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[Ponyville]New Friends and Old Ideas(Emerath and QuickLime)[Closed]


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Emerath and his father had decided to take a trip to Ponyville. It was at Emerath's mother's request, really, and to be honest, Emerath didn't really want to go. But, Emerath's father needed help pulling the cart from Canterlot for their supplies to take back home, and Emerath's mother just had to have certain things from Ponyville that just weren't as good of quality to her from Canterlot.

Emerath always sighed at this. Canterlot had everything! Why did his mother always have to send them to this town once a month just to pick up things he could've walked down the street and gotten. That and he had to be around his father. While he loved his dad, they never really saw eye to eye on a lot of things, and often Emerath wouldn't get to do the things he wanted to, despite that he wasn't just a foal anymore!

Emerath sighed as they pulled the cart into town, and they released their harnesses and put the cart's brakes on. His father began to talk about their plans for the day, but really, Emerath wasn't listening in the slightest. His father began to walk around the cart. Emerath watched him until he was out of view, and then he took off at a gallop! Emerath's father didn't even notice he was missing until about 10 minutes later, after he came back with a couple of empty saddlebags for them to carry around their supplies. "I was wondering why my son was so quiet..." he muttered to himself and shook his head, as he put one of the saddlebags back in the cart. "Well, he'll turn up eventually."

Emerath ran at full gallop until he reached the edge of town, causing a lot of muttering and shouts to go his direction. Emerath paid no mind, as he dashed into the forest at full speed. He was free! He wasn't in Canterlot and he was free! Ever since his adventure to the far North, his parents hadn't let him out of their sight, and finally he had an opportunity to be alone! It was right about then, that Emerath tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground, and went flying into a nearby mud puddle, hooves first.

He groaned and rolled over in the mud, trying to find his feet. After a moment he found them, and started to stand up, before promptly yelping in pain and falling face forward again. He groaned. He must've hurt one of his legs. He stood up again, this time careful of the pained leg, and put all his weight on the other three. He began to walk towards town with a limp, wincing as he put any sort of pressure on his hurt leg.

[colour=#b22222]Apparently freedom in this case comes at a cost. So much for having fun and going on another adventure... [/colour]He thought to himself as he made his way back. Soon enough, and many painful steps later, he finally arrived. His father wasn't anywhere in sight, and that was good. However, Emerath probably looked like a wreck, as he still dripped mud and he was standing holding up the injured hoof whenever he stood still. A fine sight indeed.

He looked around for any sort of medical attention, and he saw a sign that indicated an apothecary nearby. He limped over, past murmuring ponies and staring eyes. Twice now he had been talked about in town, and he had only just arrived! What a day indeed. Carefully, he pushed the door open and limped into QuickLime's shop.

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It had been a busy busy, busy BUSY you have no idea how busy day! Herb gathering, salve mixing, making tinctures, boiling herbs for decoctions! There was rosemary drying,as well as sage and other things that gave the shop it's medical yet delicious smell! Her attention was taken by the small tingling of the bell, turning her head to see who was coming through her door this fine afternoon.

"Oh you must be new" She chuckled, having never seen this pony before! He was dirty..and also limping, that was never ever a good sigh, specially not on a horse "My name is QuickLime and I'll be doing my best to deal with that sprain, can you come all the way inside please? Go rest on that pile of pillows over there and I'll make you some tea"

She had a huge pile of comfy pillows for the ones with sore muscles to just relax in, it also made it easier for her to do her work.

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Emerath stood in the doorway, the sudden aroma of herbs assaulting his nose. It wasn't unpleasant however, and Emerath found it quite soothing and relaxing. He blinked at the mare in the shop, who seemed to be very busy this day. [colour=#b22222]What a day to get injured. I wonder if she'll even have time to help me? [/colour]He wiped his feet as best he could what with the dripping and drying mud all over his body. He didn't really feel comfortable going any farther into the shop, seeing as he didn't want to get it so very dirty due to his current predicament.

[colour=#b22222]"Would... ah..."[/colour] He stuttered, looking around sheepishly. [colour=#b22222]"I don't want to make your shop messy."[/colour] He blushed and moved a little into the doorway, and moved to sit to the side of it, just inside the shop, but not in front of the doorway so that other patrons could access the shop.

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