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Hello Everypony!


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About Myself: See below

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Friend showed me.

Full story below.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
[colour=#0000ff]About Myself:[/colour] I'm new to forums and couldn't figure this out. I'll be honest... i'm a bit of a clutz. :( The name's Firbolt. I'm a blank flank. Eventhough I haven't gotten my cutie mark. I'm positive I'm on the right track to getting it. After all I already know I have an admiration for speed. But I guess there's more to discover. I'm not competitive surprisingly enough given my talent. I just like to fly fast. I came here hoping to join my fellow fast flyers(say that ten times fast!) and have fun. I'm not just in to speed though. I'm a fan of fine arts as well. Specifically Designs of any materialistic sort Such as paintings or dresses and music. I lack any natural talent for it. But I do enjoy seeing what other come up with. Other than that I'm over all very friendly and easy going.

[colour=#0000ff]How I found Canterlot.com[/colour]: Yaaaa... I goggled it. :)

[colour=#0000ff]How I became a fan of MLP:FiM:[/colour] So it all started when I saw my friend roleplaying as Rainbow Dash. See the artwork really started to twist in my mind. "maybe I ought to look in to this show." I never found the time too. After trying to get me in to the genre for a about 3 months she sent my the last 2 episodes to season two. I was so drawn in that I watched all three seasons. Now I can't even sleep with out watching at least one episode. It's like a bed time story for me.

[colour=#0000ff]My favourite main cast pony/s:[/colour] Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash

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Welcome to Canterlot, ThePhoenix. Forums are fun, you'll soon get the hang of it. I'm a bit of a klutz too, myself.

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Thank you very much, All of you. I'm really looking forward to my stay here. I've taken a look around already and everyone seems quiet friendly indeed. :) Also i'm most thankful for the Site Rules on the moderators tab. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I was so restricted and couldn't post any topics anywhere but here. I thought I had already found the rules the first time and understood them. For a moment I felt like Derpy. "I just don't know what went wrong." But now I see that I need 3 posts before I can move from the itroduction area.

With that said. I want to do my part now in welcoming others as well. So they can feel the same friendship I do. :)

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