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Must've taken a wrong turn at Appaloosa...


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...for me to end up here in Canterlot.

Hello! I'm... well, Bedhead is my character's name but you can call me that if you like!

I was just googling Pony RPs since I had a bad itch to RP them recently. I had a pony RP forum of my own but it sputtered out when I got too busy to help maintain it.

Uh, I think that's about it, really, or all I can think of for now!

I might not be around *too* much since I'm still in school... technical training to be an air traffic controller. But hopefully I'll be able to poke my head in now and then and play with you all. <3

Edited by Bedhead
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Thanks everyone. <3

Ahhh, drawings. I have some but they're a bit scattered all over the place. Let's see... I have this that I drew recently for one of my classmates. She asked me to draw her a cute cat since hers recently passed away.:


Ponywise, I have a bunch of notebook doodles but they haven't been scanned in yet... Here's a WIP of one of my characters, Wild Blue Yonder. He's an aeronaut Pegasus:


And a slightly old sketch of Bedhead, taken with my webcam,


If anyone's interested in seeing more, I might scan in a few more of my doodles sometime.

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