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Joey8225 reportin' in!


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About Myself: I'm a pretty run-of-the-mill nerd. Studying IT and watching MLP. It should also be noted that I have a strange, probably unhealthy, obsession with changelings.

How I found Canterlot.com: I used my |_|83.- |_337 googling skills (searched "Friendship is magic RP")

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: How I became a fan? That's a quite funny story I'd think. Then again, I sometimes overrate my personal experiences, but I digress.

It all started on an imageboard called 4chan, many of you probably know of it. I saw all the MLP stuff going on and, at the time, I was pretty "meh" about the whole thing. One fateful day that changed. It was summer, two days until my oral exam in French. I was very much not ready and in need of some serious procrastination material.

An all-nighter later I had watched every episode released up until that point, and I couldn't feel more prepared for my French exam!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I can't really pick a favourite pony. It might sound a bit faffy (a word that I've grown attached to over the last few months), but I feel that each of the characters have their own merits and failures. I hope to have lots of RP adventures with you guys in the near future!

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You have a way with words, my friend!

Nevertheless, I welcome you to the friendlest place and forum you'll find!

Chanelings are a playworthy kind, I bet none of us mind. Step in, meet the friendly folk!

Bottom line: hello! Hope to get to know you better.

On a side note: what are your interests?

Videogames... retro, rpg, modern?

Shows? Books? Tell us more!

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I can't seem to find a way to edit the form itself, so I'll just make a reply instead.

I am indeed a fan of videogames. I feel that a lot of the modern AAA games have been, with some exceptions, quite samey as of late. So many of the games I actively play are getting a bit old. My favourites are:

EVE Online (because internet spaceships are serious business)

Dwarf Fortress (insane depth makes me happy)

Planetside 2 (just because I sometimes need to shoot someone without thinking too much)

When it comes to books I read a wide varity of stuff. I just finished Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tools and I can easily recommend it to anyone wanting to improve their skills at writing. It's a great book and has a low barrier of entry.

I hope this tells you inquisitive guys enough about my interests, and thanks for the kind welcome, Crescent.

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Hello, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Do you have a Changeling OC?

If you're just starting out Roleplaying, I suggest trying the FiM Free-For-All section. You can jump right in, and look for an open thread that interests you. Or, you can check out the OOC area, and read through the recent ideas people have had. Or, feel free to start your own RP or OOC topic!

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