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The Academy Chapter 2


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Rainbow dash yawned very loudly she nodded to Blitzy, She was relly starting to like this pony. She laid down and closed her eyes for a while. She heard Soarin and the other wonderbolts from her Squadron Go to bed as well. He opened one eye to Blitzy,[colour=#00FFFF] " You could sleep in our barracks for the night if you would like, no use of going out in the cold to the Cadet barracks." [/colour]She said quietly. She smiled and fell asleep in Flashbomb's bed. (Flash is gonna be mad.)

Flashbomb cleared his eyes of tears, the subject of his parents was a very thin pice of ice to tread on. Anytime his parents were brought up no matter what mood he was in, his attitude suffered. He glared at Gadget[colour=#0000FF] " Their gone.......they are not coming back......Gadget i miss them so much, and for you to tell me that my mother is alive.....How am i supposed to react?" [/colour]He said to his friend. He felt like a weak foal. He shook his head [colour=#0000FF]"We have to head back Gadget, Please..... lets just go back to the Academy, We need you....." [/colour]He said trying to convince him.

Twilight sparkle had fallen asleep in her bunk bed. She was looking through her notes on the masks when she passed out. May of them were strewn across the floor.

Lightning dust Was sleeping nearby Marble, the day had taken alot out of her.

( idk if we lost Fireraven, guess he dropped out.)

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Shimmer was curled up in the bunk originally occupied by her brother, fast asleep her armor lay in a neat pile next to the bed.

True to his mission, Velocity stayed his position. He glanced at the sleeping Twilight, then to his sister, a small smile playing across his face before his face turned back to the stern expression worn by Royal Guards while at attention.

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Shadow laughed as he looked at the irritated pony.[colour=#0000cd] "Despite what you think, you showed a lot of courage and loyalty to those whom are your allies Cloud. Think about it, you gave yourself up in an attempt to stop both myself and Marble, if we were not well trained it would have worked. But by doing that it shows your dedication to your friends. Thats a trait hard to come by."[/colour] He slide off the bunk and grunted his wing hitting the bar to the bunk when he did so forcing him to grab him to wince in pain. [colour=#0000cd]"O...ow"[/colour] he muttered as he smiled to her before walking to the door. [colour=#0000cd]"Think it over, you proved yourself, Flash thinks so too, and he graduated top of his class, but in the end you can always retake the test. Now get off your plot and come hang with every pony, its a beautiful night and after a battle like that its nice to relax with friends "[/colour] he trotted out of the barracks smiling.

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[colour=#0000cd]"I'm not lying. I'm saying your mother didn't die at the royal wedding. I don't know where she is and I don't know who that alicorn is but lightning wind is alive." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said still very somber.[/colour]

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Flash looked back to him He felt a range of emotions from regret to anger to confusion. He felt more tears slowly trickle down his cheeks. [colour=#0000FF]"There is no proof if she is alive Gadget. It was only a vision. If she truely is alive she would have sought me out. I would have seen her long before this. If she is alive then where is she!?" [/colour]He demanded of Gadget. [colour=#0000FF]"Well? Where is she?" [/colour]

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[colour=#0000cd]"She...Forgot." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said sadly. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Just like I forgot." [/colour][colour=#000000]He looked down. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Your mother was caught in a time loop. Time says that whenever somepony manipulates time too much it causes some ponies to forget their lives. That would be why your mother hasn't found you."[/colour]

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(i have decided to make a third and final chapter for the Academy, It will bring closure for everything that has gone on in this series. I will post the OOC discussion in about 30 minutes. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.)

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CloudDasher listened as Shadow left. She sighed and looked up through a hole in the ceiling. The sky was a light blue, Dawn was about to break. CloudDasher sat up and jumped off the bunk "[colour=#add8e6]Hey.. Wai.. Wait up.[/colour]" She called after Shadow, Trotting to catch up to him.

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Flash still couldnt believe what Gadget was implying to him he didnt know what to say. [colour=#0000FF]"This doesnt make a lick of sense Gadget. Who is this Alicorn?" [/colour]He said to gadget. He Saw that the sun had broken the horizon. He felt his tiredness getting to him. He knew Gadget didnt know the awnsers to his questions. [colour=#0000FF]"you best be right." [/colour]He said to Gadget [colour=#0000FF]"I hope your right." [/colour]He said with his eyes closed. He Looked to the sunrise again, He imagined seeing his mother again. that is if she was even alive. He looked to Gadget [colour=#0000FF]"Gadget..... i wont force you to come back.....nor will i ask anything else, I dont even know if your correct. I have to return to the Academy and you can come or stay." [/colour]He said as he began to flap his wings to fly. [colour=#0000FF]"We all have our dark moments, we just need to learn to overcome them."[/colour]He flew away, he was unaware if Gadget followed him or not.

Rainbow dash opened her left eye and saw that Twilight was out for the count. She slowly crawled over to her Satchel and grabbed a mask. She slipped back and lay on Flash's bed, She played with the mask for awhile before putting it on. It conformed to her and the hud flooded out infront of her in a rainbow of colours. She flipped through the different features of the mask. She really hoped she could get one of her own.

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Shimmer opened her eyes slowly and got out of the bed. She stretched, yawned, then trotted over to her brother, "Have you been up all night?" She asked. He nodded, "Yep."

Shaking her head, Shimmer walked around him to his injured side, "You really should get some rest. You were pretty badly hit."

Velocity shrugged, "I can sleep when I'm off duty," he glanced at his sister, sensing what she was about to say, "And yes, I technically am still on duty. We didn't return to Canterlot so we're technically still on assignment. Not to mention we are Twilight's personal guard. There is a reason our armor bears her Mark after all."

Shimmer nodded, "Touche. But tell you what. You were awake since early yesterday morning, and you've been through a lot. Go get some rest, I'll take over standing here. You weren't the only one on this assignment, remember?"

Velocity was about to argue, but decided that what his sister said made sense. Nodding, he walked over to the bed she'd previously occupied, and laid on his good side to nap. Shimmer took his spot, standing at attention.

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Flashbomb had arrived at the Academy He slowly trotted indoors to find that some janitors had begun some repairs. He smiled sleepily as he trotted down the hall way to the Staff barracks. He found many ponies asleep, He hadnt gotten a wink of it and kind of envied the others. He felt a nagging voice in his mind that told him that he shouldnt have left Gadget. But he was a fully grown stallion and was perfectly capable of making his own decisions. He still wanted to find out more about his mother, He still didnt know though if Gadget was speaking the truth. Some Alicorn watching him ever since he was a foal was a funny idea to him. He had just begun to go to bed when he caught sight of Shimmer standing at attention, Her and her brother took their job very seriously. Well Twilight is a princess now and she did need some guards. He trotted twoards her to chat. He found Rainbow dash in his bed he had claimed before. She had a mask that was completly formed into a personalized one on her face. He smiled and trotted over. He heard her snoring very loudly, he removed the mask so that she could sleep more soundly. The mask turned back into its original form of a plain grey. He remembered when he had a crush on Rainbow back in young fliers school. Those were simple times to him. He trotted over to shimmer, [colour=#0000FF]"Filling in for your brother i see. Tell me, why did you two join the royal guard?" [/colour]He asked while fiddling with the mask in his hooves.

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Shimmer half smiled as she nodded, "Yep. The big idiot's been up for over 24 hours. It's about time he got rest," She tapped a hoof against her chin in thought at the question, "It guess you could say it runs in the family. My mother's father was an armor smith for the Guard, and my father was something like a 50th generation Guard."

She shrugged, "To go into further detail, the two of us, alongside our older brothers, were brought up by a Commander, though at that point he was a Captain. Despite mares being uncommon in the guard, which surprises me seeing as one of the original Pegasus guard was a mare," she said that last bit quickly, partially to herself, "being the youngest with three brothers, all of whom wanted to go into the guard, kind of made me want to. The Commander reminding us that we're descended from the Sentinels, the original two Pegasus guard, had something to do with it to." Shimmer stated that last sentence nonchalantly, not fully realizing that pretty much no one has probably heard of the 'Sentinels'. She wrinkled her nose when she realized just how much she'd talked, "That was probably a longer answer than you were looking for. Anyway though, how about yourself, why'd you join up with the Wonderbolts?"

((also, don't trust my math on that generation thing. It's supposed to date back 1000 years, when the Princesses began their rule, but I couldn't figure out exactly how many generations are in 1000 years.))

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Gadget watched as Flashbomb flew back to the academy. He shivered as he thought about the ruins there. He thought about Blitz and the fact that she would become a Wonderbolt withot her mentor. She would be alone...

Gadget sheepishly opened his wings and flew into the sky. He followed Flashbomb as he heard about the sentinels. [colour=#0000cd]"My brother might know about those. He is a historian after all." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget knew that wasn't the reason but it wasn't his secret to tell. He looked to Flash. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I guess I'm with you Flash. If what I've seen is true, we're going to need everypony we can get." [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Blitzy laid down on the bed. She wanted to think about the day but ended up falling asleep.[/colour]

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Flash listened to Shimmer's story he wondered about the Sentinals and who they were, it seemed to be a secret shrouded in mystery to him. She asked him why he decided to become a wonderbolt he recalled all he could. [colour=#0000FF]"Well most pegesai of my age back then wanted to become a wonderbolt from the first day they saw them. I was no exception and i always collected merorobillia and other things, Knick nacks, posters, snowglobes and the works. Then about a few months ago during hearts and hooves day when i destroyed my house on accident, Angel snapp let me move in with him. I found that he was a wonderbolt photographer and i applied to go to the academy. I finnaly got my application aproved and i got in. 2 weeks of training and now here i am." [/colour]He said with a smile [colour=#0000FF]"not to intreaugeing i know....." [/colour]He said as he heard Gadget trot in [colour=#0000FF]"Yea.....but i dont know if your sights are true Gadget. I am still very skeptical....... We need to look into it more before i believe it." [/colour]

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[colour=#0000cd]"How do we look into visions caused due to becoming a shadowbolt?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"We would have to find somepony with talent in magic. [/colour][colour=#000000]He said realizing that he knew a certain purple one who may still be in the building.[/colour]

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Shimmer smiled as Flash told her about his journey to becoming a Wonderbolt. Gadget came in and mentioned something about his brother possibly knowing who the Sentinels were, and she was about to reply when he turned to Flash and they began to say something about visions. She narrowed her ice blue eyes, [colour=#696969]"Sounds like you two are planning something." [/colour]She says, tilting her head slightly.

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Flash sighed at Shimmer's curiosity, [colour=#0000FF]"Yes.....aparently Gadget has told me that he has seen visions of my mother and a strage alicorn. I honestly thought that my parents died during the changeling attack during the royal wedding......" [/colour]He said to Shimmer. He was silent for a moment and looked at the ground sadly [colour=#0000FF]"I think though that the only way we could look into this is through magic, Powerfull magic. And Twilight is the only one here who has that power. We hope it would shed some light on things." [/colour]He said to her. He looked up to see Shimmer's gaze burning into him like a hot iron. [colour=#0000FF]"I have no idea if these visions are true! but there is something tugging at me to see." [/colour]He explained.

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Shimmer kept her ice blue eyes on him for a few seconds longer, though her stare softened after she thought about the fact he lost his parents, or at least believed so. There was something she had in common with him then, having lost her own parents at a young age, "[colour=#696969]I see.[/colour][colour=#000000]" She said, standing normally again. She shook the wistful expression from her face, re-assuming the deadpan expression typically worn by Guards while on[/colour] duty, "[colour=#696969]Feel free to ask Twilight when she's awake. I have a feeling she'd like to peek into this, considering there's another Alicorn involved[/colour]" She glanced out the nearest window at the says, [colour=#696969]"Perhaps I should send a letter to Carmus when I get the chance. He'll be curious about all this to."[/colour]

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Flash looked at Shimmer for awhile longer before nodding. He was very very tired but now the anticipation of the possabillity of seeing his mother again. He glanced over to Gadget and heard Rainbow Stir. She had flipped over and was talking in her sleep. Flash smiled and waited for Twilight to awaken. 3 hours later Twilight had finnaly awoke and she yawned sleepily. She glanced around the barracks and saw that The others had fallen asleep except Shimmer She smiled to her[colour=#800080] "I know its your duty to protect me but you dont have to constantly stand at attention. Wake your brother up, i think is time we take our leave."[/colour] She said as she floated her bag onto her back. She smiled to a asleep rainbowdash. She Trotted to the exit of the Barracks, she opened the door and saw that Flash and Gadget were wandering the halls. Flash caught sight of her and trotted over. Twilight smiled to Flash [colour=#800080]"Whats on your mind flash?" [/colour]she inqured him as She heard her guards follow. Flash looked to Twilight [colour=#0000FF]"Gadget has told me when he turned to the dark side with coruption he saw a vision of me and my parents during the changeling attack on canterlot. He said that he saw my father fall and then my mother dissapeared. A changeling had taken her place. He also said that an Alicorn of sorts has been watching over my ever since then. I......i dont know what to make of it....." [/colour]He said to her. Twilight tilted her head and thought to herself for a moment. [colour=#800080]"And you want my help somehow.....I dont know flash......im not to good with My Alicorn magic." [/colour]She said unsteadily. Flash sighed, [colour=#0000FF]"Im sorry twilight, i knew it was a foolish question.... Hope you have safe pasage to Canterlot." [/colour]He said to her. He wasnt so dissapointed as he thought he would be but he felt a slight pang at not knowing the unknown. He trotted out to the hot air balloon with her and helped her with her things. He trotted away leaving Twilight and her guards to their departure. The Academy had begun to stir and The mess hall opened for breakfast. He trotted to the mess hall to eat. He was one of the few who were there. He ate his food slowly and still felt the pang deep in his mind.

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Velocity and Shimmer had gathered their armor, at least what was left of it, and followed Twilight as she made her way to the balloon. Shimmer listened as Flash asked Twilight about his mother and the Alicorn, while Velocity merely watched in silent confusion. When they had boarded the balloon, the siblings waved a short farewell, "Homeward bound then." Velocity commented to himself as the balloon lifted off. Shimmer stayed silent, watching the Academy fade into the distance.

((Something I've meant to ask for a while, approximately how long after Twi's coronation is this taking place? Has it been weeks? Months?))

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