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About Myself: I live in Illinois, in the midwest USA. My choice of activities can be fairly broad as far as preference, but usually I find myself coming back to things such as: Writing, and also proofreading/editing; Baking, I make some of the best darn banana nut bread you'll ever taste; Video games, preferably with an actual person to match up against; and of course, conversation, which can encompass everything from movie reviews to philosophical discussion to imaginative idea brainstorming sessions. I especially like the latter. xD

How I found Canterlot.com: By googling for MLP forums!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well actually, I didn't start by watching the show; at least not directly. I started off by finding a crossover video series on YouTube called 'Turnabout Storm' - I was into a game called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney at the time, and ended up finding a crossover between that and MLP:FiM. I was skeptical at first, but after watching it for a while I became quite interested, started digging deeper into the community... and the rest is history. ^^

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
P.S: I usually like Twilight Sparkle for her quirky personality and spirit, but the rest are great to watch, as well. Rarity is dramatic without being a snob, bringing a huge breath of fresh air for me, and Applejack has a very good balance of traits and morals; her Element is the one I identify with most, too.

Hell-o there, everyone! I would like to start off by thanking miss Rosewind for reminding me of my manners and telling me to go make an introductory post for myself, before I did anything else (like ask for help on a project). Well, let's see here...

My bronification came some months ago, and in that time I've continued to dig deeper and deeper into the community surrounding MLP:FiM. Most often, I go by the same name on a popular MLP fanfiction site, www.FiMfiction.net . I am still in the process of exploring the vast depth of stories, blogs, forums and people involved, and so far it has been quite a fulfilling experience for me; I am proud to say that I have received almost nothing except unconditional respect and friendship from everyone(read: everypony) that I've met and worked with thus far. I look forward to getting to know you all in the same way, and hope that I can present myself as a respectable member of your community. :)

Here is the project help request I mentioned, in case anyone is interested.

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@Rosewind Oh? Glad to hear it! I've already sent the recipe in a message to your account, actually. Hope you like it! If anyone else is interested, I suppose I could give it to you, as well - I have it in wordpad now, so it's a simple matter of copy/paste.

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