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The Academy Chapter 2


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(Idk just alot of roles......)

Flash felt concerned for Gadget, First the visions then the talking to the cloud rubble. [colour=#0000FF]"What are you talking about? Who are you talking to? Im confused Gadget, im kind of concerned." [/colour]He said to him. He tilted his head [colour=#0000FF]"Do they have to do with the visions?" [/colour]

Twilight smiled to Dawn, she was going to reply to her when she up and dissapeared. She trotted over to the black spot[colour=#800080] " It seemed to be a teleportation spell." [/colour]She examined. Her Magic scanned the area to pick up a magic connection to locate where she could have gone. Applejack stepped closer to Twilight [colour=#FF8C00]"Can you find her?" [/colour]She asked her friend. Twilight sighed and shook her head. Applejack looked around the tower room [colour=#FF8C00]"Well that dont make a Lick of sense." [/colour]She said.

Rarity looked over to them [colour=#800080]"Did i hear a pony went missing!? This is not good! It simply wont Do!" [/colour]She said being all dramatic. Applejack shook her head. Rarity gave her a curt smile and an uneasy laugh. [colour=#800080]"Why dont you have that Velocity Fellow over there use this mask to locate Dawn?" [/colour]She said floating the mask over to Twilight.

Twilight raised an eyebrow [colour=#800080]"That could work! It might have the power to locate her. or at least find the Signature of the spell so i can locate her!" [/colour]She Said with a Smile. She took the mask with her own magical Aroura and floated it near Velocity . [colour=#800080]"Do you want to try?"[/colour]She asked in a confident tone.

Applejack Looked to Velocity [colour=#FF8C00]"Yea! Its easy, ya just have to Focus on the pony your looking for! She should have a blue glow." [/colour]She said to him, having being the only one to test the mask.

(yea you can Rp luna if you wish. i will be gone tommarow and sunday for my stepsister's graduation from College. You guys can progress the story more without me for a bit if you wish! I grant Rp control of the characters i have to you all. Have a good weekend. :) )

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(Okay! :) Have fun!)

When Dawn opened her eyes, all she saw was a blue misty field. She looked around. [colour=#40e0d0]"H-Hello...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She whimpered, and her mother appeared.[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"Hello my little baby." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and Dawn ran up to her, hugging her happily. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"What am I here for mother? Am I in trouble?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She whimpered, looking at her mother.[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]No your not in trouble... But, you've done a lot of service for making those masks, and I would like to congratulate you for such a service." [/colour][colour=#000000]Her mother started to use her magic on Dawn, and Dawn looked at her as if she was crazy. All her mother did was nod, and Dawn disappeared, appearing in her bedroom, passed out. [/colour]

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Sundial moved through the castle, her orange mane and tail seemed to glow in the light that flooded in through the windows. Her yellow coat was nicely kept and complemented her sundial cutie mark. She looked to her sister's door. Would she enter? Of course she would, why wouldn't she? Sundial lifted a wing to knock on the door,

[colour=#daa520]"Dawn, I'm coming in." [/colour][colour=#000000]She levitated the door open and the alicorn walked in. She gasped at the sight in front of her. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Dawn what happened to you?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget looked to flashbomb and had...a sad face. A very sad and depressing face. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"It...was Time Spinner." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said and looked back to the phone. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"He said he would be watching me and Princess Twilight." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget looked down, then back up. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I...think it's..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He stopped, dead in the middle of his sentence. He looked to the left, then to the right. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I'm sorry, do I know you?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget shook his head after he blacked out. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"That...was odd."[/colour]

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Dawn looked up and blinked, then looked to her side. [colour=#40e0d0]"N-No..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She sat up quickly. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Way!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She jumped into the air, and her newly found wings opened so she could fly.[/colour]

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[colour=#daa520]"Your an alicorn!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sundial said happily and ran in to hug her sister. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"But what are you an alicorn of? Twillight is magic, cadence is love, our aunts are the sun and moon, and I'm time so what are you?"[/colour]

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AngelSnapp took a sip of his coffee, It was mostly sugar and cream. He still disliked the taste. But every-pony said it was a acquired taste. This was his 10th cup in the past week. And still he hated it. He watched as Lyria flew around doing tricks and things. He smiled to himself and looked over at silverstar. She looked at him "[colour=#008080]Your still a little better I think[/colour]" She said to him. Angel laughed a little "[colour=#800000]I dont know about that..[/colour]"

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[colour=#daa520]"Well come on little sister, lets go show aunt Celestia!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sundial said trotting out of the bedroom happily.[/colour]

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Angel took a sip of coffee. He shook his head, he still hated the taste. He poured it out on the dirt. "I'm done with this stuff." He said. He turned to Lyria. "I don't think so, Why? Did you want to do something?" He asked

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(kk back!)

Flashbomb Looked at Gadget when He didnt recall whom he was, He felt that it was odd what Gadget was going through. [colour=#0000FF]"Gadget......These visions and such are starting to get to you. I think that you need to try and clear your mind about them, We can look them over and try and make more sense about them when we can." [/colour]He said putting a hoov on his friend's shoulder. [colour=#0000FF]"I gotta go and finnish teaching the class, let me know if you need anything." [/colour]He assured him. He turned away and flew over to the class, he saw the last pegasus land in a dizzy Fray. Flash sighed and facehoofed himself. [colour=#0000FF]"Still a long way to go....." [/colour]He thought to himself. He uncovered his face and helped the cadet up. They all lined up as Flash was handed the clipboard with all the pegasus's times. He noticed that everypony even clouddasher needed some improvement. [colour=#0000FF]"Alright Cadets! it seems as though we need to go through one more exersise for today." [/colour]He announced. His mind raced on what to do, he honestly thought the day would be done by the time the Dizzytron was done. Then a thought popped in his mind [colour=#0000FF]"Ok........I got it! We will do Altitude drops! Each pegasus must fly up as high as you can! even until you feel faint and Drop! you will then Unfirl your wings and land safetly on the runway! This will test your Endurance as well as your Will to Push yourself!" [/colour]He commanded. He trotted over to Clouddasher, [colour=#0000FF]"Since your my student i want you to try and beat everypony in the group. Try to atleast get top 3 in height." [/colour]He said to her.

He turned away and trotted down the line [colour=#0000FF]"I will accompany you on this test as well!" [/colour]He said. He glanced over his wing [colour=#0000FF]"Get going!" [/colour]He commanded, The cadets shot up and into the air. Flash followed soon after.

Twilight tilted her head at Velocity, [colour=#800080]"Do you know where she ha......" [/colour]She started but was cut off when she felt a powerfull shift in the magic tone in the air.

[colour=#FF8C00]"What is it sugarcube?" [/colour]Applejack asked.

Twilight tremored slightly, she felt the magical essence grow in the air, Something had happened. She didnt know what.

Rarity seemed to sense it to [colour=#800080]"Darling.......What was that?" [/colour]she stammered.

Twilight shook her head and ran to Princess Celestia's Throne room. She was scared of what had just occured.

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[colour=#0000cd]"Vision's getting to my head, Bah!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said as Flash ran away. He looked around the room. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I'm just as sane as any other pony here." [/colour][colour=#000000]He moved outside and watched the other cadets as flashbomb led them. [/colour][colour=#0000CD]"I'm perfectly fine."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Time Spinner walked through his house. He had just gotten off the phone with his brother and was furious that Twilight had 'saved the day once again.' He moved upstairs and into the last room in his hallway. There was a dimly lit room. In the middle was a blue pool called the looking glass. It's diameter was about 2 feet (I don't know how much that is in Meters, sorry metric users.) and it was made out of a crystal material. Time looked through it to be greeted with Twilight, applejack, and Rarity talking with each other in the royal castle. Suddenly there was a large blast of magical power. Time Spinner feel to the ground at the sense of it. He got up and grabbed the side of the looking glass. [/colour][colour=#696969]"What in the name of Celestia was that?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000](I'll wait for Dawn before Sundial's reaction.)[/colour]

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CloudDasher was laying under a tree in the shade while the other recruits finished the last exersise. FlashBomb seemed finished with talking to another stallion and trotted over to them. CloudDasher got up and stood in line with the other recruits. FlashBomb explained what was going to happen and how the exersise would work. CloudDasher smiled to herself, This would be easy. FlashBomb told her sence she was his student to try to get at least the top 3rd alttitide. "Ha! Ill get the Highest! Don't worry!" She told her mentor with zest. "This will be cake!" She took off with the other cadets. 1,000 feet. She blew past a few cadets 2,000 feet up to 4,000 feet. Again she flew passed a couple slow cadets. Now she was at about 7,000 feet. She could feel that there was less oxegen but she kept pushing up. Up to 10,000 Feet. Now whe was starting to get light headed. Up to 20,000 feet. She looked around, One more cadet was still with her. She kept pushing up to 25,000 feet. Once the last cadet feel. She kept going all the way up to 30,000 feet then she folded her wings. Falling she turned to see the runway slowly but shurly getting bigger.

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Flash followed right after clouddasher, He felt the air get cooler and cooler as their altitude increased. eventually the oxygen began to diminish and he felt his lungs start to struggle with the lack of it. He closed his eyes and shook his head clearing the blurry vision he had, eventually he saw the other cadet fall. He followed clouddasher higher and higher until she couldnt take it anymore. He fell with her and watched her form as she fell, He wanted to makesure that they both landed safetly on the ground below. The clouds rushed by them one by one, the ground got closer and closer. He kept an eye on clouddasher through the rushing wind. Eventually they would have to use their wings to Slow down or risk getting hurt. He looked to the ground and anticipated the moment.

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[colour=#800080]"Truthfully, I have no clue." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria giggled lightly. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I was just wondering." [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Dawn trotted beside her sister, happy. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Auntie!! Auntie!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and ran into the throne room. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Look! Mommy gave me wings!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She flapped her wings happily/ [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"But kind of Princess am I? What am I special for?"[/colour]

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CloudDasher was about 2,000 Feet above the runway now. She closed her eyes and felt the wind blow in her mane. She smiled and waited, Counting the seconds from her and the ground. She waited now she was at 1,000 feet. It seemed like time went slower now, Like falling she didnt have a care in the world. Like all her problems just flew away from the force of the wind. Though, She hardly had any problems or stress (For Shadowing for Chapter 3? :3) She was about 1,000 feet above the runway now. She waited.. Now at 500 feet. She kept falling down to 250. Then 150 she angled herself down and opened her wings. She took a deep breath and started to slow down. She reached the runway and flapped her wings to slow down to a stop. She landed on the runway, Only some-what out of breath.

Angel laughed "[colour=#800000]Well, You might want to think of something, Because If I choose the activity it will just involve camera's or doing something for SpitFire.[/colour]" He joked. He looked down at the coffee he had poured out.. "[colour=#800000]What a waste..[/colour]" He thought to himself "[colour=#800000]Next time.. Ill stick with the Hot Coco[/colour]" He said out-loud.

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Velocity had been about to reply when Twilight shuddered and bolted out of the room. He watched after her as she went, then turned to face her friends, [colour=#daa520]"Either of you have any idea what that was just now?"[/colour]

Shimmer had been about to re-enter the room when Twilight ran out past her with a worried expression. Shimmer continued into the room, still looking behind her, [colour=#696969]"Where was she off to in such a rush?"[/colour]

She turned to face the three ponies in the room, her eyes first going to Velocity, now wearing the upgraded mask, [colour=#696969]"Well hey! Looks like you guys updated those pretty quick."[/colour]

Velocity nodded, [colour=#daa520]"Yup! Twilight updated the spell matrix with these life force detection units Dawn made, so now we can locate ponies just by the fact that they are alive. For instance, you're blue. Miss Rarity is green and Miss Applejack is a brick red [/colour]((Just throwing a random colour onto the Earth Ponies, if you didn't have one already)." He stops for a second and focuses, [colour=#daa520]"Miss Applejack, Alicorn's are a golden colour, correct? Because if I focus hard enough I can see a fair number of those auras.",[/colour]

Shimmer looked behind her at the door again, [colour=#696969]"Maybe that has something to do with Princess Twilight taking off like that?"[/colour]

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Flash continued to fall with cloud dasher, he figured she knew what she was doing and decided to just relax in gravity's embrace. He calculated that they were at 2,000 feet now. He rested his eyes and freefell for awhile. Images and whispers of what gadget said leaked through his mind. How his mother was still breathing, how she had somehow forgotten him. How He told him that Time spinner was watching over twilight and the others. Time was somewhat an odd fellow to Flash but he still considered him a friend. He also remembered Thunderswift, He wondered where he was now. Suddenly Flash heard a fwoosh of wings. He opened his eyes quickly and saw he was a mere 80 feet from the ground. He whipped around and Ejected his wings as quick as possable. He pulled up, his wings struggling with the G forces. He was in for a rough landing. He hit the ground and rolled, His wings flailed slightly at the roll. Finnaly after tumbling head over hoof he came to a stop next to cloud dasher. He swore he could hear her giggle. He couldnt help but giggle some before getting up. He dusted himself off and Chuckled.

(im on my xbox rainboom dash i cant see the new replies that come in when i am typing so i will reply to dawn after another post!)

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CloudDasher looked up. FlashBomb had just realized that he was very close to the ground. He paniced and quickly opened his wings. Causing him to roll on the runway coming to a sliding stop next to CloudDasher. She tryed to hold in tjhe laughter but failed and let out a little giggle. Once FlashBomb was up and Also Giggling. She started to laugh a little harder "And you were worried about me!" She managed to say through her laughter.

Angel nodded. "Yeh, Deffiatly." He giggled. "Think we should head back up to the academy and see if everypony is alright?

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Flashbomb nodded and chuckled [colour=#0000FF]"Yea, i should have known better." [/colour]He said with a smile. He looked back to the cadets around him whom all seemed quite winded and such from the freefalls. He decided that class was dissmissed and let everypony disperse to the messhall and other facilities. It was still going to be a long week for him. He turned to Clouddasher, [colour=#0000FF]"Im proud of you Cloud, You did well today." [/colour]He said to his student. [colour=#0000FF]"Go get some rest.......you earned it." [/colour]He chimed. with a flick of his tail he trotted over to a lone tree to relax under for a bit before going inside.

[colour=#DAA520]"That was an impressive first day of teaching you had today Flash." [/colour]He heard Spitfire compliment him. Flash turned his gaze and smiled at the yellow fire maned Mare, [colour=#0000FF]"It was fun for me." [/colour]He responded. He turned his attention away from her and to the Cadets, He watched them spread out some going to the mess hall and others just resting as he was. [colour=#DAA520]"I might just redirect your position from working with Angel snapp to A full on teacher, What do you say?" [/colour]She offered Flash as she sat next to him. Flash looked over to her once more, her bandages still fresh on her and the prominent one over her eye kind of threw him off. [colour=#DAA520]"It would pay you just a little more and you wont have to live with him anymore, You would get a residence here and teach everypony to become Wonderbolts." [/colour]She added. Flash blinked and looked down, He felt a pang of uncertainty. He could take the oppertunity and he would be off of Angel's hooves. He did his fair share of work around the house and helped Angel when he could, it wasnt like he was freeloading off of him. [colour=#0000FF]"You know Spitfire........Thanks......." [/colour]He said. Spitfire tilted her head [colour=#DAA520]"You seem uncertain......" [/colour]She said. Flash looked up at the sky and sighed[colour=#0000FF]"But i have to turn down the offer, I dont want to ditch Angel and Silverstar. And Lyria is moved in as well.......Angel took me in when my home was Destroyed. Their my Family in a way Spitfire. Thanks for the offer though but i am content working with Angel." [/colour]He said. Spitfire was quiet for a moment and nodded [colour=#DAA520]"I understand. Im glad that your happy with your position. No hard feelings." [/colour]she chimed. She got up and trotted away to the mess hall. Flash watched her go and looked back over to Cloud dasher, He was very proud of her. She was succeeding in every test that she had taken.

Celestia looked in amazement at her Niece [colour=#ffd700]"Luna gave you wings?"[/colour]She said with a surprised tone. She got up and Trotted slowly over to her. It was true! Dawn had wings now! She looked down at her niece and couldnt help but smile. [colour=#FFD700]"Im very proud of you Dawn!" [/colour]She said to her. She hugged her and released it, Now that made 4 princesses in the court. Herself, Luna,Twilight, And now Dawn. She was slightly baffled though. [colour=#FFD700]"For what reason did she give you wings? Did she consider what you represent?" [/colour]She asked her. She wanted to make sure Luna wasnt bestowing the gift left and right without thoughtfull consideration.

Suddenly Twilight burst through the doors [colour=#800080]"Princess Celestia! There is something Wrong! There is a large spike of magical Ener.........gy....." [/colour]She yelped but slowed down when she saw Dawn. [colour=#800080]"D......Dawn!? is that you!? you..........You..........Your an Alicorn!" [/colour]She squeaked and ran over to her and gave her a hug. Dawn might have been tired of the constant praise by now. [colour=#800080]"B.....but how?" [/colour]She said.

Applejack nodded to Shimmer and let Velocity and her converse, she sat down and yawned. Hopefully her brother and sister had finnished work by now. Rarity lay down and took a quick nap much to Applejack's delight.

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Sundial followed behind Dawn as she entered the room. She was so excited that her own wings were fluttering. She heard Celestia mention the word princess and her ear's perked up to about the size of her horn. She just now realized that her sister was now a princess just like Twilight, and cadence, and their aunt, and her own mother, plus her. Now she was really excited. [colour=#daa520]"We have to get you crown, and a royal dress, oh and we also need to figure out your reasoning." [/colour][colour=#000000]Soon Twilight entered the room and was stunned by Dawn's change. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Why hello Twilight, yes my little sister is now a princess."[/colour]

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CloudDasher eventually stoped laughing. FlashBomb got up and dismissed the group to the messHall, Which somehow was still intact. CloudDasher begain to trot twards the main building only to be stoped by FlashBomb. He told her that he was proud of her and that she should get some R&R She nodded to him "Alright, Thanks Flashy" She joked. Poking fun at him. She trotted off to the mess hall with the others.

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Flash lay by the tree and rested for awhile longer, The breeze had blown through the Acadamy quite well today. He wondered if he made the right choice in staying with Angel snapp, What was he saying of course he did! He streched his wings and yawned loudly, he saw Clouddasher Vanish into the building. He felt a spark in the back of his mind and sighed. Did he have a crush on her? Perhaps he did, he wasnt really sure. He Started to trot back to the main building and entered. Did he? Well he might have one.......Well she was his pupil. His student........But something about her...... He shook his head and cleared his thoughts. He entered the mess hall and sat down to eat. He noticed that Thunderswift was sitting at a table by himself in the corner. He looked like he wanted to be alone so Flash left it at that. He ate his food quickly and finnished, once he did he pushed his plate away and crossed his hooves on the table. He looked around the mess hall at the cadets when he felt a wing smack him over the head playfully [colour=#00FFFF]"Great job teaching the class Flash! That altitude exersise was something else!" [/colour]Rainbow dash's voice echoed around the hall. Flashbomb smiled and turned his gaze to her to see her and soarin sitting right next to him [colour=#0000FF]"You could teach tommarow if you want. i could use a little break." [/colour]He said to her. Rainbow dash smiled [colour=#00FFFF]"Ok! that sounds like fun to me! i could teach arial tricks or Speed!" [/colour]She chimmed. Flash nodded friendly and turned back to gazing over the crowd. He locked eyes with Roid rage who nodded to him. Flash chuckled and waited for everypony to finnish.

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