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Destroy the Picture Above You, take 2

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I was getting so used to the first "Destroy the Picture Above You" thread, but it was locked due to too many complaints, so I shall continue the thread, but first, a quick revision of the rules:

[colour=#282828]The goal of the game is to post a picture of something that destroys the previous poster's picture. Example: Laser > Invisibility > All seeing eye > Lemon > Juicer > Hammer > Sheild > ect. You need to state what your picture represents if it's obscure. Crazy, unlikely, or just weird combinations are always encouraged, but you'll need to be able to back it up. And please, please, please no rock-paper-scissor endless loops.[/colour]

Oh, and another thing, cuss words are extremely discouraged as I shall call in the admins who shall then give you warnings, block your comments, and maybe even ban you if you perform this abuse repeatedly. Anyway, where we left off, the soldiers have taken out the bad plot (lack for a better term).


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I completely support the idea. As long as I do believe that there should be some consequences driven from the fact that site rules were violated by somebody, I'm not sure if all its participants should experience them. Let community take care of themselves. After all, it's rather a harmless topic if one keeps to the site rules, right :)? Correct me if I'm wrong.

PS: I suggest reposting the rules along with the response image from time to time, in order to remind people that it's not 'post what you want' thread.

PS2: Of course, if there were more complex reasons hidden behind shutting down the thread, I'll just accept it and see this one locked too, in act of 'preventive measures'. But as for now, I don't see problems apart from "unit's" misbehavior.

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The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs, which no longer affect us, began to kill them. The end came swiftly.

(Also, I have no idea what happened in the old DtPAY thread, but it doesn't sound good. I'm just here for teh lulz)

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