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About Myself: Uhm ... Well.

I'm a professional animator/illustrator living in Nevada. It's an interesting career, but I find that it suits me. I have an intense love for cartoons of all kinds. They're probably my favorite thing in the world, and I love nothing more than dorking about the elaborate history of animation. Aside from the obvious, I like music --- specifically the Barenaked Ladies. I don't really play any instruments (although I wish I did!), though I do have working knowledge of a 12-hole ocarina, and actually own a nice little Alto-C from Taiwan. C: I enjoy casual gaming, namely things like Pokemon and Animal Crossing. I used to play more, but the current line-up has been a little too heavy on action for me in most instances. Although I am looking forward to Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" in June.

Second to cartoons is animals. I love animals. I'm especially fond of rodents, and have a couple of pet rats of my own. I find they make excellent companions, and are really easy to train/handle with a little effort.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: A friend of mine sent me a link to the Winter Wrap-Up song back when Season 1 was first starting. I fell in love with the song, and decided to give the show a shot. Started from Episode 1, and I've been watching ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle

That's me! You can call me Keyframe. I'm a bit of a dorky pegasus, and a little shy ... But I'm really excited to meet everypony, and get involved in some fun roleplay adventures.

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Thanks for the welcome, everyone. ^^

@Jane -

They seemawful, but they're very different from wild rats. They're actually like a blend of dogs and cats (one of my previous ones used to lick my cheek). They're actually very tidy, very easy to care for pets. c: Some people can't get beyond the scaly tail part, though, or the whole rat part. But, really. They're very fluffy little critters, and very nice.

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