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{closed} Equestrian outlands

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"Yeah.." Delilah whispered back,Thunderbolt glared at Ash,"You think it is FUN out there?! Well sir,you are messed up in the head,cause it is not good,cause my fiance is out there!" His voice escalated.

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Ash could tell that he stepped on a nerve. Which made him laugh. "[colour=#ff0000]Oh yeah! It's loads of fun out here!" [/colour]He smiled again and then let out a little howl before glaring back at Thunderbolt. He licked his fangs a bit. He then glanced back at Delilah and Rod. Then he looked back at Thunderbolt.

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Thunderbolt stomped a hoof and snorted at Ash,he was getting very frustrated with this creature (sorry,forgot how you spell what Ash is :P ) Delilah glared at Ash also,though she said nothing and kept her manners a little better than Thunderbolt.

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Ash was having fun. He actually fell over and held his side when Thunderbolt snorted at him. He laughed for a while and then managed to stand back up. Then he had another laughing fit and he sat down. Ash then glared at Thunderbolt and smiled. "[colour=#ff0000]Come on pony! Come on over and get me!"[/colour] He started to laugh again.

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Thunderbolt glared at him,almost growling he thought about it,Should I? He wondered to himself,Delilah hit Ash with her hoof," You're not very funny right now you know," She said with a slight touch of anger to her voice.

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Ash was shocked that Delilah had hit him! His mouth opened wide. He was still being sarcastic. "[colour=#ff0000]Me? Not funny?" [/colour]He scoffed and then laughed to himself. He then shut up and just sat and watched the ponies.

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Ash noticed the new face that was with them. It also called him not funny. He laughed a bit. "[colour=#ff0000]I'm just taunting some pony?" [/colour]Ash growled a bit before laughing again. [colour=#ff0000]"What is everyone out here against me?! Oh but sure you all were on board to be friendly when I offered to show you my campsite weren't you?"[/colour] Ash growled at all of the things...(some people are not ponies and idk what they are.))

He felt used now. But that's what the Outlands do to you.

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Ash clearly wasn't able to think at this time. He just snarled at the ponies and said, "Yeah." he had no idea who this newcomer was but the pony said they wanted to be on the side where ponies are right.

Ash just rolled his eyes at this. He kept his fangs out and he just sat there.

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Ash felt her hug him. He expected to feel the same that he did when she first hugged him but he didn't feel the same. He just sat still when she hugged him. He growled slightly. "It's alright." he mumbled quietly.

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"Okay..." Delilah stepped back,she looked over at Thunderbolt,who was standing there the whole time,motionless,like he was dead,"Are you okay?" She asked,looking over at him. There was no response from Thunderbolt,but just a sinister smile,thenin the midst of flying away,his colours changed from blue and blonde,to grey and black,with holes in his hooves

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((Aw snap!))

Ash glanced up and saw that the pony was now a..deformed..thing with holes in it's hooves. Ash made a gross noise and said, "Wow you got ugly.". He snickered quietly to himself.

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((I'll call thunderbolt,Thynderbolt XD ))

Thynderbolt turned around from flight,"Tsk,tsk,quite a nerve you got there,wolfey boy," He smiled grimly.

Delilah stared at him,"What happened to you?"She asked.

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Ash smiled sarcastically. "Nerve gets you far out here." he laughed to himself again and then snarled a bit. Whoever this..thing was..he didn't like him.

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Ash snarled at the used to be Thunderbolt. [colour=#ff0000]"You really are a freak."[/colour] He chuckled to himself again. Whoever this pony..thing was..Delilah obviously didn't like him. Or she was scared of him.

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((ohhh this cant be good!)) Rod growls and looks at the monster "YOU! YOUR THAT ONE THAT STOLE FROM THE TREASURY!" growling in anger Rod starts to claw the barrier, trying to get through.

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Thynderbolt snarled at them all,"Hmm,me?" He raised his voice,"Why I would NEVER do that," He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Delilah peeked from around Ash,startled she said,"You're not my.." He raised a hoof,"Tsk tsk tsk,why wonder honey," He chuuckled maniacally.Delilah stood there,her face hardened,she then flew to the barrier,"Let me in there!" She yelled before she hit the forcefield,causing her to pass out from the shock that flowed through her.

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Ash noticed that Delilah had knocked herself out by hitting the barrier. If Ash had never met this pony he would have considered eating her. What...he gets hungry in the Outlands sometimes.

But Ash knew her and he didn't want to eat her. He then looked back up at the creature and gagged a bit. "[colour=#ff0000]What are you?"[/colour] He coughed a bit and then chuckled .

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Rod continues to growl in anger and managing to say "he is a changeling, they take forms of other pony's like the one back at your hut," rod clawing at the barrier again and stops, taking a breath and her eyes going into a slit mode, angry at the creature.

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