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The Academy Chapter 2


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AngelSnapp was halfway down the southall when Twhilight entered. She looked like she was looking for somepony. She trotted into the messhall and Angel entered after her "Are you looking for something ma'am?" He asked. A few cadets still lingered at the messhall eating there breakfasts, The smell of flapjacks filled the air. Angel had already gotten his fill but the smell made him hungry again.

CloudDasher grabbed 2 more of the sandbags and trotted next to FlashBomb. He made a few comments about how many there were left, Which just seemed to make th whole process a lot longer. CloudDasher Grabbed another 2 and fell in beside him. FlashBomb asked her why she joined the academy. "Well you see, I thought it would be fun. I mean at first I wanted to be a royal guard but then I thought. Man, It must get really boring standing infront of a door all day. I wanted something more exiting I guess" She told him

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Flash listened to Cloud Dasher and Kept trotting along with the 3 bags on his back hindering his pace. [colour=#0000FF]"Yea being a royal guard sure has its perks and such, but sometimes it could get pretty dull." [/colour]He agreed with her as he dropped the bags for Roid Rage to take. He began to Trot back with Cloud Dasher and kept quiet for a while, he hadnt really thought of much more to say than that. After a while of carrying they had finnished with the Job, Flash's back ached it felt like a Crow had clawed his coat to pieces. He noticed that now a large crowd had begun to form on the runway down by the building. Unicorns and Earth ponies alike had gathered, as well as more and more Royal guards. If Flash didnt know better he would say a whole army of Guards had attended. He cricked his neck and looked back to the Wonderbolts, they were still working hard on The course. [colour=#0000FF]"I guess we can see if they need help? If your up for it." [/colour]He offered. Honestly he wanted to get all of the courses ready for When Celestia Arrived.

Twilight looked over to The white Pegasus that she had seen before, [colour=#800080]"Well yes Acctually, Im looking For Flashbomb. I have a improved mask for him." [/colour]She said to him with a smile. She smelled the good food and her stomach began to rumble. She also noticed that everypony had looked over to her and Gawked at her. Twilight sighed, She was here not 5 days ago and now they all look at her because she is royalty. She saw Spitfire trot over to her and nod, [colour=#DAA520]"Dont worry, they just are not used to An Alicorn showing up in the blue infront of them." [/colour]She assured her.

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AngelSnapp looked around. It looked as if they had everypony's attention in the room. "Umm..." He said looking back at her. SpitFire trotted up to them and apologized for the cadets gawking at her. Angel spoke up "FlashBomb? I beleve he's outside moving sandbags with a young mare named CloudDasher." He told her. "That's when I last saw him anyway" He added

CloudDasher set down the last sandbag with a grunt "Yeh ok" She responded to FlashBombs question "Let's go help tjem out"

(Sorry for short post. Class started)

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Sundial made her way to academy, she was excited that soon her little sister would be a princess. She had to go see the damage of the academy though. She flew on to the cloud to be met with a purple Pegasi with a blue mane and a brown feather for a cutie mark.

[colour=#800080]"Hello, Princess." [/colour][colour=#000000]The purple pony bowed causing Sundial to stumble a bit. She wasn't a very good princess.[/colour]


[colour=#800080]"My name is Swift Blitz. I'm supposed to show you around the damage."[/colour]

[colour=#DAA520]"Yes, Yes..."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]And so Blitz showed Sundial around the academy.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget made his way to the runway as he saw Twilight here. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Twilight!" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said approaching her. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I have to ask you if we've ever met before."[/colour]

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The two guards had remained silent throughout most of the walking around, merely taking in all that been done to the Academy since they were last there. They had walked back outside in search of Flash Bomb and another came trotting up to them, Velocity recognized him, he was the one he had 'fought'. He asked Twilight if he'd ever met her before. Velocity made a bit of a face at that.

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Lyria trotted alongside Angel, already in her uniform. [colour=#800080]"Everything going well so far?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked him as she nodded to Spitfire.[/colour]

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Twilight Sparkle Nodded and was going to ask Angel another Question when she heard her name being called. She glanced over to see a familiar Face trot over to her. He asked her if they had met before and she raised an eyebrow as she tried to recall. All she could think of is when she saw him Corrupted on the battlefield during the battle. [colour=#800080]"No......i dont quite Recall......I remember seeing you during the fight though." [/colour]She said. Spitfire kicked in [colour=#DAA520]"His name is Gadget. He is a wonderbolt still as far as i know. He graduated with Flashbomb and Lyria's class." [/colour]She said. She looked at Gadget to imply about the Letter he had left of his resignation but it wouldve had to wait till later. Lyria had shown up and asked everypony how they were doing Twilight nodded and smiled brightly [colour=#800080]"Im doing fine! I cant wait to see what Flashbomb has in store for the cadets!" [/colour]She said. She glanced over to Velocity whom was still giving Gadget a stink eye. She poked him with her wing and he seemed to stop. She turned her attention to everypony infront of her,[colour=#800080] "Actually i was asking Angel snapp here if He knew were Flashbomb was. Could you show me where he is?" [/colour]She asked everypony. Spitfire once again kicked in [colour=#DAA520]""He is outside right now Working on the course! And of course your Highness, he will take you to him Wont you Angel?" [/colour]She said as she smacked him on the back with her wing. She chuckled and started to limp to the exit. Twilight giggled and looked to Angel Snapp. [colour=#800080]"Shall we be off?" [/colour]

Flashbomb and Clouddasher were hard at work with the other courses. They helped Rainbow Dash form several clouds into many obsticals for the course, helped Soarin set up the release units for who knows what he had in store. They as well helpped carry so many heavy things that they started to feel like pack mules. They were in the middle of Carrying A large Heavy cumulinimbus Cloud, flash and Cloud struggled with the weight as Cloud Chaser Couldnt decide where it should go for her part of the test. [colour=#EE82EE]"Um i dont know, Put it over there." [/colour]She said. They carried the cloud to the spot. They grunted with the weight, their legs buckling with the Very soaked cloud. [colour=#EE82EE]"Um.......no.....put it there....." [/colour]She said pointing her hoof to a new location. Flash rolled his eyes and tried to carry the same weight as CloudDasher to ballance it evenly. They moved once more, and Cloud Chaser didnt look to Sure. They were going to be there forever at this rate.

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Dawn trotted out, and teleported herself to the Academy. [colour=#40e0d0]"Hey everypony!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled as she landed next to Spitfire and Twilight.[/colour]

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[colour=#800080]"And this is the runway where you." [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Sundial stopped. Right in front of her was what she was looking for. The grey pegasus, with blue eyes, and a wrench for a cutie mark. He still had his black mane and such a long tail that it made her feel like she did in the past. She was staring at Gizmo.[/colour]

[colour=#daa520]"Gizmo!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sundial said as she tackled the grey pegasus.[/colour]


[colour=#daa520]"Gizmo I've missed you so much!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She repeated to kiss the confused pegasus several times.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swift Blitz trotted forward. [/colour][colour=#800080]"What's going on?"[/colour]

[colour=#DAA520]"I've found him! I've found my gizmo!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said very happily and proceeded to bounce around for a few times.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Gadget stumbled to his hooves and had a very confused face. [/colour][colour=#0000CD]"What?"[/colour]

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After Twilight had talked to Gadget. Lyria appeared next to Angel. She asked how they were doing and Twilight told her she was doing fine. AngelSnapp looked over at her and Smiled "[colour=#800000]Im great[/colour]" He told her. Angel was about to apologize and trot off but Twilight stoped him with a sentence [colour=#800080]Actually i was asking Angel snapp here if He knew were Flashbomb was. Could you show me where he is?" [/colour]Angel was about to open his mouth and say SpitFire probably would show her where FlashBomb was but she ended up pinning the Duty back on him. She gave him a slap on the back with her wing as she said "[colour=#DAA520]Wont you Angel[/colour]" Angel smiled and said "[colour=#800000]Yes ma'am[/colour]" He would have questioned the order but there was Royalty in front of him. He wasn't about to embarrass his CO and himself. Dawn appeared next to Twilight. Angel nodded that he was fine, He had meet the Unicorn before. (He didnt see the wings yet) Twilight asked if they should be off. Angel Smiled "[colour=#800000]Of course your Highness, Right this way[/colour]" He motioned for her to follow behind him. He looked back to Lyria, They would have to talk later.

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Lyria smiled. [colour=#800080]"Talk to you later Angel. Hi Da-!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Lyria gasped at her friend. [/colour][colour=#800080]"You have wings?!?"[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"Yeah. My mum gave me them. Pretty snazzy huh?!"[/colour]

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Twilight smiled at Dawn and followed Angel Snapp out of the building to where Flashbomb would be. Sh heard the clanking of Armor behind her which assured her That Velocity and Shimmer were right behind them.

Flash sighed when Cloud Chaser still couldnt choose where the cloud should go. [colour=#0000FF]"Cloud Chaser, could you hurry it up please......no mean to be rude but i am getting kinda Fatiuged." [/colour]He grunted with the weight on his back. He pushed harder to keep his end of the weight Evened out still.

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Shimmer had snickered as Twilight poked her brother, who looked rather sheepish afterwards. The siblings followed her and Angel as they were lead towards Flash and the rest. Velocity watched them struggling with the cloud. He cleared his throat, [colour=#daa520]"Permission to help them with that Princess?"[/colour]

Shimmer stayed relatively silent, sighing silently as she felt an added weight on her head from Drell landing on her helmet. She looked up at the bird without moving her head, and he looked right back at her as if to say, "I'm not budging." And he wouldn't, lest she shook her head violently, and her dignity prohibited such things. The raven made a small noise in his throat, acknowledging his victory.

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CloudDasher Grunted a little "[colour=#00ffff]You getting tired FlashBomb? This is.... Easy[/colour]" She joked. She looked over to see AngelSnapp and TwilightSparkle approach There were two guards with her as well.. CloudDasher's eyes widened with surprise. She concentrated on hold up the cloud as they came closer. One of the guards offered their help "[colour=#00ffff]Heh... Please.. This is nothing." [/colour]She honestly would have loved a extra hoof, But she wanted to show she was usefull. Partly because Angel was there and Partly because TwilightSparkle herself was there as well.. This was no time to show weakness in her opinion.

AngelSnapp lead the group to the other side of the runway where FlashBomb and CloudDasher were. He stepped aside "[colour=#800000]There he is ma'am. Ill stay here incase you need any further help.[/colour]" He said politely.

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Angel looked over. Lyria trotted over to him along with Dawn. Lyria stood by him and Angel put his wing on her shoulder. He decided at this point Twilight wouldn't mind if he showed some PDA

CloudDasher laughed "[colour=#00ffff]Im fine. Really! Dont worry about it Mister[/colour]" She yelled over at the guard. "[colour=#00ffff]You save your muscle for a real princess.[/colour]" She joked at him.

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Flash continued to huff with the weight, He was just about done with this nonsense when Cloud Chaser squeaked[colour=#00FFFF] [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]"Perfect!" [/colour]( i know the text is pink i cant find the right colour) Flash grunted and looked to Cloud Dasher [colour=#0000FF]"On the count of three let it go.....1....2....3!!" [/colour]He yelled as they shot out from under the cloud. Since it was so heavy with moisture the cloud hit the runway. Flash was trying to catch his breath [colour=#0000FF]"He......hey guys.....whats......up?......"[/colour]He said trying to center himself. Eventually he stood up fully and flapped his wings, [colour=#0000FF]"Hello Twilight, Shimmer, Velocity. Thats some fine armor you have on. Seems very,very heavy!" [/colour]He commented. He looked back to Twilight with a Raised eyebrow, [colour=#0000FF]"So whats new?"[/colour] He questioned all of them, his gaze swept across the group and landed on Angel Snap whom was Showing PDA for Lyria.

Twilight stepped forward and floated a mask out of her saddlebag. [colour=#800080]"Ive finnished my Research on the masks. Thanks to you and Dawn we were able to mass produce the original model, provide more improved ones to The higher ranking guards and i have even made Mach2 Models for only a few. Velocity and Shimmer have had them Incorperated into their armor so they are more combat complient models. But yours, it is made to Increase your speed, Agility, and stamina by 500%. But only in small 20 seacond bursts sadly. The magic core is small so it can only work for limited times." [/colour]She said with a wink. Flash took the mask and looked it over. It semed the same grey mask from before. He looked around the group and raised an eyebrow questionably.

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(It's all good.)

Velocity shrugged at Flashbomb's comment about the seeming weight of their armor, [colour=#DAA520]"A little. You get used to it."[/colour] He said in a jokingly arrogant tone.

He and Shimmer took Twilight's talking about the mask as a hint. Shimmer seized the chance to smack Drell off of her head as she reached up to pull the mask down as Velocity did the same. As soon as the masks were in place they sealed themselves onto the faces of the guards, spreading the body armor under what they were already wearing. The raven had taken to the air with an indignant squawk when he was hit.

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CloudDasher whiped the sweat from her brow and trotted over to the rest of the group. She looked around. AngelSnapp, FlashBomb, Lyria, Dawn, TwilightSparkle and the Two guards were in the group. CloudDasher turned her attention to the one guard who had offered to help. He was dressed in what seemed like really heavy and Hi-Tech armor. A mask was in place so they could pull them down. It looked really uncomfortable. She imagined it was like 1000x worse than the WonderBolt FlightSuits. She realized she was staring and quickly averted her gaze to the sky where a few pony's were making clouds into bleachers for the Pegasi who were going to watch the final test. She wished her Parents would have been there, Unfortunately they traveled a lot and were currently in Detrot. it didnt matter though. They would get photos from AngelSnapp, That she was Sure of. She smiled a little, She was going to make this test look like cake. She yawned a little. Suddenly a bird was in sight as if it came out of no-where. CloudDasher looked down to see the masks had been lowered and the armor was somewhat different as well.

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Flash stared in amazement at the transformation of the masks, they had changed colours and the cutie marks formed as well on each side of the mask. He saw that they had become much more battle ready and he honestly felt a pang of unease. He looked to Twilight anf and Dawn He had just now noticed that Dawn was an Alicorn [colour=#0000FF]"Wow! first these masks and Dawn is an alicorn what could get any better?"[/colour]He said in exitement. He nudged Cloud dasher [colour=#0000FF]"Hey thanks for the help setting up the course." [/colour]He said to her. He looked over to Angel snapp [colour=#0000FF]"I hope you got your camera buddy. This course will be great!" [/colour]He said with a wide smile. He then realized how much he had ignored Angel Snapp in the recent weeks and felt a pang of sadness. [colour=#0000FF]"And i appologise man......i didnt mean to make you feel like i was ignoring you or Lyria at all, ive been just caught up in everything." [/colour]He said as he held his hoof up for a hoofbump from Angel. [colour=#0000FF]"Pals?" [/colour]He said with a smile.

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Angel laughed and nodded to his saddle bag "[colour=#800000]I never forget it[/colour]" He told FlashBomb. He smiled and FlashBomb apologised for ignoring him for the passed few days. Angel laughed again "[colour=#800000]No worries man, You have your own life too you know. I understand if you go AWOL for a couple days[/colour]" He joked and Hoof Bumped him.

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The raven attempted to land on Shimmer again, but she shooed him off. With what would have been an indignant look could he make facial expressions, he hovered over an landed on Cloud Dasher's back. Shimmer sighed at the bird, her voice slightly muffled in an odd way by the mask, [colour=#696969]"Drell! Manners. Get off, you don't even know her." [/colour][colour=#000000]The raven however, refused to move, much to Shimmer's irritation.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Velocity nodded, stretching out his wings, [/colour][colour=#daa520]"One of the best things about these is that we can also detect a ponies by their life force."[/colour][colour=#000000] [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Flash started talking to Angel, and Velocity turned his attention elsewhere. It came to rest on Shimmer and his pet, the rather obnoxious raven Drell, who had decided to mare who'd turned down his offer of help would make a good perch. He shook his head, chuckling slightly, [/colour][colour=#daa520]"You'll have to forgive the bird. He's a bit of a pain sometimes."[/colour]

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