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{closed} Equestrian outlands

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Whiterod studys the shack closely and nods, laughing to self at his joke. [colour=#40e0d0]its better than i can do atleast, i dont even think i could survive a day out here, [/colour][colour=#000000]Rod keeps padding along side of ash [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]is it true that steampunk citys are out here?[/colour]

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Ash smiled at Whiterod and said, "I've only seen a few of the cities. I've heard that there is a very big city somewhere in these Outlands. But I've never seen it.". Ash laughed a bit.

He began to think about the steampunk cities. One was actually kind of close. But he didn't want to travel there now.

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"its interesting to see how they even survive out here.." Rod takes a look around the wasteland that some would call home, "might take some getting used to..." Whiterod listened to the scapeing of her claws against the hard ground and she picks up her front feet a little more so it doesn't dull down the nail part as much.

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Ash glanced around his shack and said, "Yeah.." he sighed. "It's amazing you can actually survive out here.". Ash chuckled a bit and then moved his way over to the shack. He pulled out two mattresses one at a time and laid them in the shack next to his bed.

"Sorry for not having a proper bed. I was never expecting company.". Ash laughed a bit.

He then glanced over at the little fire place in the middle of his site. He had no idea what he had to eat. He didn't even know if he had anything. Ash glanced at Rod and said sheepishly, "You..w..want anything to eat?". He smiled.

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Hop on in dopple!))

[colour=#000000]Rod looks at ash and shakes head no "i ate just before i was forced out, im ok, why do you ask?" Rod takeing a look around the small shack before sitting on a matress[/colour]

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Dopple smiled at the two 'meals' before him. Since his banishment ponies to feed on have been harder and harder to find, but these two before him. They should be easy pickings all he needed was to get close and he would have food for months! "Actually..I myself am quite famished!" He gave the two before him a fanged grin.

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[colour=#000000]Rod looks at the changeling and scoots over in a uncomfortable manner "where did you come from?" eyeing the..(sorry are you a changeling?) whrapping her tail around her feet. Looking at ask and back, wondering..[/colour]

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(Whiterod is a [colour=#282828]Hippogriff) Rod scoots over one more and looks at the changeling closely, and extends claws and narrows eyes "one more step and your horse feed.."[/colour]

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-gets into fighting stance and growls, eyes going into a slit like mode- your going to be sorry changeling! Rod takes a step forward, trying to gather her courage and keep it in tact, opening her wings slightly just in case the changeling pounces

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(its fine) Rod growls and pounces the changeling, jumping off and clinging to the side of the wall and looking back, her tail dangling in the air, jumping off onto the ground and gets into a crouching postion, eyes never leaveing the changelings.

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Rod grunts and tosses black hair back and looks down on the changeling, "cant fight cant ya? i'd hate to be you right now, hows about you save your energy and talk instead?" Placeing one claw on the changelings stomach, nails placed right were his heart is, eyes going back to a normal form, stareing at the changeling with a expressionless emotion

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"good boy" Rod gives a small smirk before pulling the changeling up to a sitting position as Rod fixes her wings back to her side and asks "why did you attack?" tilting her head in a confused manner, flattening her ears a tad bit, still feeling uneasy near the changeling whrapping her skinny pony tail around her front paws, retracting the claw part, waiting for a respond.

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((Sorry I didn't post in forever XD welcome aboard Dopple!))

Ash was speechless while the whole fighting was going on. He had never seen changling before.

He sat in silenece as Rod proceeded to ask the creature a few questions. He didn't want to get involved. He could fight...when he wanted to. Right now he was a bit famished and tired from the walk. He sighed and kept listening. He was interested in what would be said.

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Dopple took breath and gave her a simple answer. "If i was to walk up to you and ask you nicely if I could feed on your emotions for food would you let me. As different as you are from a pony your not...this" He motions around himself "I could be as nice as Celestia and all the ponies would see is a hideous monster. So thats why my kind has to steal because nopony would willingly give to us."

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Rod blinks a few times and looks at the changeling "well, have you ever tried to ask? instead of scaring somepony out of their wits and force feeding off of them instead? i mean, its worth a shot, isent it? and second off, how come feelings, why not eat the same as other ponys eat, have you tried that too?" takeing a glance at ash, and Delilah, and back at the changeling.

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He sighed. "Its not the same..me eating pony food is like you trying to live on water." He looked at her. "One of my brothers once tried that. 'go in and try and be neighborly' was what he said. Those neighbors burned the house he brought with him inside." He took a deep breath to calm himself.

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