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The Academy Chapter 2


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Velocity turned to look at Applejack, pushing the mask up onto his forehead, causing it to revert to its normal state, "[colour=#daa520]An Alicorn's aura is a golden one, right? Because I'm seeing about four or so of those with the mask on."[/colour]

Shimmer looked at the door, "[colour=#696969]Yep.. Definitely had something to do with Princess Twilight running off."[/colour]

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CloudDasher got her food, She looked around the room and tried to find a place to sit. She saw a empty table and was heading that way. She didn't really know anypony at the academy beside FlashBomb and AngelSnapp. She thought she dropped something and turned to see if she did. Suddenly she felt a thud in front of her and then heard the crash of a try. She turned to see another cadet. "[colour=#00ffff]Wow, Hey sorry man. Didn't see you there.[/colour]" She apologized. She was about to continue on the the stallion stopped her "[colour=#ff8c00]Watch where your going next time punk![/colour]" he yelled at her. CloudDasher turned to him. "[colour=#00ffff]Hey! I said I was sorry! Just go get another one![/colour]" She yelled back at him, Trotting off. The Stallion trotted after her "[colour=#ff8c00]You better watch what you say, Fly Girl[/colour]" He told her pushing her. CloudDasher dropped her tray on a table and turned to him "[colour=#00ffff]Get off my back! It was an accident! Get it through your thick skull![/colour]" At this point everypony in the mess hall was looking at the two. The orange cadet had a look of pure rage on his face. He threw himself at CloudDasher. Her eyes widened with surprising when the cadet began to come at her. Then before she knew it she was on the floor. Blocking blows directed at her face. She kicked him off and he stumbled backwards. She slid her hind hoof under him causing him to trip and landed on his back. She pinned him down. She grabbed his mane and raised his head "[colour=#00ffff]Before you get into a fight. MAKE SURE YOU CAN WIN IT![/colour]" She yelled in his ear, Then forced his head down into the plate of Mushy food that had started the whole ordeal.

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[colour=#40e0d0]"Thank you. I don't know what I represent... but I was wondering if you do. I know my mother wouldn't give me wings for no reason." [/colour][colour=#000000]I giggle lightly. [/colour]

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Flashbomb heard a slight commotion in the crowd of Cadets, he looked to see cloud dasher appologising to a cadet colt whom she had bumped into. It seemed fine until the cadet yelled at her to watch where she was going. He felt slightly Agitated at The cadet being so rude to her. He continued to watch and saw what built up to a heated Argument between the two. He saw Spifire struggle to get up to disperse the fight. He blocked her with his forehoof and nodded for her to sit down. She nodded, she wasnt in any condition to do anything. Flash wiped off his mouth with a napkin and got up from the table. Rainbow dash looked at Flash [colour=#00FFFF]"Better hurry, things are getting ugly." [/colour]she murmered. Flash nodded and continued to trot over to the commotion when The cadet followed cloud dasher [colour=#FF8C00]" You better watch what you say flygirl!" [/colour]The cadet jousted at her[colour=#00FFFF] " It was an accident get it through your thick skull!" [/colour]He heard over the murmuring crowd. Flash tried to push by but the group of cadets that watched were blocking the way. The argument then Broke out into an all out fight between the two. Flash shoved through the group and trotted quickly to see cloud dasher rubbing the cadet's face in a plate of food. [colour=#0000FF]"THATS ENOUGH!"[/colour] He shouted at the two. He grabbed Cloud Dasher and pulled her off of the cadet. She stumbled back and looked at Flash. He turned to the cadet who she was fighting. Only to see him Yell in puure rage and shove Flash out of the way and into Cloud Dasher. Flash stumbled and regained himself after hitting his head on the cloud wall. He opened his eyes to see them extanging blows back and forth with no winner. Flash growled in Frustration and grabbed the colt. [colour=#0000ff]"I SAID ENOU....."[/colour] He shouted before the cadet whipped around and smacked Flash across the muzzle. Flash was utterly stunned by the rage that the cadet had profusely let loose. He felt the Colt tackle him and began attacking him now. Flash Blocked his face and kept trying to Divert the Cadet. In no way did he want to hurt him but His own anger began to build. After blow after blow and His failed attempt to stop the fight He lost it. He hit the cadet in the gut. The cadet let out a oof and recovered only to feel Flash's right hoof hit his cheek. The cadet spun around and threw a punch at Flash which hit Flash in the muzzle yet again. He Tried once more to reach out to him But was only met with more blows. [colour=#0000FF]"THATS IT!"[/colour] Flash yelled, he grabbed the hoof of the cadet and spun around. He threw the cadet over a table sending Food and drinks around. He was breathing heavily and saw the cadet get up one more time. The cadet flapped his wings and shot at Flash. Flash stepped to the side and landed one final blow across the back of his head. The cadet rolled on the ground and coughed. Flash trotted over to him [colour=#0000FF]"WHEN I SAY ENOUGH! I MEAN ENOUGH! YOUR GOING TO SPITFIRE'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW....." [/colour]He shouted at the cadet. He dragged him to a couple of guards and tossed him to them. They escorted him away, Flash turned around[colour=#0000FF] "Your all dissmissed to your barracks."[/colour] he said in a low tone. He trotted over to Cloud Dasher[colour=#0000FF] "Are you alright? i know it wasnt your fault, your not in trouble." [/colour]He said to make sure she was ok. He felt his nose sting, he wiped away a little bit of crimson that came from his nose. He looked up to Cloud dasher and waited for a responce.

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CloudDasher giggled a little at the colt's face being buried in the food. Then FlashBomb pulled her off of the colt telling them that it was enough. But the colt broke free and again charged CloudDasher. This time a solid blow to the muzzle caused her to squee in surprise a little. FlashBomb quickly grabbed him off of her. She stumbled back and fell down against a table. Flashbomb seemed to have the situation under control after a few minutes. He told the colt that he would have to go to spitfire's office. He trotted off with a few other guards. Flashbomb trotted over to CloudDasher who was sitting down agenst the table still. She looked up at FlashBomb who wiped a little blood from his nose. She raised a hoof to her muzzle. It felt slightly wet and stung a bit. "[colour=#00ffff]He nicked me good, But beside that. Im fine.[/colour]" She told him, Looking up. She sat there for a moment. Wishing someone was there to comfort here. someone like AngelSnapp. She sorta smiled to herself at the thought of him wiping the blood from her muzzle. She shook the thought out of her head and stood up. "[colour=#00ffff]I could have handled my self you know[/colour]" She told him.

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Flashbomb nodded to Cloud dasher when she said she was ok. He smiled to her when she said she could have handled it herself. [colour=#0000FF]"I know you couldve." [/colour]He said to her. [colour=#0000FF]"But you know what, i thought that it was kindof fun." [/colour]He admitted to her. He watched the cadets and the others file out of the Mess hall. He saw Spitfire limping to the door, he guessed she hadnt taken her pills that the doctor assigned her. He looked back to Cloud dasher and nodded to her. He got up and trotted over to spitfire [colour=#0000FF]"Get some sleep Cloud! youve got a long week ahead of you!" [/colour]He shouted to her in a friendly tone. He helped spitfire out of the mess hall and to her office down the hall.

Applejack nodded and woke rarity up. They trotted after where Twilight went off to, just to see what had happened.

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CloudDasher nodded and trotted down the hall to the Mare's Barracks and crawled into bed. She looked out the window to see the moon. It seemed almost condescending Like something was not right. Just down right eerie. The feeling soon disappeared when she put her cheek on the pillow. The side of her muzzle stung. She had to lay straight in order to sleep. If she layed on her side, Her muzzle would just sting. Thoughts rushed through her head. How would the final test be? Would it be easy? She hoped to be assigned to AngelSnapp's Squadron Although she knew he was part of the Media team. She still wanted to be close to him. FlashBomb would be her second choice, Since he was the only other pony she knew there. She shook the thoughts out of her head and finally fell asleep.

AngelSnapp nodded to Lyria. They took off and flew to the academy. "[colour=#800000]I think we have to help supervise the last test as well" [/colour]He told her.

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Flashbomb helped Spitfire to her office. She thanked him as he helped her into her chair at her desk. She looked to the cadet whom sat at the other end of her desk. He glared at Flashbomb as he passed him to exit. He shut the door and cricked his neck, He saw Thunderswift trotting down the hallway to him [colour=#FF0000]"That was......impressive." [/colour]He compimented him. Flash sighed [colour=#0000FF]"Cadets need to learn to control their anger." [/colour]He said to him. Thunderswift smiled back to him. It was nice to talk with him, without the bloodlusted coruption in his eyes. Flash trotted with Him back to the barracks, He opened the door to see that mostly everypony had fallen asleep. It took him that long to help spitfire? He looked to Thunder Swift and watched him go to his respective bed. He went to his own and lay down, Eventually sleep came to him and he drifted off.

(Alright i am going to fast forward the rp one week and to the final test.)

The skies above the Acadamy were bright and blue, the sun shined brightly in the sky. it had been a week since the first training session flash had taught. He taught the class with the help of the other wonderbolts. The cadets learned Strength, Dexterity, Endurance and Agility in the classes that took place. It was now time for the final test.

Flashbomb sat in the mess hall and yawned loudly, he had gotten up earlier than the other ponies in the Academy and had decided to get Breakfast early. He Ate his food alone in the mess hall as the sun rose outside the window. Angel Snap, And Lyria had come to help with the training of the cadets much to his liking. He Had also watched Cloud dasher Advance in her Abilities as well, He was quite impressed at how quickly she had handled the lessons. The final test would happen in just 4 hours and the celebratory breakfast was going to take place in 2. He also got wind that Twilight, Dawn, Velocity,Shimmer and even Celestia and luna themselves would arrive to watch the final test take place. It would have to be a cut off of the standard block since Spitfire was unable to hold the normal Insult, obsticle, Survival test. Flash was honestly nervous if the test he and the wonderbolts had come up with would befit such royalty when they came to watch.

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CloudDasher couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned most of the night and hardly got any sleep. She sat up in her bunk bed and dangled her hooves over the side. She rubbed her eyes and jumped down, She trotted into the next room and took a hot shower to wake up. After that she trotted back into the barracks There was still quite some time before the actual test started. She sighed "[colour=#00ffff]I wonder if there serving breakfast early[/colour]" She thought to herself. She trotted out of the barracks Not bothering to put on the cadet uniform. She hated how the uniforms didnt allow her coat to breath. She trotted down the hall the the mess hall where she could smell flapjacks and other different foods being made. Her stomach growled and her pace picked up. She peeked into the room to see FlashBomb was the only one in the mess hall, Sitting alone. She trotted in and grabbed a tray. Getting some flapjacks. She trotted over to FlashBomb and sat down next to him not saying anything. She didnt want to admit she was nervous about the test.

AngelSnapp was still sound asleep. Lyria was in the bunk next to him. It was her first week in the staff barracks. Angel thought it was great having FlashBomb and Lyria both in the same room. The first time they were here he was basicly the only one who used this room.

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Flashbomb noticed Cloud Dasher had entered the Mess hall and had sat down next to him. He glanced over to the plate of Flapjacks she had before her. He smiled slightly when he realized that they were sitting at the Staff table. He didnt mind though, he had grown more comfortable around her. He Grabbed his cup of orange juice with his hoof and sipped from it and Gazed out the window across the mess hall from them.[colour=#0000FF] "Good morning." [/colour]he finnaly spoke. [colour=#0000FF]"Sleep well?" [/colour]He asked before drinking from his glass.

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Swift Blitz had made her way into the cafeteria. Her former mentor, Gadget, was sitting at a table by himself and Swift decided to join him.

[colour=#800080]"You alright now?[/colour]"

[colour=#0000CD]"If your talking about the visions then no, I'm still crazy."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"I never said you were crazy."[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"Yes, you did. The day before I turned into a shadowbolt I was watching the barrier and you said that I was crazy."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"H...how did you know-"[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"How did I know that? I don't know."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Are you...remembering anything?"[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"No, I'm still an amnesiac."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Any advice for the survival test."[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"Stay in the trees, watch out for ursa's."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"That's it?"[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"You'd be surprised about what I did during my survival test."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swift got up and left the table a bit angrily. She made her way to cloud dasher and Flashbomb.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Flash bomb sir, do you have any advice for my survival test?"[/colour]

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CloudDasher poked at her flapjacks. She sat there silently for a moment and then Flashbomb asked her how she slept. She looked over to him, Her mane was ruffled up from drying it with a towel. "[colour=#00ffff]Terrible.. I got a shower though.[/colour]" She said. She didnt care how she looked. She actually liked it when her mane was ruffled up. She looked back to see another one of the cadets enter and sit with another mentor. They talked for a bit then the cadet seemed a bit angry and trotted over to them. CloudDasher remembered the Filly's name was SwiftBlitz. The one that had challenged her to the race when they were flying laps. CloudDasher took a bite of the flapjacks as SwiftBlitz asked FlashBomb for advice on the Test. CloudDasher ran her hooves through her mane returning it to its normal shaggy look. Her mane was a sky blue with a white streak going through it. She whiped her tail a little bit. Trying to shake the excess water from it.

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Flash looked over to A cadet, He remebered her from before. Swiftblits was her name he recalled, He sipped from the Oj and looked back up to Her. She had asked about the Survival test and what to do. Flash felt slightly ammused[colour=#0000FF] "Oh no no no......Its not a Survival test. Spitfire isnt able to oversee the tests, let alone hold one. So i have changed the final test to here on the runway. Royalty is coming to see it as well." [/colour]He said feeling a little self centered. Then he realized how much he was centering himself and cleared his throat. [colour=#0000FF]"Well im to assume its to investigate the Battle that waged here not long ago." [/colour]He said as he drank the last of his Orange Juice and looked at the empty cup with pity, He sighed and set it down and rolled his eyes. He smiled again, [colour=#0000FF]"You will get to see it when the test comes around." [/colour]He flicked his ear when he felt it itch. He looked out the window again. He only hoped the test was good enough. After a moment he turned his attention to CloudDasher and Swift blitz [colour=#0000FF]"Are you two Nervous at all?" [/colour]

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AngelSnapp stirred as he heard Lyria get up. He opened his eyes to see her walk into the showers. He turned onto his side. They hadn't been together long. But it felt as if he had known her for ever. She returned from the shower room a few moments later and walked out. Angel sighed and sat up. He figured he would have breakfast with his special somepony . He kinda liked the ring of that. HIS, Specal Somepony. He smiled to himself as he rubbed out his eyes and trotted to catch up with her. "[colour=#800000]Good morning[/colour]" He smiled

CloudDasher just kept eating her Pancakes when FlashBomb asked if she was nervous. She just shook her head.

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Flashbomb Nodded silently to himself. He Flapped his wings and Looked at the window again, He heard the faculty and the cadets start to Wake up in the hallways. A small trickle of Ponies started to flow in, He had already eaten and therefore didnt need to stick around. He got up and decided that it was time to set up the final test outside. He looked to Cloud dasher whe was Finnishing her meal, [colour=#0000FF]"Care to come help me set up the final test Cloud?" [/colour]He chimed as he trotted to the exit. He looked to Blitz whom seemed like he was giving Cloud an unfair advantage. [colour=#0000FF]"Dont worry, she is only helping, well if she decides to help." [/colour]He assured her.

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((I'm assuming that they'll be bringing Flash that mask he's been waiting for :P unless that's happened already))

Velocity trotted over to the door of his sister's room. He'd woken early in anticipation for what the day would bring. He nudged the door open gently. She was still asleep. He snickered to himself, pulling the mask he'd been given down over his eyes and letting it do its thing. Lifting himself into the air above his sister's bed, Velocity took in a deep breath and summoned his best drill sergeant tone, "Wake up Cadet!! We got a big day ahead of us!" he shouted.

Shimmer's reaction was to be expected. She flailed as she was shocked into wakefulness by her brother's about. After she had cocooned herself into the covers, she ears him laughing. She peeked out, her shiny silver mane a tangled mess, "You're a jerk Vel." She kicked the covers off and shoved her brother, who was still hovering in the air while he laughed. The force applied by his sister pushed him out of place and into the wall, from which he fell to the floor. He was still laughing as he pulled himself up, pushing the mask up onto his forehead, "I'm your brother! I'm shirking my duties if I don't annoy or scare you every few weeks!"

Shimmer huffed as she attempted to straighten out her mane, "What's the thought process that old you to get me up at this time of day?" She grumbled.

Velocity chuckled, "Today's the final test for the Wonderbolt Cadets. The Princesses will be attending, and as such so will we. I thought we'd get an early start. I'll be waiting outside."

He left and Shimmer sighed as she flew herself over to a mirror and finished straightening out her mane. A few minutes later she was geared up and trotted out of the home she shared with her brother, holding an apple in her mouth as she shut the door. Velocity was also geared up, the mask resting on his armored forehead. He'd had their armor smith rig up a way for it to attach to his helmet when he was using it for guard duty, that way it was always within easy reach. He had Drell, their Raven, perched on his withers, and was reading the letter the bird had brought back. Shimmer hovered and took the apple from her mouth, chewing the chunk she'd taken from it as she read over her brother's shoulder, "So Carmus and the CO will be coming for a visit?" She asked, tilting her head.

Velocity shrugged, "Seems that way. It'll be good to see them again. Come on, lets get to the castle."

The siblings went in silence for the most part before Velocity stopped, "Before we go, let's visit the rest of the family. Give them an update."

Shimmer stopped, looking at her brother for a few seconds before nodding, "OK." She turned to the raven that was hovering behind her, tossing him a few bits from her pouch, "Get some flowers, would you?"

The raven cawed as it caught the bits and flew off as the two siblings took a turn. Down a side street. They entered into a quieter section of Canterlot. A grove of trees surrounding a large clearing marked with plenty of stones. Shimmer and Velocity stopped before three of them arranged side by side, each bearing the same mark: Two Pegasi in a battle stance, wings outstretched to cross one another as if making a shield. The mark was identical to the Statue of the Sentinels that was erected in the Canterlot Gardens. Drell had returned, clutching three small flower bouquets in his talons. He set each before the three stones before flying up to perch on the nearest branch. Shimmer removed her helmet, her eyes misty, as she knelt, "Hey guys. It's been a while since we payed you a visit, hasn't it?"

She blinked a few times to clear her eyes, causing the tears collecting in them to fall. Velocity knelt down beside her, taking off his own helmet, "We got promoted a little while ago. Would you believe they assigned us to protect a Princess? Heh, no Princess you guys ever met I don't think. She's only been one a few months. We've already helped her divert one threat, and we've only been on the job a few weeks ourselves."

His own eyes were misty, but he didn't shed any tears. Shimmer took over, having dried her eyes, "Carmus is serving with Jetstream and his Raptors. You guys would be proud of him, I'm sure." She placed a hoof on each stone before she got up, putting her helmet back on, "We'd best be going. For a big day ahead of us, going to the Wondebolt Academy to attend the final exams with our Princess," she smiled slightly, "See you all someday." She turned and began to walk back the way they had come, Drell flying from his branch to perch on her back. Velocity stayed a few seconds longer before standing, "mum. Dad. Starbright. Rest easy guys." He put his helmet back on and hovered after his sister.

The two arrived at the castle a few minutes later, and awaited Twilight's arrival.

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CloudDasher swallowed a bite. She looked over at FlashBomb and nodded "[colour=#00ffff]Yeh, Of course Ill help you[/colour]" She told him. FlashBomb was kinda like a older brother to her. But the kind of older brother that was more of a friend then a nuisance. She smiled. It made her feel less stressed that she was able to do something productive rather than sit around on her plot and do nothing. She stood up and walked to the trash can.

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Flashbomb smiled to Cloud Dasher as she agreed to go help him. He trotted down the hallway and outside. He saw That a few Staff ponies were hard at work on setting everything up for the Final test. Flashbomb figured that all of the Decorations were for the Princesses more than anything. He Troted down the Runway, his hooves gave of the distinct clacking sound as he went. He Looked around for the supplies that he needed for the First part of the test. Since he was making a final test for the cadets that would take place in one day instead of three he had to think of a very tough course for them to do. He Grabbed some wood and Nails, [colour=#0000FF]"Some assembly rrquired., What a joke." [/colour]He sighed at the task before them. He looked over his shoulder to Cloud Dasher. [colour=#0000FF]"Alright Cloud i need you to set up these Starting gates ive had an engineering pony set up. They will seve for the starting line." [/colour]He said to her handing her the needed supplies. He looked around and thought to himself about the final test, He honestly only had some of it planned out and allowed the other wonderbolts come up with ideas for each course. The first part though was Flash's idea. He would explain it at the beginning to all who show up. He grabbed the boards and began to build supports for the Starting line. It wouldnt be good if the Starting gates fel apart on the spot.

Princess Twilight had been up since 3 in the morning much to Spike's Distress. She had gathered books of many many topics on Contests and other things partaining To the subject. As well she had gotten 4 books on wonderbolt history and brushed up on each one. She was so excited for the last test that she had gotten so many things ready. She Also anticipated the reveil of dawn being a Alicorn now. She sensed that Her 2 royal guards have arrived in the royal courtyard. Ever since she had become an alicorn she was able to sense other ponies. It was an amazing ability but sometimes it got in her way. She had finnaly finnished packing everything into a large bag that towered 20 feet tall. Spike shok his head[colour=#00FF00] "Uh Twilight i dont think you need all of that. Its just a final test for the wonderbolts. Not a study session."[/colour] He said to her. Twilight giggled and then double checked herself [colour=#800080]"Well.......your right spike. only bring essentials." [/colour]She said. She Used her magic to dwindle the bag down to a reasonable 30 pound pack with only 3 books in all. She thanked spike and Got dressed for the day. Just a quaint Violet Dress, not as fancy as her cornation dress but she enjoyed this one more. She patted spike on the head and left down the stairs to the courtyard below. Many guards Saluted her and to her delight she saw her personal guard waiting for her. She ran over to Velocity and Shimmer, She hugged them both and greeted them. She saw the Armor they wore, it was far much more heavier and seemed to be a much higher profile Armor. She also noticed that they each wore an advanced Mask that Was attached to their helms. [colour=#800080]"Shall we be off then?" [/colour]She chimed. She trotted at a slow pace out of the courtyard to the royal Chariot that she had Assigned to her. Many guards followed and hooked themselves up for the jorney. She sat down at the seat near the front. Shimmer and Velocity had their spots and sat behind her. The charriot took off and they were on their way. The other Princessess would soon follow after she was sure. They Acended into the blue skies, and to the Earthen academy in the horizon.

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CloudDasher giggled at FlashBomb's comment. He told het to set up some starting gate. She nodded and trottrd over to the pile of assembled parts. She picked up some instructuons and looked at them "Part "B" Into part "G" she read she sighed, This was going to take awhile. She looked over to FlashBomb who at the moment was building some sort of support. She continued to put the parts in there place. She looked out to the horizon, A tiny dot appered and was apprching. "Must be a charriot" CloudDasher told herself. Though she was extreamly nervous that the royals were going to watch the test. She grunted in frustration, Partly from the stress and partly from a stubborn part that didn't want to connect.

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Flash had continued working on the starting line, it took them both a good 10 minutes to get it set up and ready. He gave it a quick kick for good measure, He heard hooves land on the runway a ways away. He turned his gaze to see that Princess Twilight had Arrived with 2 guards in heavy Clad armor. He didnt recognise them though because their faces were not visible from that far away. He looked over to Cloud dasher and trotted over to help her set up the last few pieces. Once it was set up he stepped back and sighed, It wasnt the prettiest but it was usable. He saw the rest of the wonderbolts come out of the Main hall and they began to set up their own parts of the test up. He figured that soon everything would fall into place and the final test would soon take place. He looked over to See Twilight greeting the staff and faculty around the runway. He turned his gaze to a large pile of 40 pound sand bags that he had delivered last night. He flew over to them and decided to Help get them to Roid Rage and his part of the test. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey Cloud! one last thing! we just gotta get these 30 bags over to Roid Rage. The others can handle themselves i think." [/colour]He said. He grabbed 3 bags and hauled them on his back, he trotted slowly down the runway to Roid Rage's part of the test. His back strained slightly but he kept moving on.

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CloudDasher Put the last part in place. She saw princess TwilightSparkle land on the runway. She swolloed nervously. There was a extrem amount of pressure. She shook her head and tried not to think of the fact that she was going to be watched by such important pony's. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. She just needed to be herself. While Twilight was greeting staff FlashBomb called over CloudDasher to help with some sandbags "Alright, Be right there Flash" She trotted over to him as he carried 3 of the sandbags off. CloudDasher managed to get 2 on her back. She trotted behind FlashBomb. "This would be a lot easier if we were unicorns" She joked

(Kk I'm going to get Angel back in ^u^)

AngelSnapp trotted out of the Main Building. He looked around, It seemed as if Twilight had just arrived. AngelSnapp smiled to himself. He trotted over to a group of wonderbolts and asked if there was anything he could do. They told him to talk to FlashBomb. Angel looked over to see his friend was a bit occupied carrying sandbags. He waited for him to finish sence he already had help with that from another pony. Angel trotted over to twilight and gave her a freindly smile and said "Good evning ma'am" respectfully. Then trotted on back into the main building to fetch his uniform and camera. He trotted down the south hall and entered the barracks. It appered that Lyria had already gotten his uniform out for him. She was always making things a little easier for Angel. He slid into the jacket and grabbed his saddlebag and made his way once more outside.

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Flashbomb Grunted as he carried the bags [colour=#0000FF]"It would make carrying things a whole lot easier......" [/colour]He groaned as he reached the spot to drop the bags off. He saw the Massive White Stallion Flutter over with his tiny wings and nod to both Him and Cloud Dasher, He took all 5 bags from them with reletive ease and he took them to his area. Flash sighed, [colour=#0000FF]"Only 25 more to go." [/colour]He said as he trotted back to the bags, once again he took 3 and Cloud Dasher took yet another 2. His back became sore after their 20th bag that they had loaded. They only had 15 more to go now and he wanted to be finnished carrying the encoumbersome bags. He was just loading up 3 more onto his already raw back when he decided to make small talk with Cloud Dasher [colour=#0000FF]"So, tell me a little about your self Cloud........what drove you to join the Academy?" [/colour]He asked.

Twilight smiled to a white pegasus with Red and black hair colour. [colour=#800080]"Greetings to you as well." [/colour]She said in a very friendly tone. She was about to say more but saw that he was busy. She wondered Where Flashbomb was and decided to go to the mess hall to see if he was there.

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