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Shenanigan [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Shenanigan

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Green

Coat: Her coat is an overall orange tone very similar to apricot. She bares simple feathered wings which are slightly smaller than average, but perfectly capable of flight. She doesn't often wear much of anything, but has been known to wear funny hats or gag-goggles from time to time.

Mane/Tail: Her burnt orange mane is kept to the length of her chest while her tail rests a few inches above the ground. When properly brushed and styled, her mane and tail has a slight tendency to curl at the ends. However, more often than not, her mane and tail are styled by being windblown or from her habit of hanging upside down.

Physique: Shenanigan considers herself to be fairly average as far as pegasi go. She isn't particularly tall or short, nor particularly heavy or thin. She also isn't particularly strong or fast. However, she does have a rather light step and a quiet flap, which allows her to be particularly sneaky from time to time.

Residence: Fillydelphia

Occupation: Joke Shop Assistant/ Freelance Prankster

Cutie Mark: Shenanigan's cutie mark is a open blue can with three green snakes leaping out of it, much like the typical can o' snakes gag.

As a young filly, Shenanigan was a rather straight-laced and even obedient foal, though she was well known to have a bit of a competitive streak. She often felt a need to surpass her peers, even in silly trivial feats, such as spit-bubble-blowing. Unfortunately, this behavior labeled her as a show-off among her peers, and as a result, Shenanigan often was alone during her recesses. It was something that Shenanigan couldn't figure out for the longest time, as she always thought everypony would want to be friends with somepony who was really good at everything.

It was during her birthday party when one of the young colts felt it would be a swell idea to wrap a can o' snakes as a gift. Upon opening it, Shenanigan was terrified. The ensuing laughter caused a sudden realization to dawn within Shenanigan. In that instant, she discovered that the only way to make any friends was to somehow cause them to laugh through a prank - a prank they would all never forget!

The planning and preparation stages took weeks. However, one morning, the entire town of Fillydelphia awoke to find that the entirety of the town had been painted bright red. Every building, every street, even every plant, all of it was completely red while Shenanigan and the other young fillies and colts laughed and laughed.

Naturally, the other citizens of Fillydelphia were not nearly as amused by the redness of the town. In punishment, Shenanigan was forced to wash off all the red paint. While she was beginning her punishment, to her surprise some of her classmates approached and even helped her to wash the paint, even though it took all day. Yet even as she washed, all she could do was smile, happy to have been able to make her classmates laugh and make some friends in the process. It was at that moment that Shenanigan realized that all she wanted to do in life was pull off amazing pranks on everypony and make even more friends, which caused her cutie mark to appear.

History: Shenanigan is the oldest daughter of Fillydelphia's Shamrock Shamus (Fillydelphia's prominent clover farmer) and his wife, Emerald Showers. Growing up, Shenanigan was the pride of her parents, often doing well in school and getting along fairly well with others. She was a fairly happy young foal, but due to her competitive nature she often found herself alone since nopony really wanted to hang out with a show-off.

However, the "Shenanigan Incident" of Fillydelphia turning red was a surprisingly defining moment for Shenanigan, and not just due to her cutie mark. The prank had gained the attention of many of the foals in her class, who found the idea weird, but cool. Over time, Shenanigan and her new-found friends pulled many other, smaller pranks. Some of the older folk in Fillydelphia considered the group a bunch of troublemakers, but others seemed not to have a problem with the group, so long as no one was harmed by the pranks, of course.

Once out of school, Shenanigan became a shop assistant at the joke shop which she bought so many of her pranking supplies when she was younger. She has become quite a source of amusement for younger ponies, though many older ponies ( especially teachers) do not find her nearly so amusing.

Shenanigan isn't a pony with a very strong sense of family, and due to this she doesn't have a particularly good relationship with her parents ( they believe that she sets a bad example for her little sisters, Knick-knack and Paddywack,) but she does have a fairly good relationship with her uncle, O'brennan. Shenanigan doesn't seem to mind this, as she is eager to travel Equestria and maybe even beyond to discover new pranks and new ponies to prank.

Character Summary: Fresh clover casseroles covered with honey, the steam that forms when hot water is running, that moment when she wakes and can stretch out her wings, those are really Shenanigan's favorite things - that aren't pranking related.. Shenanigan is a prankster through and through. She delights in anything to get a rise out of other ponies. She is often the first to suggest scary stories around campfires, and the pony who brings a present with a trick inside to a party. However, because of this, Shenanigan has a bad tendency to sometimes go too far with her pranking. She isn't particularly mean-spirited, but from time to time things go out of hoof and somepony ends up very upset or even hurt. In such situations, Shenanigan is often rather quick to apologize and try to make amends. Of course, that won't stop her from going back to pranks just a few minutes later, but some suppose it is the thought that counts.

Edited by Shenanigan
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Hey there Shenanigan! I'm Star Swirl, your friendly neighborhood help staffer. I'll be assisting you with this app.

You are off to a great start!

Your cutie mark story seems too impersonal. What I mean is, something happened her, rather her doing something proactively. From what we have seen, cutie marks occur when the pony does something that makes them realize their special talent, or they realize something they already do is what makes them "super special." Perhaps that prank that was played on her inspired her to play her first prank on somepony else, and that is what lead to her cutie mark. You can even be inventive with it, explaining the prank and the process she used to prepare to do it. This will also make it seem less sudden.

Your history also seems a bit short. What did Shenanigan do for fun? Did she have friends? Did her friends change when she became a prankster? Go into detail. This is, in essence, the abbreviated life story of your pony up to this point. It currently reads "She was a good studious student until her cutie mark story, and then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked she got her cutie mark. Now she is an employee at a joke shop." Like her Cutie Mark story, its all too sudden.

Your Character Summary on the other hand is short for all the right reasons. It gives a solid idea of your character. I would go into what she likes to do other than pranking ponies all the time. But otherwise it is quite good.

I look forward to seeing development on this interesting character! If you have any questions, let me know!

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This is much improved!

However, your cutie mark story seems to be focused on vengefulness and maliciousness. Let's take everyone's favorite prankster, Pinkie Pie. Everything she does is in good natured fun, not because she is getting back at some pony. She laughs, and the pony whom she pranks get the joke and laugh with her. The one time that did happen, with the CMC, in Bad Seed, it didn't turn out well. It just isn't the flavour of the show. It is fine to be a prankster, but keep it at light hearted fun, rather than acts of vengeance or being outwardly malicious.

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I actually wanted to better cement her as a separate character from Pinkie Pie (though they are a little similar, I really wanted to avoid her seeming like complete Pinkie clone,) but after reading over it again, it did seem a little unnecessarily mean-spirited.

I've changed some of it up and added a bit more, so hopefully she won't seem so openly mean. By the way, thanks for the help, again. It means a lot. :)

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I actually wanted to better cement her as a separate character from Pinkie Pie (though they are a little similar, I really wanted to avoid her seeming like complete Pinkie clone,) but after reading over it again, it did seem a little unnecessarily mean-spirited.

I've changed some of it up and added a bit more, so hopefully she won't seem so openly mean. By the way, thanks for the help, again. It means a lot. :)

Totally understand.

The ensuing laughter caused something in Shenanigan's mind to snap

I think the wording here could use a bit of work. Perhaps something more like "the ensuing laughter made her suddenly realize something." The idea of mind snapping is usually not a good thing.

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I think the wording here could use a bit of work. Perhaps something more like "the ensuing laughter made her suddenly realize something." The idea of mind snapping is usually not a good thing.

I completely agree. :mad:

But we're all mad here Yeah the connotations for that phrase probably are not the best. I have reworded it. :) Thank you both.

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