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{closed} Equestrian outlands

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Delilah watched as the Changeling did so,she could not comprehend in her mind how,or why they had to do this,so she sat there,digging her hoof into the ground and trying to do a mathmatical question,so she could figure it out.

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Ash chuckled a bit. "[colour=#ff0000]I am..part wolf. The other part is Griffon. I'm a Crynogiffon." [/colour] He laughed again and kept his paw extended to her.

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Ash laughed hard. "Eat you?" he smiled and continued to laugh.

Then he wiped his face and gave Delilah a blank stare and said in a monotone voice. "I would never do that Delilah.". He laughed and then smiled exposing his fangs.

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Ash laughed hard again. [colour=#8b4513]"I'm not going to eat you!"[/colour] He kept laughing at her. [colour=#8b4513]"You should have seen the look on your face!"[/colour] he then fell over and was holding his stomach. For some reason he found that really funny.

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Rod stares at ash and delilah and trys her best to hold back a laugh, and succeeds putting on a expressionless face, flicking her tail before sitting down and looking at Delilah and whispers " he dident have company in a long time, just don't get mad at him for a few mistakes..."

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Ash was still laughing. He finally calmed himself down and said, "[colour=#b22222]Ohh..sorry about that. When you're stuck in the Outlands for as long as I've been you'll do anything for a good laugh[/colour]." He smiled at Delilah and Rod.

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Rod smiles slightly "ya, i know that feeling, at a pub, even when your not joking, the pony's are so tired and drank to much cider they just laugh at everything you say"

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Ash had calmed himself down and then he looked at Delilah and Rod. "[colour=#ff0000]So what do you all want to do?"[/colour] He glanced around his hut. He really didn't have anything to do for fun here.

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Ash could tell that his "guests" were getting bored. He couldn't believe the feeling he was having. He didn't want them to leave. He enjoyed their company. Ash sighed and looked at Delilah. "[colour=#ff0000]So Delilah. Did you ever have somepony..or creature special to you before you were banihs-...um..sent here?[/colour]" He smiled sheepishly.

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Rod looks at ash and shakes head "no" trying to tell him not to ask that, knowing it might make Delilah cry, remembering seeing some colt on the other side of the barrier,

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Deliah's eyes started to tear up,"You,you..." She cried,she ran out of the hut (Hut right?) crying. She sat down behind the tree she had fallen out of,"Why.....Thunderbolt..." She sobbed through her words,she staretd to hiccup when she breathed,which made it easy to find her.

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Ash,not knowing what he did, sat there in his hut motionless. [colour=#ff0000]"What..did I say something?" [/colour]He had no emotions. He had been in the Outlands for two long. He had no idea what he did wrong.

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Delilah sobbed as she watched the sun set,it's blazing red streaks vibrating from it.She sat there,motionless as the sun bowed and left for the day,it turned into the night,the moon rising and a very distinct yellow,for it was a full moon,and it shined off of the water that fell from Delilah's eyes.

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Ash noticed that the moon had come out. This meant that his fangs would be longer than usual. That's what the moon does to him. He never questioned it. Ash then pawed his way over to Delilah. His voice was sorrowful. "Hey..Delilah...I'm..I'm sorry for that..I didn't know...". He held his head down.

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