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Mystère [Ready]


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There is still a LOT to work on,

1: you don't explain her cutie mark at ALL you just gloss over it, this needs to be told in detail, we need to know what it symbolizes

2: "At the age of 16" needs to go, we don't use number ages for ponies

3: There are no "superiors" and "inferiors" in the WonderBolts, they are a TEAM! You are making up a lot of lore on how the WonderBolts work, and I don't think you quite understand how they work here.

They are a flying team that when needed perform aids for Canterlot, like dealing with Dragon problems, but they are primarily a elite flight team, your characters history makes them sound more military which is a more combat sort of thing than what we are going for.

I don't think you really understand this fully enough to be a Wonderbolt, your app needs to come down several notches, as it is a MOUTHFUL to read, and the made up lore doesn't help

All I know is that your pony is a workaholic obsessed with the wonderbolts

Focus on the Wonderbolts LESS and focus on your character more.

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I've edited the application, adding in the explanation of the meaning of the cutie mark, removing the reference to age and editing the parts regarding the Wonderbolts. Thank for your help, do you think you could give it a read and give your opinion on it.

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Reading it all over again I'm going to strongly reccomend FFA, the fist isn't something we'd see in WOE and you keep making the character more and more confusing, I suggest playing with her in FFA to get a handle on what you want before trying to apply for WOE (Much less a WonderBolt too)

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Fair game. To be honest, now that I've been away for a few months, the character sort of confuses me as well and I have less understanding of what I want to get out of it in comparison to four months and one week ago. Yeah, keep it for FFA I guess, I'll come back to her at a point in a future, although my interest for her has waned and even if it got accepted, I probably wouldn't have done anything with her. Go for it then.

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You're not the first person to have trouble with their first application for this roleplay type. We're looking for characters we would easily find in the cartoon, Friendship is Magic. There's a lot here that would make passing this character difficult. Simply edit the roleplay type to "FFA" and we'll take care of the rest. Thanks!

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