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Greetings from beyond the Screen.


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About Myself: I'm just a nerd that likes mlp, loves gaming, and hope to have a good time Rping on the site.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for a good RP site, looks like i found a great one.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: a bit of a story here, if you have the time.

You see two years ago I was a naive young hater who was surrounded by like minded fellows... but one day I decided I might as well give the show a try.... so i sat down for three episodes (I didn't want to accidentally watch 'that one episode' that every show seems to have).

In the first Episode I watched, The colourful cast and writing hooked me Instantly... so i sat down for the second and loved it as well... after that, against my friends wishes, a brony was born.

two years later I'm still loving the show and my friends are all a lot more open minded or even bronies themselves.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Why not all? * Que Mexican flash mob*

Everypony is best pony!

(however Rainbow dash was the one that most hooked me most at first and helped me the most to become a brony... so she always has a little place in my heart.) :20:

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Hi, nice to meet you! It's great to see you in Canterlot, welcome! It's quite nice that you got to watch My Little Pony! Say, do you have a Rainbow Dash toy? Like one of those minis, or maybe the ones that are small enough for a super tiny hairbrush?

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