etc... because this is our "home".

If you invited someone into your house and asked them to take their shoes off before they came in and they ignored you, traipsing mud into your new carpet you'd be pretty annoyed too, right? :scream:

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