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About Myself: I love to draw, paint, and craft. It's fun to sit down and watch a good cartoon, and MLP happened to squeeze its way into my schedule! In my free time, I draw, cook, nap, read, and study.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I watched the original MLP when I was really little, and stumbled upon it about a year ago. I was very impressed with the humor and art style, and decided to investigate, so here I am!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity
[colour=#dda0dd]I have a soft spot for My Little Pony, and am squeezing my way into the fandom! It's nice to meet you all![/colour]

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Hey Doodle! First of all, welcome, welcome, a thousand times welcome! Secondly, I love your avatar--is that some of your work? Like Tales, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your stuff--hopefully ponies! But if there's anywhere else we might be able to look at some of your art, I'd love to see it.

There's loads of friendly folks around here, so I know you're gonna have a good time. Drop by the chat some time if you get the chance and say hi to everypony!

Oh, and if you have any questions or need anything around here, let me know, and I'll help out however I can.

Looking forward to seeing you around!

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