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My Little Equestriastuck (PM to join, one slot available)


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(This is a My Little Pony/Homestuck cross over, though, it will be different from the webcomic. This will be what I see a "normal" session of Sburb as being, where the players actually get to win at the end.)

A young pony stands in its room. It was today, 13 years ago, that it was given life. But it is today that it will be given a name, gender, and species.

>Enter Name, Gender, and Species

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  • 3 weeks later...

(ok where here goes nothing)

A pony stands in the park, today is a bright and sunny day with many birds chirping in the air. its name gender and species has yet to been determined.

>Enter Name, Gender , And species

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[colour=#282828]>Enter Name, Gender, and Species[/colour]

[colour=#282828]His name is Forte Fermata. He is a pegasus stallion, with a green coat and a short, messy brown mane and tail. His interests include musical instruments, predominantly the trombone, firearms, though they havent been used or seen since before the rule of Celestia, and Equestrian history, which is how he came to know of firearms. You didnt think they were something everypony used, did you? What use would a peace loving race of various equines have for guns? Certainly not to shoot eachother. At least, not now. He has been working on a functional model of a firearm of old, though he has not had the best of luck. He has been missing some parts.[/colour]

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>Enter name, Gender, Species

His name is Flashbomb. His species is pegasus Stallion, With a Dark blue Coat, Orange eyes, and a long orange mane. His body is adorned with many scars. His interests are flight, Reading ,and is proficient in the broad sword and knife. His weapon had ben passed down many generations in his family. Why a pony would need sword skills know nopony would know. He also has minor skill in first aid. His skills though are rusty as is his blade because of the ban on weapons during celestias reign.

(like that?)

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(Yeah, sounds good!)

>Examine room

Forte got bored sitting at his table, looking over his nonfunctioning firearm. Where in the wide wide world of Equestria could he find parts for this? If only he could make them... Oh well. He decided to take a look around his room. On one wall was his quite impressive collection of trombones. He had just about every possible kind of trombone imaginable. Like, literally. Every. Possible. Kind.

>Admire wall of trombones

Dang, thats a lot of trombones... What does that one even do? It's got like... knobs and levers... Do instruments even have those? Apparently, cause it's sitting right there.

>Okay, thats enough trombones. Look at something else.

No! You can never have enough trombones! But, I guess it is time to look at something else. Forte walks over to the third wall. This wall is full of bookshelves containing his equally impressive collection of Equestrian history, all perfectly organized chronologically. From the first pony civilizations, to the reign of discord, to the griffon wars, Forte has knowledge of just about every major topic in Equestrian history. Which means he has a lot of time on his hands...

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>Examine park

Flashbomb looked around him taking in everything. It was a glorious day in ponyville and the park was no exception. He saw a bench and his saddlebags sitting nearby. perhaps there was something interesing in there? Who knows.

>Examine saddlebags

Flashbomb examined the saddlebags. they were the saddlebags that his mother had given to him on his birthday.He asked for a scooter but got a saddlebag instead. Anyway back to the bags. Theywere simple leather and had a strap and a loop that fastened them shut. so exciting.

>Open saddlebags

Flashbomb opened the saddlebag and looked inside. Inside of the bag was a collection of items that you would normally find in a saddlebag. A book, some sunglasses, and a packed lunch. Hopefully there were hayfries in there and not bran oats. Flashbomb hated bran oats.

>Take Book

Flashbomb put the book into his SYLLADEX It took up one card. there are 3 more left.

(dunno if i spelled right, if i get something wrong let me know)

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(No, you're doing great! :))

>Examine fourth wall

The... Fourth wall? Forte's not sure what that means... Oh!! You must mean the other wall! The one he breaks all the time. Yeah, trying to rebuild technology that hasnt had any use for thousands of years tends to get a bit frustrating. Luckily, though, that also happens to be the wall with the window. So Forte just thinks of it as expanding his window. What to do now?

>Play with Sylladex

What an absurd notion! The sylladex is not a toy! The sylladex is an essential part of any young pony's adventure. It is what allows him to use and carry objects that would normally be beyond their capasity to carry. Or it's just used to carry around a butt load of ****. Speaking of which, Forte's sylladex is looking rather empty.

>Fill sylladex

Forte decides to fill his sylladex with random ****. Forte, being somewhat tech savvy, unlike somepony he knows *rolls eyes at Flashbomb, even though he is far away* has managed to modify his MODUS, which is like an operating system for sylladex's. Or whatever the plural for sylladex is. Unlike the FETCH MODUS, which is what most ponies use, Forte uses a custom MUSIC MODUS. This requires that Forte sing, hum, whistle, play, or otherwise make audible a specific tune for each item he wishes to withdraw from his sylladex. Cumbersome, you say? Pointless, you say? Not for a musically inclined pony like Forte!

>Shut up and capchalouge some **** already.

Fine, Mr bossy pants! Forte decides to capchalouge a couple of trombones, some books on ancient equestrian politics and his unfinished firearm. Who know's what he might need. He sure doesnt.

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>Read the book

Flashbomb took the book out of his SYLLADEX and opened it. "The wonderbolts V1 " It read. Flashbomb flipped the page and began reading. He gained knowlege on the Wonderbolts and their history. He grew tired of reading.

>Fine put it away

Flashbomb put the book back in his SYLLADEX Rolling his eyes.

> Examine the snazzy shades.

Flashbomb looked at the sunglasses. They were your simple run off the mill shades, What would be amazing about sunglasses? They would make you 20% cooler thats why!

>Put those sweet shades on my friend.

Flashbomb put the shades on. His coolness stat increased as they said 20% They also protects your eyes from harmfull sunrays. An added bonus.

(i might be getting the hang of this.)

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(it seems you are my friend)

>Examine funny hat.

Excuse me? It is not a funny hat! Forte is offended by the notion of it being called a hat. It is called a shako. It is the traditional headwear of marching bands! And Forte wears it with pride!

>Why is the feather glowing?

Thats just the magical chat client, MagicChat! Forte uses it to talk to his good friend!

>Chat up good friend

Jolly good idea!

tromboneplayer [tp] began chatting with ???

[tp] Hey Flashbomb.

[tp] You still havnt made a chat name yet?

[tp] Thats some weak stuff right there.

[tp] You know I'm just messin with ya.

[tp] But seriously.

[tp] I cant be talking to ??? all the time.

[tp] It looks weird.

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Flashbomb's little bugger buzzed at him He had recieved a message.

>look at that wierd tech thingy

Flashbomb looked at the Iittle Bugger and saw that tp had messaged him.

>Think of who trombone player is

Flashbomb closed his eyes. "Who would he she or it be?" He thought hard "Aha! it was Forte of course!"

>Stop looking constipated and message him back.

Flashbomb glared Constipated...... really?

He looked at the messages

tp Hey flashbomb

tp you sill havnt made a chat name yet?

tp thats some weak stuff right there

tp you know im just messin with ya

tp but seriously....

Flashbomb rolled his eyes

>Continue reading

Keep reading this? Flashbomb sighed and continued reading

tp it looks weird.

>open profile index

Flahbomb opened his profile he found a list of options and one to change his name.

>Enter name

Flashbomb typed "doodyhead."

>Fix the name

Flashbomb changed it to Fb

> exit index

Flashbomb exited and saw the chat again.

>Reply to tb

Flashbomb typed a snazzy comeback

Fb It is fixed you lollygagger.

>Terible comeback.

Flashbomb glared.

>Place little bugger into SYLLADEX

Flashbomb placedthe littlebuger in the card above the Book he had 2 cards left.

(haha snazzy comeback)

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[tp] Thank you ever so much.

[tp] Haha, lollygagger?

[tp] Really?

[tp] That was lame.

(this is a lot more difficult on my dinosaur of a phone. I think im going to bed. Good first day! This should be good)

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[tp] Like, who even says that anymore?

[tp] Get with the times.

[tp] Speaking of which, have you seen that new game thats coming out?

[tp] Sburb?

[tp] I think we should play that.

[tp] I got special access to the beta! I sent a copy to you, wherever it is you are.

[tp] Well, I'm gonna get ready. I suggest you do too.

tromboneplayer [tp] has ceased chatting with flashbomb [fb]

>Set strife specibus

Forte decided of his own free will to set his strife specibus! Now, everypony who gets a sylladex gets one strife specibus free. So he has to make this choise carefully...

>Set strife specibus to trombonekind

Thats the stupidest idea Forte has ever heard. He would never hurt an innocent trombone by fighting with it. Whoops!


Looks like his strife specibus is set to trombonekind! Oh well. Good thing he has so many trombones.

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>capchalouge Lunch bag

Flashbomb Capchalouged The Lunch bag, Myabe he could eat what is inside later 1 card left

>Check Little bugger

Flashbomb checked the little bugger. Tp Had responded

[tp] Like, who even says that anymore?

[tp] Get with the times.

[tp] Speaking of which, have you seen that new game thats coming out?

[tp] Sburb?

[tp] I think we should play that.

[tp] I got special access to the beta! I sent a copy to you, wherever it is you are.

[tp] Well, I'm gonna get ready. I suggest you do too.

>Locate source of Sburb

Flashbomb couldnt find the sburb beta. Aw bollocks

>Travel to Angel snapps house

Flashbomb trotted to Home

>Examine mailbox

The mailbox is compromised of a metal box upon a wooden pole. the Flag thingy is sticking up! That means that you have mail!

>Retreive package

Flashbomb opened the mailbox and retrieved the package. It is adressed to him but is taped shut and he cant open it.

>Enter house

Flashbomb opened the front door and strolled in. He is in a modern sameold Living room, Complete with a couch, chair and coffee table. There is a note on the table as well.

>Read note

Flashbomb read the note :

Dear flashbomb, I realize that you have gotten a new game and wish to play it. but i have locked the computer until you finnish 3 chores i have set before you Bwahahaha.

Your friend Angel snapp.

Curses that vile Room mate of yours has Blocked your path.

>That doesnt matter now find a way to open the package.

Flashbomb searches the house for a viable means of opening the treasure locked inside. He finds a spoon, Really a spoon? are you dumb? He searches again.

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>Find way to weaponize trombone.

Hm... Forte has always imagined kicking butt with a trombone-shaped sword, but none of his trombones are sharp enough to do any damage. He could just hit enemies with it... Oh well.

>Do something adorable.

What the **** kind of command is that? No.

>Eat food.

Thats much better. Only one problem...

>Look downstairs.

Forte cautiously opens the door... And... BANG! CLANK! There is a pile of trumpets blocking the door. Its that trumpet player in the band. He always does stuff like this...

>Grumble in anger.

Forte proceeds to grumble in anger, laying out a stream of MAD BAD WORDS.

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>Flashbomb read the list of chores

Flashbomb looked at the list of chores with discust. He didnt want to do them.

>Fine, find the scissors first

He smiles and continues his search.

>Head upstairs and continue your search.

Flashbomb heads upstairs and sees 2 doors on the left side.

>Open first door

Flashbomb opened the first door and entered the room. It was Angel snapp's wonderbolt room, it was filled with tons of wonderbolt pictures and a display case with a wonderbolt uniform. He detests how he shows it off so freely. Although he couldnt help but feel envy.

>search the room for scissors.

Flashbomb looked around, there were no scissors in sight.

>Deficate on the floor and squeal like a dolphin


>Pick up picture of wonderbolts

Flashbomb picked up a picture of the wonderbolts which pushed the first item out of his Captchalougue deck The book flew out and smashed the Glass of the Wonderbolt case.

>Pick up glass shard

Flashbomb being carefull not to cut himself picked up the piece of glass. His Little bugger flew out and hit the wall.

>Drop package

Flashbomb doesnot understand the word drop.

>Ugh fine capchalouge another picture

Flashbomb picked up another picture and his lunch fell to the floor spilling it everywhere.

>capchalouge something else

Flashbomb picked up another shard of glass. His package flew out of the windo



>Fly to the package

Flashbomb flew out to the package and landed

>Use glass shard on package tape

Flashbomb cut open the box and lo and behold SBURB was there!

(your right C r a p is blocked)

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