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Retro's Record Store(Open! Feel free to join)


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Retro sighed a sigh of happiness as he looked out the window of his shop. While he didn't get that many customers on days like these he still loved selling records. He always loved making music. He himself was into the more electronic music. Retro was a jet black stallion with a blonde mane and blonde tail. He loved his job. He loved the ponies that would come in and buy little but talk a lot about music. Music was his favorite topic.

He sighed again and trotted over to the front desk. And leaned up against it. Music was playing in the background as usual. He closed his eyes and said, "Gotta love the music.". He smiled a big smile and kept his eyes closed. He would know if anypony came in because of the bell that would ring if the door opened. So he laid there, happily content.

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Rawkus wasn't planning on going into any more stores, but when she saw the clean shop face of the record store, she felt suddenly drawn.

Being an amateur musician, she tried to learn as much as she could about music, and today was no different. She knew she'd regret being late home afterwards, but for now, she didn't care.

She pushed open the door and looked up in shock as a bell tinkled, alerting the clerk to her arrival. Scowling a little, she walks in anyway, a content feeling washing over her as she familiarized herself with the layout of the store.

She didn't even notice the pony behind the counter.

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Retro was laid up against the table daydreaming when he heard the jingle of the bell on the door. It took him by surprise and he flipped over and fell on the ground.

He stuck his head up and looked around his store with wide eyes. He spotted a mare that had trotted in his store. He laughed to himself that he let the jingle scare him. He picked himself up and picked up some things he spilt over when he fell.

He smiled and looked at the mare and said, "Hello there! Welcome! Feel free to look around and if you need anything just let me know!". He then turned around and closed a door behind the front counter. He didn't want anypony seeing his studio in his store. He turned around and cast a quick glance at the mare. He smiled at her and then went to organizing some music.

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Rawkus jumped at the sound of a mystery voice, but upon turning around, she notices the clerk, and nods stiffly. She doesn't usually like accepting help from store clerks but this guy looks like he could know his stuff. However, she returns his smile genuinely and then turns back to the Rock section she had intended on browsing. She wasn't planning on speaking, but somehow the sentence just tumbled from her mouth.

[colour=#6666ff]"So, uh, who's your favourite? Artist, I mean," [/colour]she asks, not turning around to look at him as she speaks.

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Retro smiled at the mare. He looked at the sign of what section she was in. He saw she was in the Rock section. He admired her for going to this section. He trotted over to her and started flipping through records. He smiled when he picked a few up. He put them back and without looking at the mare said, "Well..to be honest. I don't think I have a favorite artist. But my favorite genre..that'd have to be indie.". He trotted over and looked at one of his favorite indie records. "Ponies know how to make good indie music.". He smiled warmly and looked at her. He trotted back over to her and said, "Name's Retro. Please tell me if I'm annoying you.". He smiled and laughed a bit. "I know some customers don't like the clerk bothering them.". He smiled at her and continued to look through records again. He wanted to fine one and make a copy of it to play on loop in the store.

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Rawkus watched interested at which records he picked out, and noted his expressions as he did so.

[colour=#6666ff]"So you're like me then,"[/colour] she found herself saying, grinning cheekily.[colour=#6666ff] "Not partial to a particular artist. Huh, thought that was just me being picky,"[/colour] she snickers at herself before turning back to him.

[colour=#6666ff]"I'm Rawkus."[/colour]

Rawkus had to admit, he wasn't annoying her like store clerks usually do, so she didn't feel at all out of place chatting to him. [colour=#6666ff]"You make your own stuff by any chance?"[/colour] she risks a sly glance at him to gauge his reaction. She shrugs a little. [colour=#6666ff]"Just that, you sorta look like a musician."[/colour] she sticks her tongue out playfully.

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(I freaking love you profile pic btw XD haha)

Retro smiled at her and said

[colour=#b22222]"Well it's good to meet you Rawkus."[/colour] He chuckled a bit and then turned around trotted to another shelf and started to organize music again. He grumbled to himself and then stopped when he heard what Rawkus asked. He put the music down and thought to himself, "[colour=#b22222]My studio??" [/colour] He put on a bit of a nervous face and he looked at Rawkus and said,[colour=#000000] "Yes I do."[/colour] He wiped the nervousness off his face and realized he can tell anything to this mare.

[colour=#b22222]"I write my own music quite often."[/colour] He pointed at the door behind the front desk and said, [colour=#b22222]"And there is where it happens." [/colour] He smiled at Rawkus and trotted towards the counter.

He tried to see her cutie mark but he couldn't see it. He looked at her and said, "[colour=#b22222]By any chance do you write and or play music?" [/colour] He hoped the answer would be yes.

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Delilah was going to see if her record was out yet,she went into the nearest record store,as she opened up the door a sound went off,she tucked in her ears and looked around,"Phew,just a chime."She closed the door behind her,she didn't know this store very well,so she just walked around trying to find the hip hop and pop section,she stood confused,and silent.

((I'm gonna hop on in if you don't mind :D ))

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Retro looked at Rawkus and said, "One second.". He trotted over to the counter and said to Delilah, "Hello and welcome! If you need anything just let me know!". He smiled at Delilah. He had seen her in his shop before but not that many times. He trotted over and started organizing music files. He looked up at Delilah and saw how confused she was and he chuckled a bit. He waited to hear if she needed help or anything.

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Retro sighed a happy sigh and trotted over to the mare. He smiled at her and pointed at a stand of music and said, "It's right over there.". He trotted over and picked up a record in the section and handed it to her. "I think you'll find a liking to this one.". He smiled a warm smile as he handed her the record.

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Rawkus doesn't take her eyes off the record collection as she replies to him. [colour=#6666ff]"I sing in a .. Well, not a band exactly, but we're hoping to make it big. I'm in a duo with my friend. He writes most of our stuff and plays it,"[/colour] she explains quietly, ignoring the tinkle of the chime.

She moves her wing a little to show him her cutie mark, which is a black bass clef made of barbed wire.[colour=#6666ff] "It's always great to find a pony that's interested in music,"[/colour] she grins a little, only half-aware that there was another pony in the shop.

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Retro looked at Rawkus and raised one eyebrow. He did not see this mare as the one to be in a band. But now he could see it. He smiled at her and said, "Well. That's impressive.". He then glanced over at the other mare that walked in and saw she was in the section she wanted and he smiled.

He looked back at Rawkus and moved his mane a bit. "Maybe sometime we could play together? That is if you're willing to sing in front of electric beats.". He smiled at her. Back in his studio was a large mixer that he used for electric music. While most ponies played cellos or other stringed instrument. Retro made electric music. He always loved watching Vinyl play her music. He was actually very fond of her.

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Rawkus flushes, but nods carefully. "There's no harm in trying something new, is there?" she says, finally lifting her head and looking at Retro. She studies him for a moment and then starts to look around the store, her eyes lingering on the brightly coloured posters.

[colour=#6666ff]"And you own this place too?"[/colour] she murmurs, more to herself than him.

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Retro turns around and flies away more music. "Maybe eventually I'll get this done.". He thought to himself. He then smiled and without looking at Rawkus he said, "Music knows no limitations. New things are always great to try.".

He kept his smile and turned around to face her.

He felt like she knew a lot about music. He hoped she didn't mind that he played electric music. He glanced over at the door behind the front desk and he looked back at Rawkus and said, "Yes I do own this place.". He chuckled a bit to himself and looked around his store.

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"It's really great to see a pony with such a blatant passion for music," she began, then whipped around in surprise when she heard the other mare in the shop.

She had completely forgotten that they weren't alone here. She sighed at her own stupidity and then grinned at the other pony- Until something stirred inside her. Had she met this pony somewhere before? [colour=#6666ff]"Find something you like? Wait, hold on, you seem sort of familiar,"[/colour] she says, her ears perked in curiosity.

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Retro smiled at Rawkus. He was glad that he had met this mare. "Well thank you.". He smiled at her

He realized that not a lot of his customers were like her. One close one was Vinyl though. He remembered when she trotted into his store.

He shook his head and then glanced over at the mare that had shrieked. He watched as Rawkus went over and started to talk with her. He laughed a bit and then started to look around his store.

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