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Heya Everypony!


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About Myself: I'm a 28 year old English Brony who has been looking for somewhere to enjoy himself. Been a fan of MLP since halfway through season 2 and even watched the original show back in the 80's (yes, I'm a guy in case you're pondering ^^). Anyway, I like writing, used to draw a lot of anthro art too but that has fallen by the wayside due to me focussing on my second degree. Besides that I love Eurobeat music and Jpop, roleplay games (either as computer games or message boards), cats and muffins!

How I found Canterlot.com: Google search

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Funny story I guess. I was looking for new music to listen to on youtube one day (in terms of time frame I think this was about halfway through season 2) and just happened upon a video called something like "Firing orbital friendship cannon". Now I was listening to eurobeat songs at this point so I was immediately curious, thankfully I clicked the vid. Turns out it was some weird solar explosion with the Super Ponybeat version of Pinkie Pies Cupcake song playing over it. The song hooked me and I finally managed to narrow down where it came from, finding the clip from the episode. Well that kinda did it for me, I was immediately curious and ended up looking up the episodes online and the rest if history.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
So I guess I got carried away writing stuf above eh? Oh well, heya everypony! Been a while since I joined a new message board...in fact its been a while since I posted on a message board at all. I tend to be rather quiet in RL so I've been lurking for a few days here before I made an account and posted. I love roleplaying so I hope to have a good time. ^^

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Thanks everyone!

Howdy-doody! What sorts of RPs have you done before through computer games and BBS? ;)

Ho, now that's a question. I've played quite a few RP games before, everything from Panzer Dragoon Saga to Skies of Arcadia and Phantasy Star Online. Dabbled a litle in WoW too, probably too much, although I don't play now due to boredom issues! XD As for message boards, for the longest time I was owner and creator of a board called Sonic Aftermath (Sonic based RP board). I haven't RPed there though for ages. I've also been part of numerous Gundam based boards and a couple of Furry RP places. Haven't done any hardcore RPing in a while though, couple of years or so.

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Welcome! It's great to see you're a long-time follower of the series. I bet you never dreamed it would take off like this, huh?!

No not really, I've been quietly pleased to see the fandom growing so nicely around the show. Rightly so too, there are too few light hearted things out there that people can enjoy collectively. I've met loads of people who I likely wouldn't have if it wasn't for ponies. Heheh, I remember when I was in a group of people, some of who were friends, and I answered a question with a Big Mac style 'Eeyup' only for someone I didn't know to give me a sly Twilight quote at which point we looked at each other and brohoofed. XD

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