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A light blue coated unicorn sat outside the Everfree Forest, patting his dog Miles on the head. His white stetson protected his giant eyes from Celestia's raging sun as he lay propped against the tree near the entrance. Earlier that day, he had spread various posters around town, asking for ponies to help assemble a crew for an expedition to the uncharted continent of Extrequs. Legend has it that the continent mysteriously vanished off of Equestria thousands of years ago for no known reason. For reasons no pony could guess, it had reappeared just a few days ago, and the ponies of Equestria were already starting to come up with crazy speculations. Though Celestia's Royal Guard had been posted in all towns near the coast to keep everypony from trying anything, the light blue unicorn had other ideas. All he needed was a crew to pull it off, and he would wait until he got one.

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Knight wandered the border of the Everfree Forest. Some poster told him that somepony needed a crew to go to some oddly named country he never heard of. He was cool with anything though. Eventually, he ran into an interesting looking blue unicorn wearing a hat and petting a dog. Before even greeting the unicorn, Knight swept up the dog and nuzzled it. [colour=#b22222]"You're so cute! Yes you is!" [/colour]He repeated to it as it licked his face. He then saw what he did, and laughed, releasing the dog. [colour=#b22222]"Hey dude!" [/colour]He greeted the unicorn in a friendly manner. [colour=#b22222]"I'm Knight. Are you the dude lookin' for a posse? I'd like to join!" [/colour]He extended his pale yellow hoof for a hoofbump.

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The blue stallion looked up, a piece of wheat clenched between his teeth. He returned the hoofbump and rose from his place against the tree. [colour=#008080]"Yep, that's me. The name's Six String, by the way. I didn't actually expect any strangers to come here, but it's definitely a welcome surprise,"[/colour] he stated, his voice resembling that of an Australian. [colour=#008080]"So, why're you interested in travellin' to Extrequs? Any particular reason?"[/colour] he asked, scooping up Miles.

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The blue unicorn introduced himself as Six String, and asked why he wanted to go to Extrequs. [colour=#b22222]"I dunno, just sounded awesome. I've got nothin' better to do, so I though 'what the hay' and came down here." [/colour]He explained to Six with a shrug. [colour=#b22222]"What exactly is Extra... Extra..." [/colour]Knight put a hoof up to his chin, wiping away his messy, crimson, black-tipped mane. [colour=#b22222]"Whatever it's called. What is it?"[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"Well, it's sort of a place of legend. Thousands of years ago, probably before Celestia or Luna's time, it disappeared off the face of the planet without explanation. Now, for reasons I can't begin to guess, it reappeared just a few days ago. Even though Celestia has decreed that nopony shall go there, as well as stationing her guard there to make sure they stay in line, I have other ideas," [/colour][colour=#000000]he explained.[/colour] He raised a map of the planet (it was a rather small planet, so it was easy to package onto a small paper) and pointed to a vacant patch of water. [colour=#008080]"It's right here; it isn't on the maps yet. Apparently, it used to be a lively place before it disappeared... I wonder if anyone's still there?"[/colour] he asked out loud. He heard a noise and looked down, seeing the dog whimpering. He let him down, to which the dog responded to by snuggling against Knight's leg. [colour=#008080]"His name's Miles, by the way,"[/colour] he said, gesturing towards the dog. [colour=#008080]"I think he likes you."[/colour]

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Six explained a bit about Extrequs. Knight didn't quite get how an entire island could suddenly disappear, but shrugged it off as magic. Knight began nuzzling the dog again as he started snuggling about again Knight. Six told him that his name was Miles. [colour=#b22222]"D'aaaw, he's so cute!" [/colour]He said, as he knocked Miles over and started rubbing his belly. [colour=#b22222]"Dogs are the best!" [/colour]He had a quick idea. [colour=#b22222]"Hey, wanna' play fetch?" [/colour]Knight levitated out the wooden sword strapped to his back. After a moment of dangling it in front of Miles, he threw it, and Miles chased after it, then returned it. [colour=#b22222]"Fast little guy." [/colour]Knight noted, sheathing his sword again. [colour=#b22222]"So, are we leaving now or waiting for some others, or what?"[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"Well, I'm still waiting, but we could go ask around town if you get bored easy," [/colour]he explained. [colour=#008080]"And yeah, Miles is pretty cute. I got him a couple'a years back when I was lost in the Everfree Forest. I was out there searchin' for something to eat when I was ambushed and cornered by a few wild animals. I didn't have my knife with me, so I woulda been dead if Miles didn't come along like he did. He even managed to find me a way out; good thing too, I was running dangerously low on supplies." [/colour][colour=#000000]He continued. [/colour][colour=#008080]"After saving my hide, I thanked him and left, but he followed me all the way home. I eventually let him start following me around and he's grown on me. Now he's my best (and only) friend when I'm out there, alone in the wilderness." [/colour]Having finished his tale, he rose to all fours and stretched his legs. [colour=#008080]"Yeah, I think going to town would be the best idea right now anyways. I still got one particular mare to ask anyways. You comin'?"[/colour]

(By the way, Miles is a white wolf. I didn't think any other breeds would work in the "Everfree" scenario.)

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Six told Knight the story of meeting Miles. Knight thought it was really cute, and continually rubbed Miles' belly while listening. He then announced that they would be going to town. Knight perked his ear up at a certain word. [colour=#b22222]"Mare? Did you say... Mare?" [/colour]He asked, as he stood up. [colour=#b22222]"I suppose if you insist, we must go to town then." [/colour]He said sarcastically, shrugging his hooves.

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[colour=#008080]"Don't get any ideas, funny guy,"[/colour] he said jokingly as he shuffled through his saddlebag. [colour=#008080]"I'm only there to ask her if she wants to come on the trip. She said she would think about it, and I'm going there to see if she's made up her mind yet. And she's just a friend, alright?"[/colour] He said. He pulled a canteen out of his saddle with his magic and drank the contents. Shortly after, he looked at the stallion in front of him. [colour=#008080]"I like ya, kid. You've got a good sense of humor. Now, let's go get Delilah."[/colour] He started a slow trot towards Ponyville, intent on meeting his friend at her home.

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Compass Rose stared at the poster, using her magic to levitate it in front of her. The light lavender mare was tall, her magic a deep pink. Cerulean eyes scanned the poster, taking in the information. After the third scan through, the unicorn rolled the poster up and headed towards the location. The location was vague, probably because whomever put them out didn't want to get in trouble with Celestia. The unicorn stopped short when she saw two stallions and... a wolf? approaching her heading back to town.

Compass' ears flattened as she surveyed them wondering if they were looking for the group meeting place as well. As they got closer she cleared her throat, falling perfectly in step with the light blue unicorn. "I'm a bit lost. Was supposed to meet somepony, but I seem to be unable to find them."

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Six seemed to notice Knight's intentions, and gave a ghost of a warning against it. Knight, obviously, didn't pay attention to that as he prepared for what to say to this 'Delilah'. Before they reached Ponyville, they ended up running into somepony else. Another mare, who was apparently lost, looking for somepony. Knight took the opportunity. [colour=#b22222]"Hello, madame." [/colour]He said politely, slipping into a convincing Canterlot accent. [colour=#b22222]"I am Knight. You say you're lost, but that seems incorrect, for you have found your place in my heart." [/colour]He kissed her hoof in greeting as he remained in gentleman mode.

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Six String trotted alongside Knight, spaced out, regaining his attention when he heard a rather convincing Canterlot voice next to him. He turned and watched as his compatriot flirted with a random mare. [colour=#008080]"Eugh, Knight! Are you going to hit on every mare in town before we get to Delilah?"[/colour] He laughed and pushed him out of the way with a sly smirk, and began to talk to the mare. [colour=#008080]"I'm sorry about that, my companion here is Knight, and my dog is Miles. You said you were looking for someone here in Ponyville?"[/colour]

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Compass Rose blinked when one of the stallions actually started flirting with her. When he gave his line she laughed, the sound light hearted. "Good one. Do you have a lot of pickup lines? They're fun!" Either she knew he was hitting on her and chose to ignore it, or most likely the unicorn thought he was kidding. When he kissed her hoof, she chuckled, even blushing just a tad. "Good follow up, as well." She definitely thought he was joking.

When the other stallion finally spoke, Compass shook her head, removing a deep indigo curl from her one eye. "Compass Rose. Yes.. I saw a poster. said to meet near the forest. I assumed you two and the wolf were looking for the same group." She frowned, looking around once more. "Very well. You forgot to introduce yourself, as well. But I'll continue my search for the meeting place indicated." She offered both stallions a smile and a quick respectful bow before cheerfully trotting towards the forest, humming.

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Six String put his hoof in Compass Rose's way, obscuring her path. [colour=#008080]"Wait. I believe the stallion you're looking for is me,"[/colour] he explained as he lowered his appendage. He raised it again, extending it for a hoof shake. [colour=#008080]"I'm Six String, by the way."[/colour]

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Compass stopped short when the light blue stallion blocked her path. She looked at the raised leg, then turned to look at him. Was he playing games like the other stallion? The mare blinked at him for a moment, tilting her head to the side as she thought. "Hrm.. I believe you. So, why are you guys walking back into the city away from the meeting place?"

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The mare basically explained Knight's story of why he was there, talking about a poster and a meeting place. She was about to walk off before Six stopped her and explained that he was the one she was looking for. She seemed rather confused, asking why they weren't at the meeting place. Knight got a bit out of his gentleman character for a moment. [colour=#b22222]"He wants to meet some chick who's lookin' to join our gang." [/colour]He realized his mistake, and quickly returned. [colour=#b22222]"But clearly, she doesn't matter now that we're in the presence of a mare rivaling the princess herself in beauty." [/colour]He hit on her again.

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Six String looked at Knight incredulously as his extended hoof fell to the ground. Being the stallion he was, he did the most logical thing he could thing of: he facehoofed.[colour=#008080] "First of all, I am not seeing Delilah to hit on her," [/colour]he said, losing his joking attitude entirely and staring daggers at Knight. [colour=#008080]"Second of all, Crimson Rose just wants to know why we aren't at the meeting place, not whether or not she turns you on. If you're going to hit on her, do it in your own time or when I'm not around," [/colour]he growled. He stomped away, heading towards Delilah's house, leaving the other two ponies to themselves.

(If you haven't guessed, he's easily angered by a few topics.)

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Compass Rose chuckled, shaking her head. This Knight fellow was amusing. Her laughter was cut short when Six Strings got angry. Frowning she looked from one to the other. She wasn't flirting, as far as she knew Knight was joking. But when she was called Crimson Rose, she blinked in surprise.

She gave Knight a quick bow, "Apologies," and ran after Six Strings. "I did not mean to anger you, sir. Also, my name is Compass Rose, anger at me is no reason to purposefully get my name wrong. I apologize if I offended you. Though, I don't know how. I was not in on his joke, I assure you. I have never seen that pony before in my life."

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He turned and looked at the mare next to him. [colour=#008080]"It's... it's alright. I was just upset. I've been trying to get to Delilah for hours, but we keep getting stopped or interrupted. And sorry for calling you 'Crimson Rose,' I mess up stuff like that when I'm angry. I should be the one apologizing, Knight was just joking,"[/colour] he said.[colour=#008080] "Anyways, we're just going to see Delilah before we head off to start the journey to see if she wants to come. Go get Knight, I'll meet you guys there,"[/colour] he said as he trotted away.

(Midnight, you can join in now! =3)

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Knight giggled silently when Six started getting angry with Knight. He stomped off, followed shortly by Compass. Knight trotted over to them, just hearing the end of their apologies. Another mare then asked if she could join the group. Even though he knew he wasn't the leader, he jumped ahead of Six. [colour=#b22222]"There is always room for a beautiful mare in my life." [/colour]He said, giving her hoof a kiss as well. [colour=#b22222]"I am Knight."[/colour]

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nice to..meet you?" rose being a bit flattered she looked over to the other pony's and raised a eyebrow looking back she tried her best to put on a fake smile, setting her hoof on the ground gently and bowing toward knight, walking toward the others.

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Compass Rose sighed with relief, smiling at Six Strings, "Excellent. Now we are on good terms. Your friend seems preoccupied." She motioned with her head to Knight and the new mare, "Seems your expedition will be mostly mares, Mister Six Strings." Instead of going to Knight and Rose she walked with Six Strings, looking around. "I'll go get some supplies, if you don't mind. It won't wake long.. Where can I meet you afterwards?"

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