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The Academy Chapter 2


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Dawn sighed with relief when she saw her item. She picked it up, and nuzzled into it. [colour=#40e0d0]"There you are Smarty Pants!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She giggled, and noticed a tear in his chest. She gasped, and ran straight into Twilight's room. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Twilight!! Somepony ripp-"


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Twilight perked her ears and turned to see Dawn yelling about something. She raised an eyebrow when the guards blocked her way. They were trained to do so, so she didnt say anything. She looked at Smartypants and felt a pang of sadness. [colour=#800080]"Well this isnt good, this is my favorite toy, Who could have done such a thing?" [/colour]she said.

Applejack took off the mask and trotted over with it hanging from her mouth. [colour=#FF8C00]"I remember how you placed a spell on that darn thing and it drove nearly all of ponyville nuts." [/colour]She said whith her speech being muffled.

[colour=#800080]"Darling things break! you just have to keep them maintained or they fall apart! Not like these masks though! They are simply divine!" [/colour]Rarity's voice brodcasted from the mask she wore.

Twilight looked back to Rarity. [colour=#800080]"Could you fix It Rarity?" [/colour]She asked her friend.

Rairity's expression couldnt be read from behind the mask but it seemed she was being thoughtfull. [colour=#800080]"Why of course i can! Just a simple patch job." [/colour]She chimed. Without pause she activated her magic and floated the doll over to her. Along with a needle and some thread she just happened to find. To her surprise though when she started to sew it, it was completed in 1 second. It usualy took her at least 4 minutes to finnishe completly and she was already done! [colour=#800080]"Simply Marvelous! This mask is the greatest thing ever made!" [/colour]She squeed as she floated Smarty pants over to Twilight.

Twilight was very impressed by the results. She needed one more test to be sure about their capabilities. She trotted to her room and used her Alicorn magic to float a Chest into the room. She then Floated in a Large armarda of books ranging from large to small. [colour=#800080]"Applejack! Would you kindly come here for a moment?"[/colour] She asked her friend.

Applejack trotted over with her head tilted [colour=#FF8C00]"What is it Sugarcube?" [/colour]She asked.

Twilight pointed to the chest. "Try to lift that. its quite heavy be carefull." She asked.

Applejack nodded and trotted over. She lifted the chest, to her surprise though it was very heavy. She struggled with the weight slightly.

Twilight nodded and wrote notes. She glanced to dawn and smiled. She floated the mask over to Applejack who still had the chest on her back. She placed it on her and it conformed to her. Suddenly Applejack wasnt struggling anymore.

[colour=#FF8C00]"Wow! Ah feel like i am not carrying a thing!" [/colour]She said in amazement.

Twilight started to fill the chest with books. Applejack didnt stir whatsoever. She kept filling the chest till she was down to the 100pound book of knowledge. She looked at Applejack [colour=#800080]"Are you ok Applejack? Do you think you can carry this?" [/colour]

Applejack nodded [colour=#FF8C00]"Go ahead! Ah dont feel anything!" [/colour]She said in approval.

Twilight nodded and placed the large book into the chest. Applejack grunted a bit but didnt faulter [colour=#FF8C00]"Now it just a little heavy. but not bad i guess." [/colour]Applejack huffed. Twilight wrote down alot of notes. She tooke everything off of her friend's back.

[colour=#800080]"Wow That mask increased your strength by 200% Applejack!" [/colour]She said. She looked to Dawn [colour=#800080]"These masks are wonderfull Dawn! these could benefit ponykind!" [/colour]She squeed. She floated the two masks over to her. [colour=#800080]"Your craftmanship is as legendary as starswirl the bearded." [/colour]She complimented her.

She turned her attention to The two guards in the room. She floated one mask over to Shimmer. [colour=#800080]"Bring this to Princess Celestia and tell her about what we found out about them. We could start mass production on them soon for the guards." [/colour]She said to her. She looked at the other mask she had floating infront of her. [colour=#800080]"We could probably imrove them to make elite masks!" [/colour]She said.

Applejack patted Twilight on the shoulder [colour=#FF8C00]"What about the pony you took these from? He might want one back." [/colour]She said to her. Twilight raised an eyebrow and realized that she had indeed taken them without Flash's feelings taken in place.

[colour=#800080]"W.....well we could compensate him for them. 1200 bits?" [/colour]She inquired.

Applejack shook her head [colour=#FF8C00]"He would want them back. You should atleast give one back or give him an improved one. You said that Dawn made them just for him. He would probably need one for some reason." [/colour]She said

Twilight sighed, she wanted to keep ahold of them [colour=#800080]"Well......i will send him a much more improved one when we are done. Im sure Flashbomb will understand." [/colour]She said in slight defeat. She glanced back to dawn and smiled at her [colour=#800080]"Thanks for Finding Smartypants for me dawn. Your a good friend." [/colour]She said with a smile. She rubbed her eyes. All of the reasearch was getting to her.

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[colour=#00ffff]"Thank you Twilight!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Thank you as well." [/colour]She turned back to Twilight. [colour=#40e0d0]"Well when I walked into my room, Smarty Pants was nearly falling off my balcony."[/colour]

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Twilight nodded to Dawn and smiled [colour=#800080]"Well im glad that you found him for me" [/colour]she said to her. She looked over her shoulder to her friends, [colour=#800080]"Thanks for coming to help with my reasearch." [/colour]She chimed.

Applejack nooded to her [colour=#FF8C00]"Anytime."[/colour]She responded.

Rarity just gave a curt nod.

Twilight looked to see that Shimmer had left with the masks, She smiled to Velocity [colour=#800080]"it seems you will get your wish for your own mask" [/colour]She said to him.

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(Sorry I went MIA For a while there.. Getting ready for End-of-year testing at school and all... :P)

SilverStar trotted outside with Lyria. She told her if she was ready. "[colour=#008080]Show me what you got.[/colour]" She told her. Lyria flew up into the sky and a trail of purple followed behind her. SilverStar smiled and angel trotted out and stood next to her, Holding a mug of Coffee. He never drank much coffee, He just loved the smell of it. He took a small sip and glanced over to Siver. "[colour=#800000]She sure is something. Isnt she[/colour]"

(Btw.. Saronyx Your avatar is amazing..)

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Twilight sparkle looked over to dawn, [colour=#800080]"Well of course you can! i have been trying to figure out how to improve the masks capabilities. Like how Velocity explained, having the ability to see life signatures so they can find ponies in distress."[/colour] she inquired as she trotted to the taken apart mask she had. She used her magic to float the magic core in the air. It sparked slightly with energy. She looked it over and raised an eyebrow. [colour=#800080]"Since you created these you would know more than i."[/colour]

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Lyria smiled, and started to corkscrew in the air. How she loved to fly! She did a couple divebombs, and smiled happily.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Hmm..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn thought, looking at the core. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"To be able to find these distressed ponies, all you need is some distress signal transmissions. Luckily, I just created a few, so, hang on." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn disappeared in a burst of blue light, then re-appeared with 3 little chips. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Just throw these into the core like so..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She threw one into the core, and took the core from Twilight. She started to re-assemble the mask, finished, then handed it back to Twilight.[/colour]

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Velocity watched as Dawn worked, a curious light playing across his eyes as he did, fascinated at the magical construct.

Shimmer set herself down outside of Celestia's throne room. She looked at the entrance way's architecture shortly before trotting through, the mask tucked under one wing.

((IIID3LTAIII Haha, thank you!))

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(Back in the fray!)

Gadget lay around the academy. He felt something was amiss, was it the visions, was it the...alicorn, or was it just his imagination? Gadget wasn't happy with this, not one bit. He went through the remnants of the academy and found a phone, Hoping it worked he dialed a number.

(Phones are cannon now!)


[colour=#000000]Gadget counted his blessings. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Hi Time, it's gadget."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Gadget? It's been years since I last talked to you!"[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"What!" [/colour][colour=#000000]​Gadget stumbled back as he heard this. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Wh-what are you talking about? It's only been four months since I graduated."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Well let's see, I last saw you as ponyville was being destroyed, You offered to take a bomb to the castle of corruption. Twilight and I tried to stop you but you wouldn't take a no. You never escaped the blast radius. Twilight ended up taking over equestria, She and I started talking, and we eventually started to date but our duties kept us apart. She was a princess and I took over Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. There was a monument built for the honor of the wonderbolts. You, Flashbomb, Shadow, Rainbow dash, Swift Blitz, Dawn, Spit fire, Velocity, Oh Shimmer was so upset when her brother died. After Twilight became so obsessed with her duties, Shimmer and I became really close. Our anniversary is in two weeks, I have to remember that."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget sat there in horror. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"W-why are you telling me this?"[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Gadget...it's been 7 years. A lot has changed. I mean Shimmer and I got married, The wonderbolts never got restarted, and you...died."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget dropped the phone. except it wasn't the phone, it was a piece of rubble form the building...the phone was right next to him, what did he just hear?[/colour]

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Shimmer sneezes sharply as she trots for the throne. She quickly covers her snout, blushing slightly, "Oh! A thousand pardons your Majesty! To myself and for my rudeness. I--" she stops herself mid sentence, realizing she was speaking very quickly. She sighs and composes herself again, "Forgive me your Majesty. Twilight has sent me with a device she wishes you to see."

Velocity shivers slightly, despite his heavy armor. He glances towards the window, eyes narrowed.

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Flashbomb dissmissed the class after the last cadet finnished on the dizzytron. He felt somewhat tired from the whole endeavor and smiled at Shadow. [colour=#0000FF]"Only 5 more days to go." [/colour]He sighed. He looked over to See gadget talking to a piece of rubble. He trotted over uneasily to him [colour=#0000FF]"You ok gadget?" [/colour]He asked. Just above them Rainbowdash zoomed by with Soarin. It seemed they were racing.

Twilight levetated the mask and looked it over more. she smiled as she was quite pleased with it. [colour=#800080]"Relics of the Ages."[/colour] She quoted from a book. She levitated the mask over to Applejack. [colour=#800080]"Could you test this please Applejack. im sorry if this whole thing is an inconvinience." [/colour]She said in a very light and polite tone. The earthpony smiled and nodded. She took the mask and looked at it with slight unease. She placed it on slowly and imediately felt the effects hit her. The mask conformed to her but did so much more. It also covered her neck and front hooves in armored plating that matched her in every way shape and form of her body. It as well added armor to her back. She felt 400 times stronger. the interface was much more smooth and showed a chart of her that listed her Condition.

[colour=#FF8C00]"Holy Apples in a hot frying pan! This is amazing Twilight! ah feel so much more healthy! An stronger to boot!" [/colour]She hollered. Twilight smiled at the effects the mask had done to Applejack. She was amazed at the ability of dawn and her craftmansip yet again. She felt an odd magical aroura around her though when Applejack had the mask on. [colour=#800080]"Applejack, What do you see when you focus on us?" [/colour]She asked. Applejack looked over to them She focused on Twilight and the others. The interface flashed and showe heat signatures but each of them were a different colour. Blue for Velocity (pegasus) Green for Rarity and dawn(Unicorns) And Gold for Twilight (Alicorn) [colour=#FF8C00]"It shows each one of you a different colour, But Dawn and Rarity are the same." [/colour]She relayed to them.

Twilight nodded, it was the mask's magical Flow that was tapping into their very life energies as they spoke. They were complete successes. She Slowly Took the mask off of Aplejack. The armor vanished and the mask returned to a silver form. She handed it to velocity. [colour=#800080]"I believe you will own this one. But first we need to make a few for the senior guard." [/colour]She said to him. She stopped when she saw him uneasy, [colour=#800080]"What's wrong Velocity?"[/colour]She asked, concerned for him."

(Celestia Rp as well i guess lol, sorry for the slow posting i got school stuffs and alot of roles)

Princess Celestia sat on her throne. She looked down at the guard and smiled to her[colour=#FFD700] "There is no need to be sorry Young one, you have done nothing wrong. Ah Twilight sent this? Most interesting."[/colour] She spoke in a calm tone. She used her magic to float the mask up to her. She examined it with intreague. [colour=#FFD700]"What is it Exactly shimmer?" [/colour]She asked her as she looked the mask over. It had a magical vibe to it that made her curious."

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Velocity responds, still looking out the window, "I'm not entirely sure..." He shrugs, "It's probably nothing." He turns to Twilight, and smiles, taking the mask and tucking it under his wing, "Sounds good to me!" He says, the normal jovial tone back in his voice.

Shimmer bows, smiling thankfully, "It's a mask designed by Dawn for one of the Wonderbolts. It amplifies the natural magic that abides in ponies exponentially."

((Hah, it's alright. And you have undertaken a lot of roles.))

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Dawn trotted into Celestia's throne room. [colour=#40e0d0]"Hey Auntie, I have a que-" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her Aunt talking to one of the guards. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Oh I'm sorry for interrupting!"[/colour]

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Celestia looked at the mask for awhile before raising an eye brow at it. She cast her golden aroura magic on it and she examined it down to its very magical essence. She stopped and kept it floating infront of her before smiling [colour=#FFD700]"This is truely remarkable, And dawn made this?" [/colour]She quoted before Dawn came in. [colour=#FFD700]"You did very, very well on this dawn, And no you wernt interrupting anything." [/colour]She assured her. [colour=#FFD700]"This could be considered a achievement of ponykind everywhere." [/colour]She said handing it back to Shimmer. [colour=#FFD700]"i Believe there was something else of pressing matters as well. [/colour]She said in a more serious tone. [colour=#FFD700]"Ive recieved word of a attack at the Academy, As well as an Explosion that Rocked half of the land." [/colour]She said looking at shimmer. [colour=#FFD700]"I have heard word of Shadowbolts attacking the Academy in search of a gem of mass power. I would assume that Twilight was kept safe during the Endeavor." [/colour]She said to her keeping eye contact. [colour=#FFD700]"You and your brother did well in helping drive them off, but now i suspect it isnt possably over. I know that they were after the gem to corrupt my sister luna."[/colour]She said. She looked to Dawn, [colour=#FFD700]"My Niece i ask of you to continue producing these masks, we may need them for the royal guard. if what i heard about them is truth they might be usefull." [/colour]She said to her. She looked out the window and rose from her throne, She trotted slowly down the stairs. She stood infront of Shimmer [colour=#FFD700]"Shimmer i cant express my thanks for protecting Twilight, And for that i promote you and him." [/colour]She said with a smile. She allowed her magic to glow and surround Shimmer in a golden aroura, Her armor now adorned with a golden trim to mark her rank. (i would assume the same happened to Velocity's armor.) She nodded to Shimmer and trotted slowly to the window she was looking out of. She Activated her magic and began to lower the sun, [colour=#FFD700]"If there is nothing else your dissmissed Shimmer." [/colour]She said in a light tone.

(I cant roleplay Celestia to save my life)

Twilight had seen Velocity start to glow a bright aroura, She could tell it was Celestia's doing. When the light faded Velocity had His armor trimmed in gold. [colour=#800080]"Wow it looks like you were promoted Velocity!" [/colour]She said with a smile to him.

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[colour=#000000]Gadget stared at the rubble around him. He moved to the phone next to the rubble and dialed the same number he did earlier.[/colour]


[colour=#0000CD]"Time Spinner, how long has it been since I last saw you?"[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"It's been about four months, you graduated at the academy, came back here for two weeks, then went back to the academy for your job as the official tinkerer."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget mouthed the words thank you. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Okay, so do you know what's happened up here?"[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"What do you mean?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget told what had happened during the whole incident with the shadowbolts and the jewel.[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"How did you manage to do that without a powerful magi at work?"[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"Well, princess Twilight-[/colour]"

[colour=#696969]"Oh so you invite little miss, look at me, I'm the best Magi in equestria?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said loudly into the phone.[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"Well rainbow just said that she could get her and she does have wings."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Once again everypony let's her be the most powerful magi ever."[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"What's the matter with you? She's our princess."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"She may be your princess but Luna, cadence, and Celestia are mine."[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"You've never met Twilight Sparkle, why would you hate her."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Starswirl the bearded's spell, the crystal empire, the smartypants incident, the legend of the miracle..."[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"What does any of that mean?"[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Look, there's something going on back here too. I don't know what it is but it's big. Just be safe and remember I'll be watching you and Twilight."[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"Alright, bye." [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget hung up the phone, something was off about Time Spinner, what was that last part he said, Watching? What did that even mean?[/colour]

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Shimmer bowed, smiling, [colour=#696969]"Thank you Princess."[/colour] She stands and turns, trotting out of the throne room and making her way back to Twilight's chambers.

Velocity had been looking at himself as he was enveloped in the aura. when it faded he had a golden trim to his armor, and Twilight was commenting on his being promoted. He grinned and spoke, a light chuckle in his voice, "This day just keeps getting better and better!"

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(Do you want me to take over Celestia? I can do her and Luna, if she comes in, for you.)

Dawn smiled. [colour=#40e0d0]"I'll get to work right away Aunt Celestia!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn squeed, and ran into Twilight's room. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Twilight! Twilight! Guess what~! Aunt Celestia said I did a extremely well-done job on these masks, and I have to make more!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She was so excited, she could burst. That's when she saw light glimmering around her hooves, and she looked at it curiously. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"What in the name of Auntie...?" [/colour][colour=#000000](had to. lol) The light started to glow, and then the room flashed in white, and Dawn disappeared, leaving nothing but a black mark on the carpet.[/colour]

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