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The Academy Chapter 2


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[colour=#000000]Blitz moved towards Twilight and saw one of the guards with her and ask what she was holding. She too was curious about it and moved towards it.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget shed a tear as he walked out the door of Spitfire's office. The note lay on the table in Gadget's hoofwriting. The note Read;[/colour]

Dear Spitfire, Swift Blitz, Flashbomb, Shadow, Rainbow Dash, angel snapp, Lyria, cloud dasher, and the other pegasi of the academy,

[colour=#000000]This letter may be considered a leave of absence from the wonderbolts and my employment at the academy, for reasons I wish not to share. Its times like these that you really feel like your entire name as a wonderbolt may be nothing but smoke and mirrors and my was. I took the curse willingly. I knew well what would happen if I stepped outside the barrier yet I did. I apologize to the pegasi I hurt and for any unhappy or hurtful moments I have caused. I know now that being a wonderbolt is more than going through the academy and trying to become the best. I know that I should have stayed on the path I was on instead of choosing one that I thought would have won. .[/colour]

[colour=#000000]To Swift Blitz, I hope you take care of yourself. We didn't talk very much and I apologize for this but at least you will become a wonderbolt without the need of a mentor.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]To Shadow, We had some great times and I feel like you were one of my only friends here. I wish you the best in all your future journeys and hope that you never fail.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]To angel snapp and Lyria, congratulations you two! I hope this relationship gets a chance to evolve into something better.[/colour]


[colour=#000000]To cloud dasher, I should have let you out...[/colour]

[colour=#000000]To Rainbow Dash, Do you remember back when we were cadets and I yelled at you because you were crying about losing somepony? I truly am sorry about that. I don't know how else to tell you that I am sorry. I should have been more considerate.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]To Flash bomb, Sometimes Lightning Strikes twice. When Lightning does this it causes the wind to stir but the gust is gone. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.[/colour]


[colour=#000000]To Twilight Sparkle, Do I know you?[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked around the ruined academy, he sighed at how bad it all looked. Cloud dasher was right, there wasnt to much to be happy about after the battle. But Flash closed his eyes and continued on [colour=#0000FF]"Yes we all know that this place is wrecked..... Its kind of a shame, that doesnt matter right now. The good news is that Spitfire has declared that all cadets are now Wonderbolts. For their valor in batte, I know you were kept from that but we left you because you were still very much under the curse. So i appologise for that, I still think you have what it takes though. I just wanted to tell you that because we are having the ceromony tommarow." [/colour]He said to Cloud Dasher. He entered the Staf barracks with her. Fleet foot trotted over "Whats the cadet doing here? She should be resting for the big day tommarow." He said with a wink. Flashbomb rolled his eyes [colour=#0000FF]"She is just as welcome here as everypony here." [/colour]He said to him. He trotted over to Rainbow dash and the others. Twilight was examining the masks that Dawn had made for him. Rainbow dash turned her head [colour=#00FFFF]"Flash knows about these better than i do, ask him!" [/colour]She said to Velocity. Twilight looked much more closely at the mask [colour=#800080]"They have a certain lure to them dont they." [/colour]She said to the others. She looked over to Flash and Cloud dasher [colour=#800080]"Why would you need these?" [/colour]She asked Flash. Flashbomb grabbed all three from the group. [colour=#0000FF]"These masks are what i use at flight shows." [/colour]He responded. Twilight's ear flicked [colour=#800080]"Yes but why?" [/colour]She repeated. Flash sighed [colour=#0000FF]"well they allow me to see much better when flying, as well......i cant do a sonic rainboom without it." [/colour]He said with slight embarisment. Rainbow dash looked at Flash, she remembered his sonic Flashboom incident when he crashed into the everfree forest When his sonic flashboom blinded him.

Flash held up one of the masks [colour=#0000FF]" I got one from Dawn, The daughter of Luna, and the sister Of Lyria. and i can tell you she knows how to make these things. It seems like these are newer models because they hold much more magic than the last one. As well when worn it seems to change to fit the user i guess. Watch." [/colour]He said as he handed one to Rainbow dash. She put it on and right away it glowed until it changed to match Rainbow Dash's colours and shape of her face. Flash smiled a bit he looked at the others, He noticed that Gadget and Shadow were missing. He was about to ask where they had gone but he was interupted by Twilight who grabbed both of the ones in his hooves and continued to look them over. She looked over to Velocity and handed him one. [colour=#800080]"Put it on real quick, i want to see if its true throughout please." [/colour]

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Angel trotted over and sat down next to lyria "[colour=#800000]It works great[/colour]" He smiled at her taking a bite of the sandwich, He nodded over to SilverStar to come and join them. She galloped over and sat down, She levitated the Sandwich over to her Muzzle and took a bite Happily "[colour=#008080]So...[/colour]" She said, Swallowing "[colour=#008080]When are you going to tell mum and dad?[/colour]" She asked angel. Angel looked up at SIlverStar "[colour=#800000]When I feel the moment is right Silver[/colour]" he told her.

CloudDasher stopped in her Tracks.. She was a wonderbolt, Just like that. She had gotten her wish. They made her a Wonderbolt without any needed proof that she was awesome, Yet, There was a empty feeling inside her. Like something was missing. She trotted over to FlashBomb who had left her to talk to two other mares. RainbowDash and TwilightSparkle she identified the Princess and the WonderBolt "[colour=#add8e6]HOLD UP! Your telling me.. That Im a wonderbolt just like that?![/colour]" She trotted over in front of him. "[colour=#add8e6]I Dont deserve this... Its not How I imagined! I was use..[/colour]" She turned to see Twilight giving her a stern look. She Grunted frustrated and trotted away to what was left of the Mare's Barracks and laid in a Bunk.

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Velocity saluted with his good wing when Twilight handed him the mask. He put it on, smiling as it conformed to his face, taking on the sandy tan hue of his coat, adding his twisting whirlwind cutie mark to either side. He gave a satisfied chuckle, which grew Into a full laugh after the HUD came online, "By all the lights in the sky! This thing is awesome! How long until these are standard issue?" He joked. He tapped a hoof to his chin, "So these things can help you calculate for Sonic Rainbooms? I've tried those before. I've managed to punch through the sound barrier itself on a few occasions, but never managed able to shatter the light spectrum like that."

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Flashbomb watched in amazement at the mask as it transformed to Meet Velocity's stature. He watched as it became a part of him, it formed perfectly onto his face. Cloud dasher had walked infront of him and Said that she didnt deserve the right to be a Wonderbolt, she said she didnt have a chance to show why she had what it took. Twilight had given her a stern look and Cloud dasher stormed off. Flash raised his hoof [colour=#0000FF]"Cloud Dasher.....i....." [/colour]He said but she was gone. He sighed and bowed his head, he needed to talk to Spitfire about this. Perhaps she was a little rushed in her attempt to make every cadet a Wonderbolt just because of What thunder did. He looked over to see that thunder had fallen quickly asleep. He wondered more about his past. He was drawn back by Velocity's chuckles of joy. He felt Rainbow Dash nudge him [colour=#00FFFF]"Yea we should al get one! so that we can do so much more! just think if we all did sonic rainbooms at the same time! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!" [/colour]She said with great excitement. Twilight still took notes with a pen and paper. [colour=#800080]"Velocity, what do you see in there? Anything in particualar that sticks out?" [/colour]She asked the guard with a puzzled look on her face.

Lightning dust watched all of this unfold infront of her .she Sat with Marble still just taking it all in. She glanced to Marble, " this day just gets more and more awkward if you ask me." She said to him with a smile.

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((So many posts, so little time!))

As he saw the other ponies talking about masks so he got up and got a sandvich and sat back down and asked shimmer"I see you wear armor, but are you royal guard or do get deployed like a war fighter ?"

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Velocity scanned over te HUD a few times before answering, "Measurements for longitude, latitude, altitude. Calculations for speed, the velocity at which I'd take turns going at my current speed, plus a whole lot more. I wonder if these could be used to measure our physical condition as well? These would certainly be useful for soldiers."

Shimmer looked at Bluestreak, "Up until the Changeling Invasion Velocity and I were somewhat a mix. We did some war fighter type assignments, some guard duties. But after that whole ordeal we became his guards. We were originally assigned to Princess Cadance, but after Princess Twilight's coronation we were transferred to become her personal guards, hence the gem in the center of our breastplate resembling her cutie mark. We didn't really get a chance to carry out our duties though until now." She pushed her oddly sheened mane back as she spoke, causing the light to dance off it, "My two other brother's were plain war fighters though. My oldest brother currently serves with Vel's and my old mentor, Commander Jetstream, in his personal company, the Sky Raptors. They're kinda like the Wonderbolts, but are primarily military, rather than stunt fliers. Though they still do that sort of thing on occasion."

((The Sky Raptors are partially my own creation and partially based off the USAF's stunt pilot team, the Thunderbirds. They're the Air Force's version of the Navy's Blue Angels, who the Wonderbolts are based off of.))

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ShadowSound was smiling as he stared at the night sky. He sat up seeing Cloud Dasher walking into the mare's barracks and tilted his head slightly. He stood upon the stallions barracks roof and jumped down onto the boxes he had stacked and then to the clouds trotting over. He poked his head in looking around as he found the cadet. [colour=#0000cd]"Heya, shouldent you be with the others celebrating? Your a wonderbolt now after all"[/colour] he smiled at her as he sat on another bunk.

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Flashbomb had sat down on his bed next to where reainbow dash was sitting. He watched as Twilight had taken so many notes that there were sheets laying on the floor. [colour=#0000FF]"But hey she is royalty so who am i to judge."[/colour] He thought to himself as Twilight continued her work. He still thought about Cloud Dasher, he felt bad that she didnt want to be a wondrbolt unless she proved herself. There were truth in those words. Twilight had finnished her note taking and had floated all 500 notes into a neat pile. She gently took the mask from velocity with her magic and watched it turn back into its plain old gey model. [colour=#800080]"I will have to consider speaking to Dawn about these. I will have to take all three for further study." [/colour]She said floating all the masks into a bag and closing it. She floated it to her bed and sat it down. Flash felt a little resentment in having them taken but kept quiet. She had every right to. When twilight had finnished Rainbow dash spoke up [colour=#00FFFF]"But Twilight! you dont have to take all three of them do you!?" [/colour]She whined to her friend. Twilight glanced back [colour=#800080]"Yes i do Rainbow, each one of them could have their own magical capabillities and i need to discect each one to find out more about them. Then i need to catalouge them for future study." [/colour]She explained. Now Flash spoke up [colour=#0000FF]"But if you disect them and if they are each so unique as you say then they will be lost from your work." [/colour]He said. Twilight gave him a stern look to which Flash flinched. He never really was good with dealing with royalty, he always had a feeling as though his teeth would be fed to him by a royal guard if he didnt watch his step. Twilight sighed and tried to calm her frustration [colour=#800080]"Even so they need to be wrote down and worked on." [/colour][colour=#00FFFF]"But Twi!" [/colour][colour=#800080]"Thats Final rainbow!" [/colour]The two bickered. Rainbow gave up and lay back with her hooves crossed in a fit. Twilight trotted back to her bed and flash watched her go. He felt defeated somehow, but still kept his tounge.

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"I'm somewhat depressed now..." Velocity joked as Twilight took the mask from him. He stayed silent and she and Rainbow had their 'discussion'. He shrugged as she trotted away, "Wishful thinking perhaps, but maybe if she can locate their specific unique abilities, she can catalog them and enchant later models?" He trot-limped till he was about five feet from Twilight ad stayed at attention.

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CloudDasher sat up startled by Shadow. He jumped up on the bunk across from her and she looked down at her hooves which were dangling off the side of the bunk, She swung them back and forth like a impatient 7-year old. "[colour=#add8e6]Whats the point? Im going to quit anyway.[/colour]" She said, On the brink of tears she continued on "[colour=#add8e6]It was my dream to make it here, To train with the best of the best and improve my skills almost 10 fold, But now that Ive just been.... Given it?! IT JUST! UGGH[/colour]" She hit the pillow and laid back down.. She didnt know how to put her disappointment into words. She cried silently now.. [colour=#add8e6]I must look like a idiot.. [/colour]She thought to herself.

SilverStar looked up from her plate and nodded to Lyria. She swallowed what was in her mouth then said "[colour=#008080]Yup! Im the best painter in Equestria! One day, I will be![/colour]" She smiled. "[colour=#008080]But enough about me, What about... You two?[/colour]" She asked with a suggestive look

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Flash was fed up with the nagging feeling in the back of his mind about Cloud Dasher. He got off the bed and said he would be back. He trotted out into the hall and down to Spitfire's office. He had to convince her that maybe that this was not the right course to take. He opened the door to her office and saw it was empty, the pictures were on the floor and broken, there was a gaping hole in the ceiling and moonlight streamed down into the room. The window behind the main chair was broken as well. Flash whistled at the damages and Looked for spitfire, she was nowhere to be seen. He trotted over to her desk and tried to find a piece of paper to write her a notice with. He found a letter on the desk which stuck out to him, He pulled it up and read it. After 10 minutes of looking it over and over to make sure he read right he heard a Hoofstep behind him. [colour=#DAA520]"Do you need something Flash?" [/colour]Spitfire said. Flash put the note down and looked over to her. She must have been sleeping because she had bed head. She still had the bandages on her with the large one wrapped around her eye. He frowned a bit [colour=#0000FF]"Well i came here to talk to you." [/colour]He said to her not really making eye contact. Spitfire limped over to him [colour=#DAA520]"About what?" [/colour]She asked. Flash sighed a bit [colour=#0000FF]"Well its about the battle and how you decreed that every Cadet gets to become a wonderbolt for their ferocity in the fight." [/colour]He said looking around at the destroyed office. Spitfire tilted her head [colour=#DAA520]"Yes......and what about it?" [/colour]She inquired. Flash looked back to her [colour=#0000FF]"Well Cloud dasher thinks she needs to prove herself." [/colour]He replied. It seemed Spitfire wasnt following. [colour=#DAA520]"I figured she Fought along side us or with the Shadowbolts." [/colour]She said. Flash looked down at the groundwith a bit of discontent [colour=#0000FF]"Well she didnt, We locked her in the cell when the battle comenced remember? because we didnt want her to back up the Shadowbolts. She was still corrupted." [/colour]He said. Spitfire Limped to her desk and sat down. [colour=#DAA520]"And you want to do what about it?" [/colour]she said putting her front hooves together on the desk. Flash turned to her and looked her straight in the eye.[colour=#0000FF] "What you did with us..... do the 2 weeks and then the final tests." [/colour]He said plainly. Spitfire rubbed her one good eye and then looked back to Flash. [colour=#DAA520]"We cant Flash, Look at this place. Its in shambles and alot of the equipment was destroyed or broken during the battle. It didnt just take place outside. it Took place in here as well. It takes bits to fix it all and i just dont have any left, The gem that was supposed to be our protection was a scam but a weapon. And now it is gone along with every bit i put into it." [/colour]She said to him. Flash groaned and tried to think [colour=#0000FF]"What about the instructors? They could teach without equipment!" [/colour]He said. Spitfire looked up to him [colour=#DAA520]"Flash, without equipment we cant teach, as well the Faculty are in prey beat up condition to do anything. And may i add, that explosion from the gem has gotten attention from Celestia. Lets just say she is mad." [/colour]She said to Flash.

Flashbomb was running out of ideas, if he couldnt convince her then What was the point to being a Wonderbolt without hard work.

Flash came up with one last idea,[colour=#0000FF] "Ok what if the wonderbolts themselves tought the cadets and only for a week. At least they wil have some work put into it." [/colour]He suggested. Spitfire raised an eyebrow, [colour=#DAA520]"What about payment? shurely you wont do this for free." [/colour]She said. Flash nodded[colour=#0000FF] "It doesnt matter, just give us a place to stay and some food. We will get it done in one week. We can adress the Celestia part later.[/colour]" He said to her with a grin. Spitfire sighed, it looks loke she was beat. [colour=#DAA520]"Fine, sounds like it will work. I only have so many bits for one week though. Set up the Wonderbolts as teachers and we will discus this tommarow. Dont make me regret this Flash."[/colour] She said. She got up and Limped to her room. [colour=#DAA520]"Show yourself out." [/colour]she said as she shut the door. Flash watched the door close. He grabbed the piece of paper on the desk. Now he had to find Gadget and convince him to come back. He left spitfire's ofice and shut the door behind him.

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Gadget stayed on a dark cloud. It had a clear view of canterlot. Soon the princess would show up at the academy and then everything bad would happen. It would be very bittersweet. He gave a sigh as eh thought about everything he had...seen.

Blitz was amazed at the mask and would it could do! Well she couldn't really see them Ms. I'maprincess took them away from the group. [colour=#800080]"So your the famous rainbow dash Right?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swift asked the cyan pegasus in front of her.[/colour]

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Rainbow dash smiled [colour=#00FFFF]"The one and only! Im the fastest, coolest flier in all of Equestria!" [/colour]She said being all full of herself. She glanced to Blitzy [colour=#00FFFF]" So whats your name?" [/colour]She asked her. Flash had returned and put the note away. He had left without a word.

Flash trotted to the exit and flew into the night sky to try and locate Gadget.

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Blitzy smiled. [colour=#800080]"My name is Swift Blitz, Lightest Pony in Equestria!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said. [/colour][colour=#800080]"But you can call me Blitzy."[/colour]

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[colour=#00FFFF]"Blitzy eh? Thats a pretty cool name. So your the lightest pony in all of Equestria, You must benefit from it in some way like agility am i right?" [/colour]Rainbow inquired with a smile.

Flash Flew through the night sky, it was chilling off and he shivered slightly as he flew. He searched eace and every cloud as not to miss anything. It seemed like a fools errand to try to locate Gadget out there but he pressed on. He finnaly came to a cloud where he found a mos peculear thing. A feather, He picked it up and examined it. It had the same colour as Gadget's coat, he was getting close. He flew off into the sky again, He neared Canterlot and found him sitting on a nearby cloud relaxing. Flash leanded on a close cloud and let it float over to him. [colour=#0000FF]"Enjoying a night flight i see." [/colour]He said with a smile to him.

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[colour=#0000cd]"I've always preferred night flights to Day flights. Time says it's his influence but I know that isn't true." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said very somber. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Then again maybe it is him."[/colour] [colour=#000000]He noticed the note in Flash's hooves.[/colour] [colour=#0000cd]"Lightning strikes twice..."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Yeah I can move pretty fast and tricks in the sky are really easy but there is a down side." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said a bit disappointed. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Due to my weight I can't ever get my acceleration too fast...I can't break the sound barrier."[/colour]

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Flash stared at Gadget for a while, He kept his gaze for a moment before he asked to clarify [colour=#0000FF]"What do you mean?" [/colour]He asked Him. Gadget had a dark look in his eyes, It undertoned by Darkness and loss. Flash waited for a responce.

Rainbow dash raised an eyebrow. She smiled[colour=#00FFFF] "Im sure with alot of practice you could. you just gotta work at it!" [/colour]She said ruffling Blitzy's mane She yawned very loudly and saw that the sun was starting to rise. They had stayed up all night.

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[colour=#0000cd]"When I was a shadowbolt I...saw things. One of the things I saw was you, as a foal. You were with your parents, lightning wind and Windgust." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I saw them be defeated but...lightning wind, there was something about that pony. I saw a mare, she had wings and a horn but she was wasn't purple, or blue, or pink, or white. She was blue and she did something. Something I've only seen my Brother do. She changed a changeling. The changeling took the form of Lightning and was for some reason defending you. I heard a voice repeat Lightning strikes twice. It..haunted me. Lightning wind isn't dead. I know that for a fact but... that wasn't the only thing I saw. The alicorn was there always though. She was always there...did she have something to do with you? Then there was Twilight. I know her, but not like I just met her. I feel like I've known her for a long time. I don't know how or why but I can't remember any of it." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget saw the sun rise [/colour][colour=#000000]by them as he said this.[/colour]

(Is lightning a stallion or a mare?)

[colour=#800080]"I hope so." [/colour][colour=#000000]Blitz said as the sun rose. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Did we really stay up all night?"[/colour]

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((I keep missing so much [rage face]))

After the argument was over he put on his head phones to block it out. It was strange because there was happy ponies to ponies leaving,crying,and fighting. It was like a 13 year old colt going through puberty. He was about to make a joke out of everything to lighten the mood that happend , but there was loyalty there and it wasn't the right time.

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( Windgust is the dad, Lightning wind is the mother.)

Flashbomb was stareing at Gadget for awhile trying to Comprehend what he was saying. He sat there frozen listening to him, Then he said that Lightning wind, his mother wasnt dead. His eyes Dialated and she continued to stare at Gadget. He felt tears began to well from his eyes. [colour=#0000FF]"Thats not true......its not possible! How?" [/colour]His mind whispered to him He then looked up at Gadget [colour=#0000FF]"Your lying......their gone! i saw them die!" [/colour]He said with disbelief. His mind was racing through his Foal hood to the moment where he lost them. When they fought the Changelings and how they fell telling him to run. He closed his eyes and begant to cry more. ( very touchy subject for him) [colour=#0000FF]"Who is this pony you speak of? What are you saying?" [/colour]He said to him tears still in his eyes. Wa he being watched over by somepony all of his life and he had no idea?

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The argument just gets wrorst and worst he thought to him self. He looked over at shimmer saying "hey I'm done playing but you can keep playing if you wish..." Then he put in his earbuds and started to play dubstep to make sure he couldn't hear them . Blue streak didn't like arguments so he always try to pretend there not there

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