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New Brony, Tinkerton, says hello!


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About Myself: Artist, reader, scientist

How I found Canterlot.com: Was searching for Brony related content, and liked the name!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My wife watches, and I became hooked!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle

A new Brony here, so new in fact I'm still figuring out exactly what a Brony is. Watched the show on Netflix and fell in love! I'm not exactly getting a lot of love and toleration from my roommates, so I'm reaching out to the interwebs at large. I hear there is a huge MLP community out there, and I'm hoping I found it!

I don't draw well at all, but I'm big into art, music, and tinkering with technology.

I look forward to getting to know everypony and make some new friends!


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Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Unfortunately I really don't draw anything yet, though I've always wanted to. I'm just getting started in graphic and audio arts (I do the multimedia for my church). I might start trying to draw MLP style, because its something I enjoy. Who knows?

So, whenever I get a chance to look around (my life is so busy, it's NOT funny) what is there to do and see around here?


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I see you are a scientist...

I too am a scientist. It is a pleasure meeting another whom deals with science. I only wish I was creative enough for the arts though... I'm horrible! I'll be lucky if I can draw a stick figure!

As for things to do...? Well! There is RP (Fantastic RP btw), Games area, General Discussion, Chit Chat. We even have a chat room! There's lots to do! Hope to see you around!

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I will definitely be checking out the RP section soon, Starswirl! It's amazing how science and creativity (drawing, stories, and designing experiments, etc.) can often work together.

Thanks for the welcome, Frost! That brought a smile to my face. :-)


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Music you say?! XD I love love LOVE music!

Erm, Welcome to Canterlot! I you're ever looking for some friends or just someone to talk to, don't be afraid to say hi to someony :) And you and I must talk about music sometime!

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